Topic: And so it Ends..  (Read 5978 times)

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Offline KHH-MiniMe

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2006, 12:10:49 am »
KCW has been awesome.....having a fun bunch of guys to fly with.....getting to know players from houses/units I usually fly against....and the increased server I've been on!

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2006, 12:48:29 am »
Hexx: It has been 3 years and a bit since ive actually played this game. Then I get an email telling me that a great server is being put together and to get my butt back online. Ive been doing the D2 since AFs server and have flown with and against some great people/pilots. I will say this. Out of all of the ones ive flown in, This has been the best one to date. Not knocking any of the others by any means as I always have a blast when its some great pvp action and the frantic flow and ebb of the map flippers..*cough* damn KATTS *cough* ;D But it just seems that as the community moves forward, the servers themselves outdo each other.

No matter what you do you cannot, and never will please everyone. There will always be those who wont see all the hard work it is putting together a server and then putting up with all the constant headaches with the map, shiplist, fighterlist, movement, draft radius, game speed, ai list, missions, etc etc etc...Not to mention some people who are less than appreciative.

I really hope you change your mind bud. Please take a look at all the people you have made happier than heck!!!

I betcha my D7W(with Bondo and all!!)  its at LEAST 20-1 odds!!!

Besides...How else can I get away with tbombing Shadowlord?!?!

You CANT take that away from meeeee!!!!


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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2006, 12:55:39 am »
All I gotta say is: WTF?!?  Your gonna tell me that I sat there and towed asteriods around with an FCW to kill D7Ls for no reason?!? I THINK NOT!

Back on the server, short stuff!  ;D
Old Geezer

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Offline [KBF]MuadDib

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2006, 02:17:35 am »
well im sure LK will say the same thing...KCW is fun...

KCW brought alot of people out of retirement and from GSA...and they came for KCW Hexx...thats something we have not seen in a long time...and you did that by putting up KCW... :woot:

it was really nice to see so many playing...

hopefully things can be resolved and we can continue...


server burped and made me a little worried...thought server was gone...

thanks DH and Bonk...!!!
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 02:34:13 am by MuadDib »
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Offline Kougar_XC

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #24 on: January 27, 2006, 04:24:11 am »
Well, I take a (needed) break after I have the c7 overthrown out from under me and later lose my first 3v3 for the server, and I come back to find this? Well I have a few things I'd like to say... (That don't actually involve ship kills):

First: I think this has been one of the best servers I've played on. This should mean alot, because I was playing on the Taldren East/West/Central servers the day I got this game, and Mplayer too. This server did several things that should have been done a long time ago, which I have very much enjoyed. Namely that everyone is flying the same ships, and they are all not uber... This was one reason I didn't really mind losing my c7 command (Even if I'd have jumped on a chance for a C10k, whatever the drone control  ;D). The 1v1s have been great, these are what I really play for...

Second: I can understand your lack of interest in SFC, even without all of that literal "crap" filling your inboxes. Your KCW server is the only reason I'm still back to playing on the D2, I had lost interest and considered it a waste of time a good while back. Your server took care of many of my gripes, and was tuned towards making things even across all the players. As mentioned above, I've seen and heard of countless old (Maybe downright ancient, from my perspective?) players returning to play KCW, which must say something about your server, and this is not even mentioning the very large number of names I recognize directly from GSA, which is usually a completely separate side of SFC. Should I even mention you've managed to put together one of the most stable servers I've played on that was very low maintenance as well?

I recognize that we all have to at some point (even if for some people that's when GSA or the D2 has been player dry for days on end) find another game, but I hope you don't walk away from this one on a sour note like the above. Quite a few servers as I recall had a good amount of griping, and ALL had players that got fed up with SOMETHING and would either PM or just outright post similarly to the above to deride the server, the rules, or the admin(s) running things. For those that are still reading this lengthy post (Amazements never cease), I am sure all of you can recall some name of some player that just the thought of will get you instantly annoyed or angry... This stuff happens, and is to be expected.

Thank you Hexx, for the lengthy amount of work you have put into KCW. No person should expect a perfect server...(we all know this game has it's inherent & built-in flaws) but yours was pretty close and I appreciate your attempts to keep it going straight the course, even after you hit rough water pretty early on... I hope that those personal RL issues will work themselves out for you, and that you are able to find another game as addictive as SFC has been for many of us (That you enjoy, of course!).

(Who also wonders if he's exceeded the maximum post character limit yet)

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #25 on: January 27, 2006, 04:48:38 am »
I will echo what many have already said if nothing else to add my voice to the choir of supporters. For FSD this server has been a blast, the challenge option has been great, nothing like dropping the stick and going at it on GSA then everyone rushing back to the server to see who log on first.

All of the matches I have been in have all been nail biters and every team or player we played have played with honour and usually comment on how much fun they are having. For FSD and the House of Demons we have a lot of first time players to the servers and I am yet to hear one negative comment about the server. Ususally it is a lot of laughing at each other especially when one runs into a rock or gets a little to close to a planet.

My biggest bitch this server is about the purple hoard that keeps attacking our northern edge and keeps us distracted from attacking KHH, but being stuck in the middle of two great houses has given us nothing but a target rich PVP environment and when we fail to hook up we just throw up a challenge and get a match anyway.

If you do want to see what fun your server has truly been I would like to invite you to fly with the House of D'emon for an evening and enjoy yourself with us as we hunt down the infidels from the Green, Purple and soon we hope Blue buggers too! (come on Chutt make a line to the Demons)  ;D

Again KCW ROCKS!!!
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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #26 on: January 27, 2006, 07:08:58 am »
Did anyone besides me fly off the handle in PMs?   I'm a nut, you know that.   You also should know I should be ignored when I say something stupid.

And to anyone else who gave Hexx a hard time, back off!  He's my bitch.

Yes, take DH with a grain of salt when he goes off... at all other times listen carefully. Take my word on this. ;)

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #27 on: January 27, 2006, 07:13:28 am »
One more thing to say...

I'm thouroughly disgusted with the same players that whine and bitch. Bonk, can you get some sort of private dyna admins forum group or something together here on on sfc2net that all the dyna admins can join so we can talk about this stuff. I bet its the same players every server. If we find out its the same peeps, we tell them they cant play any future servers. We dont need players giving the admin a hard time.

I will discuss this with the administrative/moderation group and get back to you. I kinda like the idea, and think it is needed somewhat. The forum would be considerably more restricted in access than the current Dyna admins forums, but its existence would be public (as this suggestion is anyway) so that players would know we would be keeping notes. It really shouldn't be necessary but it just might be a good idea.

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #28 on: January 27, 2006, 07:21:10 am »

#1) Thanks for all the work you put into this, it brought a bunch of players back and by far the majority has had a great time. (squeaky wheel principle applies)

#2) Don't burn any bridges, even if you do we'll just rebuild them. ;) (trust me, I know, the bridge arsonist in me has been put down here many times, to the benefit of my personal character)

#3) I hope things work out in your own personal issues.

#4) Next time I'm in town maybe drb and I will track you down to go out for a few beers and a pep talk / commiseration session?

Either way, take your time, look out for #1, you're our favorite vertically challenged lyran bastard no matter what.  ;D  :-*

Offline KHH_Mrogue

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #29 on: January 27, 2006, 07:46:03 am »
Hexx, this server has brought back more than a couple of SFC folks...  Seems like a family reunion...  I teach High School Biology and if I worried about all the people I pi$$ off, I wouldn't be able to sleep.   WE (as a community) ask a question, you give us an answer.  We may not agree, but we're still here and...


We appreciate all you do!!!!


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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #30 on: January 27, 2006, 08:00:04 am »
Holy <expletive deleted> that's alot of posts to read

<sigh> I should never be allowed to post after drinking, I'm a drama queen at the best of times but..
I mean how many time's have I "quit" in the past couple of years anyway..

Anyway- It's not (even though i suppose I said it was) because of people who said mean and nasty things about me (I'm used to that) It is because -like may of you- I've just got a ton of crap goping on right now in the business/ personally and I'm just not in the mood to deal with it and all the little snipes from KCW- This is me being selfish and whiny, not you guys

I don't like the competiveness that drives some people, bu then again it's that spirit
that's kept the game going for so long.

Really- all hte thanks should go to DH and Bonk. DH is the guy I send the half assed shiplists and
map off to, and Bonk's done a ton of work behind the scenes. Those two guys are the reasons why it's been stable.

Honestly the peeps sending PM's aren't the reason either- many of them I'm sure have come from frustration regarding my own inability to get the rules across as I intended them to come out- and for the record I'm convinced that I'm about to hit on a better set of rules than have ever been done on a dyna before-they're not there yet but they're close.

But- as I said- I have no interest in playing the game right now, I simply don't- I mean look at the number of you out there that i should be hunting down or challenging and I haven't bothered.
Kougar's around ,Madelf's been spotted,-tow of the best pilots who I should be dying to kill, The Entire KBF, DH, t00l's flying Klink and I haven't even bothered to hunt him down. I simply have no interest in it.

Anyway- before this gets to long- I think everyone can (hopefully) run by the rules in place now.
and DH for all intents and purposes runs my servers anyway so it should (hopefully) keep running .

So no need for posts trying to blame peeps, this is simply me wussing out.

And let's be honest- I'm sure I'll be around, I just want the server to run and provide some entertainment for everyone rather than depending on what I tell someone in a PM regarding a certain rule.
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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #31 on: January 27, 2006, 12:27:36 pm »
Well  Hexx, take a much needed break then bud.  BTW, that offer to fly a night with D'Emons stands.  We would gladly welcome you some evening for a mess of fun. Besides, I dont think you and I have ever had the chance to wing together.

AS per rules, perhaps someone else would be willing to step up and moderate the rules(make rulings when ruling questions arise)? 

If no one seriously takes it, I will volunteer.  I realize that I am also a House Leader, but would do my best to use the rules to the exact way they are written, reguardless of who or which team is asking clarification, so someone else volunteer  ;)

TY for everything you have done Hexx, and you are right, the rules are getting close to being what I foresee as the rules to follow for many more campaigns to come.

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #32 on: January 27, 2006, 12:35:42 pm »
Hexx i wasn't even going to play this one cause i'm bored too  but curiosity got the better of me, i logged on and it has been fun from the word go.. i like the laid back atmospher and the way people like to have pvp.. man this is a good job u have done, i will keep playin for the fun of it.. i just love the way i keep flyin frigs due to loosing my ships to better players  :)  Thank you for settin it up man.. Truth is i can't be bothered with rules and never read em, i just find out along the way , thx to informed players

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #33 on: January 27, 2006, 12:54:30 pm »


You can't leave.  I just got back from a business trip and I haven't had the chance to log on and kill you yet.

You've let other players kill you in KCW, but not me.  Why quit now?  You're just trying to throw the game in favor of another player, aren't you?

(Best of luck with the business/personal issues.)

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Offline Kougar_XC

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #34 on: January 27, 2006, 04:16:01 pm »
t00l's flying Klink and I haven't even bothered to hunt him down. I simply have no interest in it.

What if I said he's worth a free kill in 1v1s when flying klingon vs klingon?  ;D

* Kougar_XC locks his office door at XC HQ and unplugs the phone for the day, while looking up the number for a place that sells good bottles of scotch just incase...

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #35 on: January 27, 2006, 07:39:37 pm »
Hexx, I'll bet if you ask reeeal nice Sten will let you play one of his accounts on Galaxies :P  ;D...

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Re: And so it Ends..
« Reply #36 on: January 27, 2006, 08:38:04 pm »
Thank you Hexx, and see you around :)

Thanks for all the help TRYING to get me runnign properly :lol: the mission are fun, the afterparty or rather lack there of is what gets me (atleast i dont get one :P)
Alternate universe:  Khan was banished for preserving the peace. The Genesis device was really a super weapon and kirk had planned to use it on the klingons. Chekov found the Botany Bay and khan hijakced and killed the evil reliant crew in an effort to destroy the genesis device.    Ahh i love it :D The alternate universe rocks.