Topic: ***KCW Official RP Thread***  (Read 4140 times)

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Offline Dizzy

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***KCW Official RP Thread***
« on: January 20, 2006, 09:31:55 am »
Message transmit: All frequencies all channels via broadband to all sectors all fleets. Source: Klingon D7 IKW Molly Hatchet, Commander Dizzy commanding. Message as follows:

Greetings fellow Klingons. This is commander Dizzy. I need no introduction. I have fought alongside each and everyone of you. We have shared blood sweat and tears many times. But this time will be different. Some of you are illegitimately attempting to claim the throne and control of the Empire. Mark this message as a warning then, for should the merit of ruling the Empire fall on the best warriors shoulders you would all be kneeling before me. Alas, I am only a warrior, but I recognize true leadership when I see it. House S'uh'nih commanded by T'rahs'ih, daughter of K'H'un, of the C7 Battlecruiser IKV Valkyrie shall triumph over all others as there is only one true leader.

There is but one choice. Ally yourselves with House S'uh'nih and pledge your life to follow T'rahs'ih to victory and unite the Klingon race under one rule or be defeated. I shall be by her side in battle and our enemies shall be dead under our feet. Do not be one of them. My accomplishments in battle are many above and beyond all other warriors and you know I speak the truth. Do not stand before me in battle, too many good Klingons have already met their death and you do not want to be the next.

Long live T'rahs'ih and victory to House S'uh'nih!

batlh bIHeghjaj!

End Transmission.

Offline FPF-DieHard

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2006, 09:56:34 am »
K'hunt walks in the room, belchs and yells "WHere da white women at?"
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2006, 11:45:35 am »
Hold on there a minute, usurper!
Koloth says as he strolls into the chamber, his leathers polished, his Gorn-skin boots shiny, and his trademark sunglasses on...
How dare you lay claim to the throne, or insist that one of your people be placed on the throne?  By the grace of Kahless, I have survived unending torture on G'Hdar, which they called recreation.  This torture has caused me permanent damage, forcing me to wear these shades everywhere I go.  It has been stated many times during my debriefing that a lesser Klingon would have been blinded, or killed, by their foul tortures.  It is a sign of Imperial blood that I, Koloth Kinshaya of the Clan Kinshaya, my linebrother, and our eldest sons all survived their foul tortures, and made way home with enough hides to fashion these... Koloth points to his shiny Gorn-leather boots.
What claim does she make, to trick you into making these rediculous demands to us?
Therefore, I presume to request that knowledgable warriors, those who recognize a man of action, who can see past the treachery of the silver tounged among us, throw their lot in with those that show Imperial traits, and therefore ally themselves with House K'hnshy'a, or our graicious Imperial allies, and let a True Klingon ascend to the throne.

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2006, 11:54:23 am »
She's a bodacious babe. Have you not seen her picture? Oh that's right, you look through rose colored glasses. "Nuff said. Red alert. Prepare to defend yourself, you friend of frogs!
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel

Offline TheJudge

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2006, 12:15:14 pm »
Battle Stations, Boys!  Let us show these p'tagh how real Klingons fight!
He who can master the data controls the world.

Offline Sockfoot

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2006, 01:10:26 pm »
His gait is a little slower now.  The spring of youth is gone from his stride replaced by a small hitch probably due to some old and forgotten wound.  He is shortish for a Klingon.  Perhaps his stomach is a little too round and his face is just a little too pudgy.  Almost nothing about this particular Klingon bespeaks the conclusion that he is a warrior save the long cruel scar that carves it's way along his right cheek to a point just below his right eye.

Yet despite all of the years and the pains of battle his eyes still tell the tale of a true Klingon heart; a heart that sings in battle and thirsts for blood.  Even as he stalks down the hall, much younger and brawnier Klingons yeild the way and salute.  At the end of the hall the door slides open with a harsh metalic swish and the soft red glow of the instrument panels illuminate his path as he makes his way to the only seat on the bridge, the captain's chair.  There he pauses before he sits, casting a challenging glance at each of the other Klingons manning the bridge during this watch.  Each other Klingon looks away from his gaze, so with a single nod he assumes his place in the Captain's chair.

"CAPTAIN ON THE BRIDGE!" calls the first officer and the other Klingons give their salutes, which he returns half heartedly while settling into his familiar chair, almost as if he is ... disappointed.

"Report," he growls in a voice touched with age and battle.

"No contacts, sir.  We are still rigged for silent running although there has been no pursuit."

"Very good," he nods.  Twelve standard hours ago he and his crew had executed a lightning stike on a Mirak convoy destroying the escort ships and capturing the supplies in the holds of the frieghters.  After the captured cargo had been properly cashed on a series of asteriods, the successful pirate captain and his ship had simply vanished as he always did, melting into the starfield background as if he had never existed and the raid was perpetrated by a ghost ship.  "Whupped them again."

This thought causes his face to break into a crooked grin and his eyes sparkle a bit.  Still grinning he thumbs the comm button on his chair and the ship's comm system whistles the "Captain to address the crew" hail.

"Crew of the Forsaken, this is your Captain speaking.  Long have we plundered the shipping lanes of the enemies of the Empire.  Out here, we answer to no one and no one may command our fates.  But now civil war has come to the Empire and old friends have called me home to Q'onos to join the fight.  We go to honor my old friendships, we go to fulfill our oath to the Empire, we go to meet our destiny, one last time.  Q'apla!"

The hull of the old ship resounds with return shouts of "Q'apla" and the captain's grin broadens.  The first mate beings to sing a song of past battles and soon the entire crew has joined him, singing as one in deep and harsh tones of blood and honor.

"Helm!" the Captain shouts over the swelling song.  "Come about!  Course 48 mark 25 mark 2!  Destination Q'onos!  Speed Warp 9!"

"Aye aye, sir!" responds the helmsman who turns to input the new course and speed data.  Seconds later the ship shudders ever so slightly in spite of the inertial dampers in response to the urgent surge of the warp engines.  Outside space folds and then snaps back and the Forsaken leaps into warp speed.

"Communications!  Send to Commander, House of S'uh'nih.  Expect to arrive at Q'onos around 20:00 hrs there to await further instructions."

"Aye aye, sir."

"Then send this message, tight beam, eyes only to my old friends.  Tell them 'I am coming.  Q'apla.' signed Captain Sockfoot commanding the IKV Forsaken.

Offline Julin Eurthyr

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2006, 01:26:23 pm »
She's a bodacious babe. Have you not seen her picture? Oh that's right, you look through rose colored glasses. "Nuff said. Red alert. Prepare to defend yourself, you friend of frogs!

Koloth turns to address this detractor...

"Let me get this straight.  You're willing to pin your hopes of a strong Empire and a glorious future solely on the fact that the announced house leader is physically desirable?  What, are you expecting the Feds, Gorn and other races to accede to our demands because a beautiful Klingon enters their chambers?  If that were the case, I'm sure a dozen or 2 concubines would have been sent to conquer the galaxy already.  I've dealt with those rabble before, and they are truly lacking in the appreciation of the Klingon physique.  They will not bow over just because of her presense, they prefer "softer" females, and rarely accept females that are capable of beating them senseless.
Meanwhile, let me restate my qualifications.  Having survived severe tortures by the Gorn, and bearing the scarred vision that shall prove that fact for the rest of my life, proves my physical strength.  Managing to escape their camp, and make my way home, proves my mental strength, and my ability to manage lesser beings.  While many may possess one or 2 of these traits, the fact that I possess them all, and in such quantity to have performed these activities, shows that I must be of Imperial Blood, related to the one other Klingon to show more of these traits than I have been forced to show to this date, namely Kahless himself.  Snicker if you will, but realize that I am best suited to lead this Empire.

And on the rose-colored glasses bit, this is what I see in them.  I see an Empire crushing the Federation underfoot, claiming the wealth of the ISC as ours, and the conquering of the rest of the galaxy for us.  If that is overly optimistic to you, then yes, I need "rose colored glasses" to see this truth.  To be honest, I see that result as fact, not optimism.

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
S'Leth - Romulan Admiral
Some anonymous strongman in Prime Industries

Offline Pharaoh

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2006, 02:05:39 pm »
He was not happy. When some old friends had contacted him about coming out of retirement, promising 'fun, girls, and really wild stuff', this was not what he had in mind.

The leather chaffed. The red lighting made him irritable. The smell was nearly unbearable. The chair was uncomfortable, and the food kept trying to wiggle of his plate. And the ships! Oh, fast, surely, but every time he leaned against a bulkhead, he expected to tear through it.

Given the klingon bastard that had recruited him, and the Mirak bastard that had egged him on, he really should have known better.

But THIS was the final straw, the last indignity. He stared at the....thing....sitting in a box in his lap. It had come wrapped up in pink paper with a pink bow, with a certain Klingon's compliments and the comment ' never know, I think it'll look good on you!'. He would NOT wear this thing, not even if his crew mutinied and threatened to break out the deep fryer.

'Communications, get me Chuut...' he said, glowering at the box. When the comms officer didnt move fast enough, as he tried to stifle a laugh, the captain glared and yelled 'NOW, or by all thats holy I will turn your butt into a pair of boots!'.

'Aye sir! Connecting......Chuut on the line, Captain!'

Pharoah looked up at the screen as his 'friend' sat there, grinning at him. "Chuut, what the HELL is this thing!"

"Ah, good, you got it in time! Have you tried it on yet? It will be VERY becoming, I promise." Chuut smiled as sincerely as a politician during election day.

"No, I have NOT tried it on, and I WILL not try it on, you sick bastard!" Pharoah yelled, growing livid.

"Oh....gee, I am sorry Pharry old boy...but, well, you see, you don't REALLY have a choice...didn't read the fine print on that contract I gave you, did you? Ah....too bad, very unfortunate...but, you see, it IS part of the official dress know how these things are, we must follow regulations. I'm sure the tape won't be TOO uncomfortable." Chuut smiled his sincere smile again.

Pharoah wanted to hit him. He had been slightly drunk and a bit bleary when Chuut had pressed the contract on him. He vaguely recalled something about 'fashion becoming a Klingon officer', but it had seemed unimportant at the time.

"Your not serious, are you? I mean, come on, not this!" Pharoah said, bemoaning the fate he could already see coming.

"Sorry old boy, but it must be done." Chuut's grin had now gone from sincere to downright irritating.

Pharoah sighed. There'd be no way out now; he'd signed the contract, given his word.

"Chuut, I will get you for this, I SWEAR it!" Pharoah growled. He pulled the thing from the box.

It was a headpiece. A ridged headpiece. With a mane of black hair attached. With tape to hold it to Pharoah's slick, amphibious skin, and a chinstrap to keep it from slipping.

Pharoah put it on, dreading it, and called for a mirror. His first officer brought one to his new captain, stifling a laugh.

It was worse then he'd thought possible. "Chuut, this thing is hideous!"

"Nonsense, Pharry, you look positively Klingish! Just wait till he first captains party. That headpiece and a tux, and you'll be a babe magnet! Now that thats settled, get to the rendevous point. We gots work ta do, and a Civil War brewin'! See you on the field, you handsome devil. Q'apla!" Chuut signed off, laughing maniacally.

Hearing his bridge crew chuckling, Pharoah decided he'd had enough. "Thats IT! The next one of you that laughs get a permanent body wax, a bath, and a date with the pain stick!!! Now shut your yaps, zip your pieholes, and set course for the rendevous point!! We have a war to fight, you chortling bastards!"

The crew all yelled a war cry, and jumped to their tasks. Pharoah sat back in his seat, and plotted revenge. "Loons and nutters, all the navies in the quadrant, and I get stuck with loons and nutters! Ah well, at least it won't be a boring war. Increase speed to maximum warp! We are off to find fun, girls, guns, and really wild stuff! Q'apla!"

A hole opened in space, and the ship yawed in, accelerated, stretched reality, and snapped back.

Pharoah was off to war.....ridged forehead and all.

Offline Dizzy

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2006, 03:43:49 pm »
I'm sure a dozen or 2 concubines would have been sent to conquer the galaxy already. 

Slave Girls of KCW anyone? Standby...

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2006, 03:49:04 pm »
I'm sure a dozen or 2 concubines would have been sent to conquer the galaxy already.

Slave Girls of KCW anyone? Standby...

Those Klingon necklines work for me... almost ancient Greek! ;)

Offline FPF-Tobin Dax

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2006, 04:15:31 pm »
She's a bodacious babe. Have you not seen her picture? Oh that's right, you look through rose colored glasses. "Nuff said. Red alert. Prepare to defend yourself, you friend of frogs!

Koloth turns to address this detractor...

"Let me get this straight.  You're willing to pin your hopes of a strong Empire and a glorious future solely on the fact that the announced house leader is physically desirable?  What, are you expecting the Feds, Gorn and other races to accede to our demands because a beautiful Klingon enters their chambers?  If that were the case, I'm sure a dozen or 2 concubines would have been sent to conquer the galaxy already.  I've dealt with those rabble before, and they are truly lacking in the appreciation of the Klingon physique.  They will not bow over just because of her presense, they prefer "softer" females, and rarely accept females that are capable of beating them senseless.
Meanwhile, let me restate my qualifications.  Having survived severe tortures by the Gorn, and bearing the scarred vision that shall prove that fact for the rest of my life, proves my physical strength.  Managing to escape their camp, and make my way home, proves my mental strength, and my ability to manage lesser beings.  While many may possess one or 2 of these traits, the fact that I possess them all, and in such quantity to have performed these activities, shows that I must be of Imperial Blood, related to the one other Klingon to show more of these traits than I have been forced to show to this date, namely Kahless himself.  Snicker if you will, but realize that I am best suited to lead this Empire.

And on the rose-colored glasses bit, this is what I see in them.  I see an Empire crushing the Federation underfoot, claiming the wealth of the ISC as ours, and the conquering of the rest of the galaxy for us.  If that is overly optimistic to you, then yes, I need "rose colored glasses" to see this truth.  To be honest, I see that result as fact, not optimism.

It's sad about your as your ability to reason has suffered as a result. As for your deluded claims of Imperial blood, perhaps we will have it tested, after it is spilt and your body is an empty sack. Then again, why waste science equipment when there are battles to be fought. Today is a good day for you to die froggy friend.
Suspected leader of Prime Industries, #1 Pirate Cartel


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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2006, 06:18:04 pm »
In an old abandoned Klingon asteroid Mining Belt the D'Ktagh came out of warp close in to the belt and slipped quickly inside.

Sensors! how are your readings?

Completely obsured Captain, the minerals and debris from the mining operations are totally obscuring sensors!

Good, it is exactly as Krueg had promised.

Sensor station, imput KBF transponder protocol Krueg 1. And put it on the main viewer.

One after another, the id icons started to appear on the screen, Ship after ship showed up. Many names of old warriors appeared, many had heard the call to return to KBF and had answered.

Cheers and old war songs broke out through out the D'Ktagh.

Kytarh just sat in his command chair and smiled, The Dead had Returned!

But as he looked at the screen he noticed some names missing, some who should be here but are not, Skull, Sock, Toten, JD, where were these time honored warriors. They should be here.

Surely they could not desert their fleet, their Klingon Brothers, after all the time we have waited for this day to fly together! 

They would dishonor themselves and their houses if they abandoned their Fleet Brothers!

Perhaps there was still time,, perhaps they would still show up.

Only time would tell.........

« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 06:38:50 pm by KDS-KYTARH »

Captain of the Klingon Heavy Cruiser C7 IKV-D'Ktagh
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Surrender is NOT an option!

Offline TraumaTech

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2006, 06:45:58 pm »
K'hunt walks in the room, belchs and yells "WHere da white women at?"

 :rofl:       :iamwithstupid:        :2gun:

for the rest of you windbags with your lonnnnnnnnnnnnnggggg speeches.....kiss my klingon     _ _ _!!!!!!

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2006, 02:46:44 pm »
<bump> so I can find it later.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

Offline Sockfoot

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2006, 09:05:45 pm »
The old warrior grumbles as he scrubs away at what seems like five parsecs of Tholian Marble.  Scrub until he could see his face, she had ordered.  Bah.  This was no work for a warrior.

"How is it going, dearest?" comes a windchime voice from behind him.  He turns and there stands a stunning beautiful woman dressed in a flowing cobalt gown.

He snarls a bit but does not answer, going back to scrubbing.

"Remember I want to see my face in this marble by morning."

He hrumphs at this and the woman takes a step closer to him, raising a delicate hand to her ear while her face crosses into a slight frown.

"I'm not quite sure I understood you, dearest.  Did I hear you say you weren't happy in your chores?  I can find something else for you to do you know."

"No no, hunny.  I'm very happy polishing your marble floors."

The beautiful woman smiles and tosses her raven black mane of hair.

"That's my Socky.  Do a good job now."

"Yes, dear."

She turns and glides out of the room, her small feet making a gentle patting sound as she goes.

Just then the communicator on his hip beeps.  For a moment he hesitates, checking to be sure she hasn't heard it.  It beeps again and he finally answers it.

"Sockfoot here."


"Shhhhhh ... J'inn!  Not so loud!  Mrs. Sockfoot will hear you!"

"Dude!  Huge party on the server!  You coming?"

He looks around at the black marble.

"Well I don't know ..."

"Dude, ask Mrs. Sockfoot.  Wait wait ... someone wants to say hi."

Another voice comes on the phone.



"Dude, huge party on the server!  C'mon out and play!"

"Well I'd like to but ..."

"Dude, just tell her you're going and to have dinner ready when you get back!"

"S'Cipi you've been drinking, haven't you.  If I tell her that she'll kill us all.  Remember what happened that night we stayed up late playing cards?  Oh and about that thousand credits ..."

"Ah, Socky.  You can owe me.  Just like J'inn here.  Wait someone else wants to say hi."

Another voice gets on the phone.


"Gook!  You're there too?"

"Yes yes, mate.  Where are you?  Party is just getting start."

"Oh geez I'd really like to but ... you know the little woman has needs and ..."

"Got you scrubbing marble again, has she?"

Sockfoot looks around sheepishly.

"Dude, you know me too well."

"Come on out, Socky.  She'll let you come if you ask nice."

"Hold on I'll try."

With that he lowers the communicator.

"Hunny?  Dearheart?"

"Yes Socky?"

"Hunny it's the guys.  They say they're all playing and they want me to come too.  Their wives all let them go."

"Is that J'inn there?"

"Ummm ... well ... I don't really ... you know it's the guys and ..."

"Tell Mr. Gook to tell Mrs. Gook that our W.A.N.K.E.R. bridge group is meeting this tuesday and that you'll be able to horse around with your friends when you're done with your chore there."

"But, Hunny ..."


Absently he feels the fresh lump on top of his head that he received upon telling Mrs. Sockfoot he had returned to the Empire for another war.

"No, Hunny," he says weakly.

"Good.  Now tell the boys good bye and finish your chore.  Just as soon as you're done you can join them.  Oh and tell Mr. J'inn that W.A.N.K.E.R. is all too aware of his behavior on the moons of Telax.  If that kind of thing continues there will be consequences."

"Yes, Dear."

He places the communicator to his ear.

"She said no way."

From the communicator a chorous of voices echoes out across the marble.


"Tell them I heard that!"

Sockfoot flinches involuntarily.

"Dude she heard you guys," he whispers into the communicator.  "I bet all of your wives are getting calls as we speak."

Silence reigns on the other end of the communicator.

"Now let me go so I can finish this and come play."

"Roger that Socky.  Good luck."

"You too."

With that he snaps the communicator back on his hip and looks at the vast expanse of black marble.

"I don't hear any scrubbing in there."

He sighs.  This is no kind of work for a warrior ... but he starts scrubbing again anyway.

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #15 on: January 29, 2006, 01:58:32 am »

Before the War........

The Flotsam Paradise was a unique luxury liner.  A converted Gorn Freighter owned by a wealthy human financier, it was the only vessel in known space that made a run all the way from G'hdar in the galactic east to Lyrantan in the galactic west, and -- with a few serpentine turns -- managed to touch the capitals of all eight Great Powers before this route was finished.  With a crew trained for years by the finest etiquette schools, with vaulted ceilings and gold-plated silverware, it was faultlessly staffed and elegantly appointed.  It was decadence beyond compare.
Klingon Captain Nail of the Deep Space Fleet didn't really fit in here.   All around him were the wealthy and the powerful of every species, dressed in finery that cost more than he'd made in his life.  He tugged his leathers around him -- a touch too tight in the shoulders -- and hoped no one noticed his pants were *just* a touch too short.   He'd had no time to pack proper clothes and wouldn't have been able to afford them even if he had.  But that didn’t matter.  He still knew he was one of the most important people on this ship.

Most VIP's dropped millions of credits for a once-in-a-lifetime voyage aboard the Flotsam Paradise.  Nail had won his ticket in a box of Cheerios.   This had brought some complaints from some of the rest of the ships clientele as they feared breakfast cereal contests let "the wrong sorts of people" into their company, but these whiners had soon mysteriously vanished.  There were other complaints too, as some prospective passengers pointed out that the Flotsam Paradise's holding company had used Fruit Loops for their contest and not Cheerio's, but these whiners had also vanished (just as mysteriously) before they had time to draw too much attention to small details.

Nail laughed at both groups.  He'd never eaten Cheerios or Fruit Loops and had no desire to mingle with the rich, but Lord Krueg had handed him a forged golden ticket (and the required two box tops), given him a mission of great import, and now he was onboard.  He was going to save the future of the Klingon Empire and the non-cereal eating whiners with too much money in their stuck up noses could just be quiet about it.  The only thing that bugged him about this cruise was the ridiculous subspace radio host that followed him around and tried to interview him over how he felt about winning such a "fab-U-lovely!" contest.  As soon as Nail and his companions had taken over this ship that host’s show was going to get cancelled.  With extreme prejudice.

As he strode through the aft recreation chamber, admiring the stars shining in the gothic vaulted ceiling panels and the smiling women swimming in the vertical Olympic pools, Nail nonchalantly took bits from his uniform's ornaments and quickly assembled them into a sidearm.  (He made sure to avoid the methane chamber while clipping the power cell in place.)  His assigned station for the takeover was just ahead in the gymnasium.  Several VIPs liked to spend endless hours in the sauna, washing away the guilt of having sold too many arms to the wrong Klingon House.   Now they were going to find they had new business partners.  Nail's compatriots were about to storm the bridge and the weapons lockers.   He would grab the wealthy passengers.  Those VIPs who could sell House wIysuhl the things it needed would be allowed to and those who could be ransomed would be.  Those alien politicians that could help his house would find that to be in their best interests.  Those passengers who fit into none of those categories would meet the final Nail in their coffin.

The Klingon laughed at this little pun, and patted his weapon.  He checked his watch and laughed again.  Time to make the doughnuts.

He stepped into the sauna dressing room, turned white as a sheet, and quickly stepped back out again to tremble against a wall.

"C-C-Crap!" he stuttered.  "Crap Crap Crap!"  Climbing out of one of the sauna booths that lined the far wall, seven feet tall and covered with scales, teeth and muscle, was the largest monster Nail had ever seen.   "G-G--Gorn!" he mumbled.  Nail had never seen one of these monsters before.  He knew the Flotsam Paradise started its run in G'hdar, but the big lizards were such famously territorial homebodies that he'd never dreamed one would actually be onboard.

Nail looked at his tiny, low-powered "purse disruptor" -- the only kind with a power signature low enough to sneak past security even when dismantled -- and groaned.   He'd heard the rumors of full artillery fire bouncing off the scales of these monsters.  Maybe those tales were exaggerated, but then again maybe they weren't.  "I'm going to need a bigger gun," he concluded.  He quickly turned on his ring communicator (smuggled onboard within a box of crackerjacks) and called for backup.

"Bastard One to wIysuhl-Three," he whispered.  "Bastard-One to wIysuhl-Three, come in wIysuhl-Three!"

"Quiet!" hissed the answering voice.  "No using the house name!  You are supposed to refer to me as Control!"

Nail ignored the rebuke.  He was proud of his house and proud of his actions, what need was there for secrecy?  "We've got a problem," he replied, in a voice loaded with as much seriousness as he could manage.

"What are you talking about?" asked the angry hiss.  "The takeover of the ship is already underway.  You must secure your area at once!"

Nail groaned again.  "Oh, Control, you don't want to *see* the bill I'm going to send you for this!"

A half-naked Skorian girl climbed down out of a vertical pool and smiled invitingly at Nail.   She could do that, Skorians were born white as a sheet.  Nail knew her ardor would cool as his color returned and he couldn't figure out a way to use her to kill a Gorn, so he waved her away.  Then he realized She didn't even notice he was holding a tiny gun.  No one seemed to notice.

Dressed in full combat leathers and standing in a room filled with bikini clad women, Nail felt very naked.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

Offline Khemaraa

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #16 on: January 29, 2006, 08:31:17 pm »
Conciousness returned slowly, painfully.  The air in the stasis cold, dry, with a hint of ozone that always formed as the stasis field released.  The hatch to the chamber opened refeling the form of the Doctor.  Not the same doctor.  That one had been old, and a fusion of Klingon and Vulcan genetic lines. And an old friend.  This one was young, and of imperial blood.  The old Klingons had regained control of the empire it appeared.

 Minister Meth requires you Thought Admiral.

 Always Imperial Inteligence, always Meth.  Khemaraa wondered if it was the same Meth, or if Meth was some sort of title passed down from the one to the one who led Imperial Intelligence.  He checked the time piece on the wall.  6 plus years this time. He sighed.  For 193 years Khemaraa had served the empire.   Always as a warrior.  His own life span was but a somewhat lengthy 49 years.  For a klingon he was getting rather long in the tooth.  But then, he was a a fusion of unrevealed heritage, and had no idea of what would constitute a nurmal life span for himself.

  The Doctor assisted him into his uniform.  Khemaraa favored the old style uniforms of the previous era.  The new uniforms felt to much like armor.  Khemaraa disliked wearing armor. It hinted to him of weakness and dependency.  Ideas unbefitting a warrior.  He thanked the doctor for his assistance and stepped to the single transporter pad in the corner of the room.

  Meth's chamber overlooking the high Councils meeting room was little changed.  Down below he could see the throne.  I was empty.  Now crown sat apon its seat.  The throne was vacant as it had never been in Khemaraa's life time.  The click of relays sounded behind him.  Khemaraa turned to see Meth finishing transport into the chamber. 

  "Admiral" Meth said in his deep voice. both greeting and command as was Meths way.  The Empire is having a crisis of succesion.  He died 2 weeks ago.  The Heir was in transit to Q'honos.
His ship passed far to close to unstable sun.  The ships warp drive destabalized the star with catastrophic results.  The heirs show boating cost him his life, the empire a ship, and the lives of 573 Warriors.  The remaining heir si not recognized as part of the line of succession.  She is known to you.
  Khemaraa remembered to breath.  "Tracy" he said. Meth nodded. Khemaraa cocked his his head "Position?".  Meth responded.  Tracy would make a good emperess even though it defies tradition.  The High Council has difficulties with this.  The Empire has split along house lines.  The navy refuses to take part.  High commands word is "This is the problem of the Nobel houses, let the Nobel houses decide".  Khemaraa pondered. "What would you have me do?"
Meth as always was to the point.  Ensure the succesion of Tracy to the throne if she is worthy.  If she is not, ensure the security and safety of the Empire.  You will have many companions in this.  Imperial Intelligence has mobilized many of its assets in this matter.  You will find many fellow sleepers serving beside you from the wars.  Old friends I suspect.  A D5L awaits you in orbit.  I personally selected the crew. If any do not meet your expectations show them the airlock.  Good Luck ... Commander. 

  Khemaraa saw it coming in Meths eyes.  Transporter effect surrounded him as the chamber faded out and the familiar dimentions of a D5's bridge shimmered into being around him.  A Klingon officer stepped forward presenting a stack of 5 data disks to him.  "Sir, these are your briefing disks"  I hold command aboard untill you have finished them sir."  Khemaraa looked at the youngish commander.  He saw no challenge in him, only the call of duty in his eyes.  Khemaraa smoothly drew his defargo dagger from his sheath holding it low in an easy grip.  "I am assigned command of this ship commander, do you question my authority?" The Commanderhand came up in a close fist salute. "No Captain,  I live and die by your command sir.  I have orders to take the ship to rondevous with the rest of the squadron before we detatch for independent duty.  We will be in transit 3 days.  The data disks should only take you a couple hours to go through. Much is backround and recent history.  Sir, My father served you as exec 8 years ago.  I requested the honor of serving abord this ship."  Khemaraa serched the young officers face.. yes, he did look familiar.  Khemaraa noded " Carry on commander.  You may get under way at your convenience.  I will be in my office.  You will call me to the bridge if there is any problems.  Route any communications to me there."  "Sir, I have the con."

  As the familiar litany of orders flying of a starship beaking orbit and getting onder way whispered in the backround behind him Khemaraa made his way to his office.  The door opened to the shape of a Klingon female sitting in HIS chair.  Khemaraa sat down on the edge of the desk.  "Tracy, what have you gottem me into this time?" Tracy was a little older, and had filled out in a way that was most pleasing to the eye of his inner dirty old klingon. She sighed.  "Mostly being very unhappy.  Daddy's dead, my idiot fool of a brother manages to get his dumb klingon ass blown up, and a bunch of traditionalist bean counters that gave up the Klin for politics long ago are telling I cant do MY JOB!  Even though I never wanted the job and I only get it by right of blood and birth.  And thats the bright side.  The worst part is a goodly portion of the KBF has turned against me.  The 69th is holding true but the young guns, most of whom you have never heard of stand against the legal succesion."  She examined an exquisetly manicured hand.  "And that really is the good news", she sighed again, "The nobels have balkenized into an 8 of factions each with thier own agenda and the navy doesn't have the balls to put things right.  We win this and I am going to be looking at some empty spots in the admiralty"   Khemaraa shook his head  "So Meth put you abord my ship to get you out of the capital before some of the more brain dead members of the high council could think up an assisination plan that will actiually work?"  She game him a look that made his liver twitch in a most pleasent way.  "Well, most of an 8 of years in a statsis chamber haven't dulled your wits at all.  You got it in one."  She stood up and walked around the desk with her hand outstreatched.  He took the proffered invatation.  Klingons don't cry but they still have the need to release thier emotions.  For a moment they simply stood hand held between them.  SHe looked up ti his eyes.  "The fools that put you into that box are dead and thier houses shattered.  It took a few years to do.  It took very little urging on my part to get Meth to release and reinstate you what with the current crisis.  Read the disks.  There is much you need to catch up on.  I'll be using the squadron commanders office and quarters while I'm aboard, and I have no small amount of work of my own to do.  Dinner tomarrow night Khem, dont be late."  She released his hand and strode out of the office in a swirl of pheramones and old memories.  Khemaraa sighed and turned to the desk where a number of messages flashed on the display.  Messages attached to old familiar names.

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #17 on: January 30, 2006, 03:28:39 pm »

"Dude, just tell her you're going and to have dinner ready when you get back!"

Man!  If I had a lump on my head for everytime I've used that line........

Oh, wait... I *do* have a lump on my head for everytime I've used that line!

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

Gorn Dragon Alliance member
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Coulda' used a little more cowbell

Offline GDA-S'Cipio

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Re: ***KCW Official RP Thread***
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2006, 11:24:07 pm »
S'Cipio's screams of distress rose in pitch until they reached a high squeek that etched all the glass in the infirmary.  He thrashed on the bed beyond all hope of Nurse Goodwin, a slender and petite Skorian, being able to restrain him.  She rose from her knees, the pure white expanse of bossom displayed by her uniform heaving from her efforts.  She threw down two empty tubes of lotion and analgesic cream and placed her sticky hands on her hips in an unfriendly manner.  If she had been human her pale cheeks would have burned red with indignation.

"Really, Mr S'Cipio.  Do try to be a little braver.  You must have been very brave at one time to rush forward through all that disruptor fire."

"Pleassse, jussst don't rub me there," begged the crying lizard.  He tried to protect himself from her future attentions by pulling the bedsheet over his head.

"Mr. S'Cipio I have to rub you there.  That's where the burns are."

"Well there isss nothing wrong with me where you are rubbing."

"Of course there is.  That last scale was burned to a crisp."

"That'sss not a ssscale!  It'sss sssupossed to look like that!"

"Oh," Nurse Goodwin replied, and pondered for a moment.  "Then I suppose when we're done I'd best get some super glue and put it back."

"What do you mean put it back?"  screamed S'Cipio in horror.   "Where isss it now??  I *need* that!"

Nurse Goodwin's bloodless Skorian face resumed her unconcerned expression and emptied two huge tubes of lotion and analgesic cream into her hands.  Clearly she was ready to begin again.  S'Cipio prepared himself to bite her.

Fortunatley for both parties this showdown was averted by the sudden entrance of the head of Flotsam Paradise's security.  "Ah!  There he is!" Captain Galeman shouted with glee.  His steel blue eyes seemed to flash above perfectly white teeth that stretched to fill a permanent smile.  "Can you give me a few moments with our heroic Gorn, nurse?  We need his help again.  With him we cannot lose.  Disruptor fire just bounces off of him!  He's superman!"

"He doesn't sound like superman," observed the nurse as S'Cipio whimpered, but nonetheless she acquisced and went to the sink to wash her hands.  Galeman then showed her to the door and bowed to her with a smile that never faltered.

His tormentor gone, S'Cipio's courage seemed to return.  He lowered the sheet enough to make eye contact with the security captain.  "Isss ssshe really gone?"

"Yes, she's waiting in the receiving room.  She's a wonderful lady, that Nurse Goodwin.  A perfect figure and an angelic nature."

"She'sss a whelp of a jackal and a ssservant of your devil," countered S'Cipio.   "When I rip the spine out of the lassst Klingon terrorist on thisss vesssel,  I'm going to force her to tend his woundsss without a presssure suit while I blassst them both out of an airlock."

"Now, Lord Admiral, I know you don't mean that," beamed the young captain.  "Your warlust is simply still hot.  You can't wait to get back to facing our enemy."  Somehow Galeman's wink made his smile seem even wider.    People shouldn't smile at a Gorn in pain, reasoned S'Cipio, and he resolved that Nurse Goodwin was not going to be the only member of the ship's crew he'd force out of the airlock when this was over.

Nevertheless the man had brought up an important topic.  The Klingons.

"How goesss the fight?" he inquired.

"Your heroic action save the aft weapons locker and our passengers," replied Captain Galeman.  "But we were not so lucky amidship or in the fore compartments.  They control well over half the ship and the bridge, but we have everything they might be after and we control the engines.  They can't force us to go anywhere we don't want to."   Captain Galeman's smile appeared to grow even brighter.  "And we hold the galley".

S'Cipio nodded.   Heroic action indeed, he mused.   The truth was that his charge of the enemy was meant simply to get at his robe.  He'd come out of the sauna booth completely naked, and if he was going to be kidnapped and ransomed it was *not* going to be in the buff.  The three Klingons whose heads he'd bitten off their shoulders had simply been betweem him and his destination.

Since that first charge, however, the ship's security team seemed to think he was in command.  After a few more charges he'd begin to think that maybe he was.

"Have we any prisssonersss?"

"Just one," replied Galeman.  "The one you locked in the sauna until he passed out."

The Gorn nodded again.  That Klingon had proved a better marksman than the rest and had managed to shoot him in the same sensitive spot three times.  The pain was beyond description.  "Parboil" was supposed to have been the Klingon's fate.  S'Cipio was still perturbed the rest of the security team had opened the sauna again once the battle was over.

"Bring him to me"

Galeman complied and the Klingon was securely chained into a dental examination chair.

"Worthless Peta'Q!" the boisterous ridgehead shouted.  Like most of his race he never seemed to speak without shouting.  "Do you think drilling my teeth by a Gorn in his underwear will make me talk?  My teeth will climb from my mouth and chew your throats out!!"

S'Cipio's jaw tightened in a way that would have let another Gorn know he was mortified.  Beneath all the lotions and analgesic creams he'd forgotten he was still in his underwear.  "Lisssten to me very carefully," he replied, covering his embaressment with a tone meant to convey menace.  "You will tell me exactly what I want to know, or else I will park my 900 pound posterior on you.  And trust me, that is *not* how you want to die.  Whom do you work for?"

The Klingon blanched.  Truth be told, that was not a death that Kahless would be proud of.

"We are house wIysuhl," he replied.

"Weasal?" asked S'Cipio

"wIysuhl!" corrected, the enraged Klingon.  "True heirs to the throne of Kahless! "

The human and the Gorn looked at each other with incomprehension.  "Weasal," repeated S'Cipio.

"The house of S'uhn'ih thinks to put a woman on the throne.  No true Klingon will stand for that."

Capain Galeman came quickly to the point.   "What has that got to do with Flotsom Paradise?"

"You have all the rich and powerful from the Great Powers on this ship.  For years you alien Peta'Qs have fed your poisons to house S'uhn'ih.  Military support.  Economic treaties.  Potions and Liquids for the sick.  Now we hold you.  Now your treaties will pass to us.  Now your ships will stay out of it!  This matter will be settled by Klingons alone, or else you will all die."

Galeman gave another incomprehensible look, he'd never be able to tell one Klingon house from another.  But S'Cipio's brow ridge lowered in a manner that said his mind was rolling over possibilities.  He had meddled in Klingon politics before, and if another of their civil wars was going to break out under his snout then it was going to be up to him to ensure the new government would be one that G'hdar could be reasonable with. 

"Get him out," the Gorn instructed.  "Lock him back in a sauna, and turn up the heat if he givesss you any trouble.  In the meantime, go and see if you can communicate with the Klingon in charge of the weasels."  The prisoner bristeled again at the mispronunciation, as S'Cipio knew he would.  "Sssound desssperate.  Asssk him for hisss demandssss.  Then come and get me."

Galeman saluted over his incessent grin and hustled the prisoner out.

S'Cipio was putting on his pants when he realized he'd forgotten something important.  "Wait!"  he screamed in alarm.  "Nurse Goodwin!  Come back!  Bring the superglue!"

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on the objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents."  - James Madison (chief author of the Constitution)

Gorn Dragon Alliance member
Gorn Dragon Templar
Coulda' used a little more cowbell