Drafted FSD TT into a Convoy Escort mission. I had lots of ai freighters on my side. TT naturally didn't want to come in there so I went out to meet him. We exchangesd a few shots then I got reinforcements in the form of 2 ships. I figured TT would run but he didn't and my D&W killed his D7W with much ai support. I thought he could run as the ai made it more than 1 v 1, but he thought it couldn't since it was 1 player vs 1 player, so he stayed to the death. Also he didn't realize the reinforcements were allied to me as they had no designation like "F-D7" in front of them just "D7".
Can we clarify the ruling about whether ai counts for 2v1 purposes?
If this kill isn't counted it won't bother me as the mission wasn't really fair to him if he couldn't disengage, and even if he could it was still a very tough situation. Anyhow, I'm posting it and letting Hexx make a ruling.
I did tell him if he wanted to challeange me I wouldn't refuse and he bought a new D7W and we fought it out as a challenge match. I prevailed in that match after a hard fight.