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match 1ShadowLord and Jacobyi both in Dwl vs Flywheel and Bahnamaan -- in a d7w and d5l -- Both khh survive both demon die PVP match and --Jacobyi -- AND --shadowLord vs Dfly and Warp KHH flew dwl -- Demons flew c7 and dwl -- both demons were killed both khh lived -- GG all
An all round excellent night for me, I managed to get me killed, my wing killed, and 2 other wingmen killed by sending them into an occupied hex. gotta luv them nights.
Challenge match -- Risky vs Duck DWL for both -- close match but duck wins -- Risky is getting much better --Duck
In a series of 4 matches 1 pvp and 3 challenge ALL PLAYERS WERE THE SAMEkhh shadowlord KHH jacobyi and Khh guns -- vs Demons dfly and demon risky and 9th alfageek the total results were as follows 2 challenge match kills on Dfly1 challenge match kill on risky thats it for KHH Demons will be reporting 2 pvp kills and 3 challenge match kills9th will be reporting 6 challenge kills and 1 pvp kill ShadowLord