I have provided a full installer for KCW to eliminate the possibility of installation issues.
It is intended for an intact OP with OP+4 install. It will back up your current shiplist files and restore them on uninstall. It will not backup or restore scripts however, only install the ones required. It will detect your OP installation folder and prompt you to confirm that it is indeed correct. It will detect whether or not you have OP+4 installed (which must be installed on the same copy of OP as detected in the install folder confirmation) and refuse to install if the correct version of OP+ is not installed. It will also detect whether itself is already installed to avoid backing up the mod files instead of your previous files, which would result in the loss of your previous files. It will create shortcuts on your start menu for the uninstaller (use when you wish to use your previous shiplist), the webmap and a server info document.
http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_op/Mods/KCW.exe (1.71 MB)
New KCW player reccomendations:
Ensure you are patched to
Ensure your shortcut to the game is correct, and use it.
Ensure other mods are uninstalled.
Ensure OP+4 is installed on the copy of OP you wish to install KCW to.
Install KCW.
Current KCW player reccomendations (if you wish to use this installer):
Uninstall existing KCW mods from the add/remove programs dialog.
Restore your OP+4 shiplist and fighterlist to \Assets\Specs and \MetaAssets
Install KCW.
If you are one of the current KCW players having serious issues, I reccomend:
Uninstall existing KCW mods from the add/remove programs dialog.
Uninstall OP and delete the installation folder
Install OP from a valid retail CD.
Patch to 2552
Install OP+4
Confirm shortcut to the game is correct (pointing to StarFleetOP.exe and the correct "Start In" paramter - the easiest way to ensure this is to find StarFleetOP.exe in the installation folder, right click and copy it then right click on some empty space on the desktop and "paste shortcut" - use this shortcut to launch the game)
Install KCW.
For admins and the curious, I have also uploaded the NSIS installer script and mod files. The package should compile as is. Note that the current version of NSIS (2.13) appears to have issues with Win95/98/NT, however I expect this will be fixed soon in a new release. I am still using version 2.09 until this issue is fixed. Before asking questions on NSIS, RTFM!!
http://www.dynaverse.net/downloads/sfc2_op/Mods/KCW_NSIS_Files.zip (6.84 MB)
NSIS main page:
http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Main_PageVersion 2.09 downloads:
http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=22049&package_id=15374&release_id=351989Note for DH: please advise me by PM if any of the files are changed, thanks.