Well, I take a (needed) break after I have the c7 overthrown out from under me and later lose my first 3v3 for the server, and I come back to find this? Well I have a few things I'd like to say... (That don't actually involve ship kills):
First: I think this has been one of the best servers I've played on. This should mean alot, because I was playing on the Taldren East/West/Central servers the day I got this game, and Mplayer too. This server did several things that should have been done a long time ago, which I have very much enjoyed. Namely that everyone is flying the same ships, and they are all not uber... This was one reason I didn't really mind losing my c7 command (Even if I'd have jumped on a chance for a C10k, whatever the drone control

). The 1v1s have been great, these are what I really play for...
Second: I can understand your lack of interest in SFC, even without all of that literal "crap" filling your inboxes. Your KCW server is the only reason I'm still back to playing on the D2, I had lost interest and considered it a waste of time a good while back. Your server took care of many of my gripes, and was tuned towards making things even across all the players. As mentioned above, I've seen and heard of countless old (Maybe downright ancient, from my perspective?) players returning to play KCW, which must say something about your server, and this is not even mentioning the very large number of names I recognize directly from GSA, which is usually a completely separate side of SFC. Should I even mention you've managed to put together one of the most stable servers I've played on that was very low maintenance as well?
I recognize that we all have to at some point (even if for some people that's when GSA or the D2 has been player dry for days on end) find another game, but I hope you don't walk away from this one on a sour note like the above. Quite a few servers as I recall had a good amount of griping, and ALL had players that got
fed up with SOMETHING and would either PM or just outright post similarly to the above to deride the server, the rules, or the admin(s) running things. For those that are still reading this lengthy post (Amazements never cease), I am sure all of you can recall some name of some player that just the thought of will get you instantly annoyed or angry... This stuff happens, and is to be expected.
Thank you Hexx, for the lengthy amount of work you have put into KCW. No person should expect a perfect server...(we all know this game has it's inherent & built-in flaws) but yours was pretty close and I appreciate your attempts to keep it going straight the course, even after you hit rough water pretty early on... I hope that those personal RL issues will work themselves out for you, and that you are able to find another game as addictive as SFC has been for many of us (That you enjoy, of course!).
(Who also wonders if he's exceeded the maximum post character limit yet)