Topic: SFB Gorn Font - Now Fixed  (Read 4351 times)

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Offline MajorRacal

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SFB Gorn Font - Now Fixed
« on: January 26, 2006, 04:54:28 pm »
A little OT I know, but I've been working on creating a font based on the SFB Gorn characters.  I think I've managed (at least it appears on screen as I intended), but strangely it appears as 'untitled' in the lists and I can't seem to get it to change.  Can anyone help, or does anyone know anyone who can help me fix this?

If I can sort it out, I'm intending to run with SFB's Kzinti, ISC, Hydran and Lyran character sets too (and others if there are any) - if anyone can let me know what the phonetic equivalents to any of these characters (and the Gorn) are, that would also be beneficial.

If you're interested in the font as is, you can download from here:

MajorRacal  ;D
« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 09:16:52 am by MajorRacal »

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Re: OT - Anyone Know About Fonting?
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2006, 12:45:12 am »
I loaded it into FCP, and had no problem naming it.  I installed it, and the name showed up just fine.  Since I've never used Fontagropher, I have no idea what the problem might be.  I did notice you had no author or version information, just the defaults the program generated.   I'll e-mail the named font to you to do with as you like. maybe you can load it and see if fontagropher deletes the new name.

Offline MajorRacal

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Gorn Font - Now Fixed
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2006, 02:58:24 am »
Thanks go to Johanobesus, he has fixed the problem for me. The correctly named font is available from the link above.

« Last Edit: January 27, 2006, 05:53:01 am by MajorRacal »

Offline Kana

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Re: SFB Gorn Font - Now Fixed
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2006, 06:39:59 pm »
For the ISC, they use a binary symbol all you have to do is find out what the alphabet is in binary look on page 30 of Module R6 and page 33 Module C2  it has a few ISC binary codes that could be used as a font sort of.  I think I have some Gorn stuff around here as well I'll have to look and such...and if I do I will scan and send it to you anything else I find...

Edit: Found these links...

Also some minature paint info that isn't up on SFB website was printed in the Nexus magazine...these were before Captains Log's.  I had a bunch of these but seem to have lost them in a move.   I have a few...I will drag them out tonite and scan what I have...else you might find them on ebay.  They are supposed to include alphabets and character fonts...

Nexus #3: Painting instructions for KF5-R and KR
Nexus #4: Assembling Kzinti Ships
Nexus #5: Converting Kzinti CVE to CL and CS to CVL
Nexus #6: Painting Kzinti Ships (issue Kevin wanted)
Nexus #7: Kzinti ship names
Nexus #8: Federation ship names
Nexus #9: Klingon ship names & Painting your Battle Station
Nexus #10: Romulan ship names & Painting errata sheet (on web site)
Nexus #11: Gorn ship names
Nexus #12: Hydran ship names
Nexus #13: Lyran ship names
Nexus #14: Orion ship names
Nexus #15: Painting Tholian Ships & Tholian ship names
Nexus #16: ISC ship names
Nexus #17: Building the WYN Fleet & WYN ship names

« Last Edit: January 28, 2006, 07:10:27 pm by Kana »

Offline Kana

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Re: SFB Gorn Font - Now Fixed
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2006, 02:10:10 am »

Offline Kana

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Re: SFB Gorn Font - Now Fixed
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2006, 01:30:28 am »
« Last Edit: February 04, 2006, 02:10:15 am by Kana »