Topic: Dynaverse review and ?'s  (Read 1717 times)

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Dynaverse review and ?'s
« on: January 25, 2006, 08:17:56 pm »
So I try dynaverse for the first time tonight, and I am wondering if someone could direct me to what might be considered a premier campaign.  In my game I played there were like 150 players of a possible 3000 max,.. (I never met anyone), and I flew around a bunch of missions for like 2 hours.

I did not feel that the Dynaverse was quite as dynamic as I had hoped. 

I flew in a generic campaign maybe?

You folks with like 1000+ posts please direct me to what I need to do to join a great campaign.  I am a enthusiastic player.

I am also open to non dynaverse campaigns (play by mail, etc),..  I  would like to see some of the best, and compare the rules that they are governed by to my own.



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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2006, 09:42:59 pm »
Assuming you mean the Dynaverse for Orion Pirates...

Check the sticky threads on the Klingon Civil War in the Dynaverse II Experiences forum. It is currently the most active campaign.,12.0.html

Read this thread if you haven't already:,163359567.0.html

Get registered at forums, and request membership in the house forums you wish to join.

Check in on the teamspeak server (details here:,163360158.0.html) before you login to find out where the action is on the server, communication will help lots in finding enemies on the D2 map. Watch the news for battle reports on the server and keep an eye on nearby hexes at max zoom for enemy movments. (you need to be in the same hex as someone else to draft them, and they must be already in the hex when you enter it.)

Oh, and welcome to the Dynaverse!  :)

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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2006, 10:24:32 am »
Thank you very much for you help Bonk, I will give it a try tonight.


PS I guess it is time for me to get some fancy handle and image eh ?

I feel so drab,..    :) 

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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2006, 08:40:31 pm »
skaren, just a quick D2 FYI.

D2 these days is kind of on-again off-again.

While there are persisent servers, by far the majority of players wait for the major campaigns to run. These usually last 3-4 weeks and run every few months or so (sometimes more frequently). Klingon Civil War, which Bonk mentioned, is currently running and would by all accounts be considered a major campaign. Before that we had Slave Girls of Orion 5, and before that we had Attack of the Kitties 2.

If you are looking for a solid persistent server to play on between major campaigns, I strongly suggest checking out The Forge, which is operated by Dnet.

The reasons for the gap between major servers are threefold:

1) Major campaigns usually draw a maximum effort from those who can give it. Marriages have failed, jobs been lost, and cataclysmic events occured because of time committed by various players. People need a break from these things.

2) Major campaigns differ a lot from stock server settings. Server admins often come up with new and brilliant ideas for a campaign to keep things interesting. This is what drives the major campaigns. The flip side is that creating the map, shiplist, server settings and rules that support these ideas is a tremendous amount of work. So sometimes it doesn't happen as often as we would all like (but we sure do appreciate it when it does).

3) Last but not least, D2 is almost 5 years old, and our playerbase is not what it used to be (but the fact that we are still here at all, I think, is pretty cool).

I mention this so you don't log onto D2, see hardly anyone on, and burn off thinking D2 is dead. If anything, we are just getting our second wind.  :)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2006, 09:00:52 pm by 762_XC »

Offline Skaren

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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2006, 07:50:39 am »
Thank you and that is the sorta info I also needed.

I run my own games so beleive me I understand the burn out factor.  I still haven't gotten time to try the KCW but I did get signed up and requested to join a house/fleet or something.  I gotta try to get some time for another attempt tonight.

I saw the Forge listed on the server list but couldn't join, I am guessing I need a patch or something.  It said my files were incorrect.

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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2006, 08:04:27 am »
The Forge requires Firesoul's OP+4 and The Forge scripts pack as mentioned in the server description. (but the server is pretty dead while KCW has been running)

The webmap is here.

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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2006, 08:12:38 am »
I will stick with KCW then and I will be watching for whenever the next big game starts so I can get in at the beginning. 

I have like another 10 players behind me who are looking at how this goes for me and how fun it is.  Many would join if it is a good time.  Most are veteran players of board game, some are new.  All play in the campaigns I run.

This may seem like a dumb question, but when I sit down to play in Dynaverse,.. what my ship just pops into existance?  And when I leave for the night, does my vessel just wink out of existance ?


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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2006, 08:24:36 am »
This may seem like a dumb question, but when I sit down to play in Dynaverse,.. what my ship just pops into existance?  And when I leave for the night, does my vessel just wink out of existance ?

Your ship and character remain where and how you left them when you log off, but inactive. This can prove interesting sometimes, its best to logoff for the night at a friendly base well behind the lines. Even so, occasionally, when you login you find the enemy has taken significant territory and you end up having to fight your way home, it can be quite the adventure.

There are persistent server AI characters that can affect the map continually but this is usually disabled for most servers.

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Re: Dynaverse review and ?'s
« Reply #8 on: January 31, 2006, 11:53:04 am »
Well thank you folks for getting me up and going in Dynaverse  KCW.  I have always been a multiplayer head to head type of gamer and actually didn't play in much single player campaigns.  I find this has hurt me in understanding the Dynaverse world. 

Some folks there have been helpful in my adjustment and I have encountered many other players and found the experience to be more enjoyable, and frustrating than my earlier reviews.

I look forward to getting in at the start of the next big campaign and will keep alert for its startup.

Again thanks for the help, especially Bonk

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