I count a whopping 294 total PvP points for KBF.
Note* I did not count any points for running a player off in battle unless it was an even numbered battle to start with.

Another 103 VPs for territory.
Total 397 VPs earned.
Pretty amazing, considering the piss-poor turnout for our House.
Great Job to all the KBF who showed up and fought out the entire server.
You are the backbone of KBF and your Fleetmates owe you a debt of gratitude.
Your dedication and sacrifice for the Empire will not be forgotten!
Dib gets the most kills and is awarded the Order of the Batleth for single-handedly scoring 40% of KBF's total kill points.

Your medal goes out in Monday's mail, sir. (Ok, ok, it's just a patch, but, it's cool looking!

You earned it! Display it with pride and honor.