Topic: KCW Rules Questions  (Read 2208 times)

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Offline Hexx

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KCW Rules Questions
« on: January 19, 2006, 04:53:08 pm »
Post comments/concerns/questions about the "finalish" rules set here please.
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Offline KBFLordKrueg

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #1 on: January 19, 2006, 05:11:16 pm »
-There is no disengagement under any circumstance for a Challenge, if you fly off the board
 you are considered destroyed and your cowardly ways will be brought to the attention of all

If you are pushed off the map with a tractor, does this still apply?
Or is that even going to be allowed?

- Battles will be fought to the death, any dropping /lag etc will result
in the nullification of the challenge, unless (of course) it can be shown
that the battle was already over for all intents & purposes.

Not sure about that part "any dropping/lag etc" resulting in nullification.
While most will be Honorable about it, this could be easily abused.  :-\

- No player (even on the PVP houses) is required to accept more than
1/day. The player is not considered to have fullfilled a challenge
until the battle is finished.

Does this mean we are required to accept or give at least one per day as well?

-if a PVP house's C7 is chased off the field,bad things happen.
 The House Leader is overthrown and the C7 must be assigned to a new player

I assume if a House Champion is flying it at the time, this does not happen...?
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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2006, 05:45:59 pm »

- The numbers are looking around 84 to 54 players per "side".  Not saying it needs to change, just saying it should be realized before playing to prevent comments later.


"-challenges may only be fought in open space (ie not the 7 target hexes around objectives)
Or on GSA "

- Challenged selects venue?



- If the challenged declares "C-7" and the challenger declares the same, does the rule still apply?
- What if the one playing isn't the house leader and doesn't have a C-7 in the Dyna.  Does the house still lose the C-7?
- Since both players can use a C-7, why not allow them to.  If your intention is to not allow C-7 use in GSA (which is fine w/ me) why not just declare NO C-7s in GSA.

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2006, 06:13:05 pm »
- E3's may be flown in fleets of 3 ships Everything else is 1 ship/player.

If G2s appear in the shipyard, may they be included in escort squadrons in lieu of E3s?  This question is based on a crunchy old SFB memory of E3s and G2s being essentially the same hull, but I recognize that may be totally irrelevant here.

- Disengagment will be 1hour

Please clarify?  Does this mean if I fly off a map, I have to log out for an hour?  Does this apply to all houses, or only a certain house type?

- Score 1 pt for holding a Minor hex,5 Pts for a Major hex, 15pts for a R0xx0rs hex

Define these hex types?  And when are these points assessed - just based on what's held at the end of the server, or on some regular basis like daily or weekly?

- Kill reporting

Do PVP kills need to be reported for victory point purposes, or does the server do some accounting magic there?  (stop snickering, it's not a completely unreasonable hope)  If we must report, what's the procedure?

Sorry for all the Q's Hexx, just wanna know what I'm getting myself into :)  Thanks for all your hard work putting this together!

- korgal out -
FADM (ret.) KBF-Korgal, Black Fleet since 1999

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2006, 06:25:12 pm »
>Tractoring people off the map won't be allowed for Vp point claims,

> Anyone who's flying a C7 and runs forfeits the right to fly the C7, unless
   no one else in the House is reasonably able to fly it.
ie- The KBF.House K'Hunt have tons of decnt PVP pilots, they shoud really be able to find
    someone else to fly it, a house that has only two players actually put time into flying on the server
    might need to be able to get around this rule.

> You don't have to issue any challenges if you want, if you're a memebr of a PVP house
   you're House gets one "free" decline/week. Other than that you must fight up to one challlenge/day
   (if you are challenged) .
ie- If I challenge the KBF- they could use their "free" challenge to protect Kreugy from me, I could then challenge
    every single member of the KBF that had not already fought a challenege that day- once.
> I don't want to get into the lag/player thing If someone starts losing connection repeatedly and/or when they're losing
   they'll be asked to stop flying PVP, same deal as on other servers

> actually we'll strike the C7/GSA rule -unless someone can come with a reason not to- if two peeps want to duel it
out with C7's on GSa let them,

> Challenger will selct venue OR ship-, challenged will selct the other
I really,really, don't want to tie the challenge rules up in tons of regulations- I want to keep them fun
I don't actually care how they play out- as long as they're fought with Klingon ships I'm happy.

> I won't comment on the numbers until the server's been going for a week.
With home territory untouchable (someone remind me to put that in) I'm hoping it won't be too bad, still
if we can I reserver the right to change the allies around.

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Offline Dfly

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2006, 06:29:15 pm »

 PVP Houses
-will gain the majority of their VP points from winning PVP battles.
Defeating a pilot from an opposing PVP house is worth 5VP
Defeating a pilot from an opposing Ter house is worth 2VP
Chasing a pilot from a TER house off (in an even numbered battle) 1VP


What about when a PVP house chases off a PVP pilot? It is not in the list.

also, I think for the C7 issue, A house leader being challenged and answers should have his rightfull use of the C7.  The person challenging him has no right to a C7 unless that person is the house leader or current Champion with use of that house C7.  Afterall, what good is a leader with a C7 advantage if it is not an advantage when challenged?  If the C7 dies, IT IS GONE> is that not cost enough?  

I dont beleive any pilot can issue a challenge or answer a challenge with a C7 unless that person is the rightfull Pilot of an acutal C7 for the campaign.  Please comment on these last 2 statements Hexx.


I put this here only because I did this up the other day, and thought if Hexx wishes to use it, he can, as can anyone else.  if any errors or comments need to be added please feel free to do so everyone.

You all must:

1-write down all pilot's names and their ship designation(ex: DemonFly in D5L and Rushka in D5C vs DH in D7C and Dizzy in D5L).

2- Announce who fired killing shots, and who survived at the end.(ex: DemonFly killed DH, Dizzy killed DemonFly, Rushka killed Dizzy, Rushka survived) write it down.

3- Report it: It needs to be reported in the Kill Thread in the Dynaverse II experiences forums

Hope this helps.

Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2006, 06:30:32 pm »
- E3's may be flown in fleets of 3 ships Everything else is 1 ship/player.

If G2s appear in the shipyard, may they be included in escort squadrons in lieu of E3s?  This question is based on a crunchy old SFB memory of E3s and G2s being essentially the same hull, but I recognize that may be totally irrelevant here.
Sure sounds good- as long as none of the E3/E4/G2 or whatver are mini "super ships" that's fine
(please lte me know if they are)

- Disengagment will be 1hour

Please clarify?  Does this mean if I fly off a map, I have to log out for an hour?  Does this apply to all houses, or only a certain house type?

If you fly off the map you're not allowed in that hex (for any reason) for 1 hour

- Score 1 pt for holding a Minor hex,5 Pts for a Major hex, 15pts for a R0xx0rs hex

Define these hex types?  And when are these points assessed - just based on what's held at the end of the server, or on some regular basis like daily or weekly?

These hex types will be revealed when/after teh server starts
Points are assesed when the server ends,
- Kill reporting

Do PVP kills need to be reported for victory point purposes, or does the server do some accounting magic there?  (stop snickering, it's not a completely unreasonable hope)  If we must report, what's the procedure?

I wish, there will; be a kill thread
Sorry for all the Q's Hexx, just wanna know what I'm getting myself into :)  Thanks for all your hard work putting this together!

Thank DH and all the guys posting notes- I just come up with Ideas, DH has fixed most of the stuff and all of you guys have
found (hopefull) the flaws in my planning.
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Offline Dfly

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2006, 06:34:00 pm »

 PVP Houses
-will gain the majority of their VP points from winning PVP battles.
Defeating a pilot from an opposing PVP house is worth 5VP
Defeating a pilot from an opposing Ter house is worth 2VP
Chasing a pilot from a TER house off (in an even numbered battle) 1VP


What about when a PVP house chases off a PVP pilot? It is not in the list.

also, I think for the C7 issue, A house leader being challenged and answers should have his rightfull use of the C7.  The person challenging him has no right to a C7 unless that person is the house leader or current Champion with use of that house C7.  Afterall, what good is a leader with a C7 advantage if it is not an advantage when challenged?  If the C7 dies, IT IS GONE> is that not cost enough?  

I dont beleive any pilot can issue a challenge or answer a challenge with a C7 unless that person is the rightfull Pilot of an acutal C7 for the campaign.  Please comment on these last 2 statements Hexx.


I put this here only because I did this up the other day, and thought if Hexx wishes to use it, he can, as can anyone else.  if any errors or comments need to be added please feel free to do so everyone.

You all must:

1-write down all pilot's names and their ship designation(ex: DemonFly in D5L and Rushka in D5C vs DH in D7C and Dizzy in D5L).

2- Announce who fired killing shots, and who survived at the end.(ex: DemonFly killed DH, Dizzy killed DemonFly, Rushka killed Dizzy, Rushka survived) write it down.

3- Report it: It needs to be reported in the Kill Thread in the Dynaverse II experiences forums

Hope this helps.

forgot one part for reporting:

4- Report anyoone who left the map also.

Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #8 on: January 19, 2006, 06:36:57 pm »

 PVP Houses
-will gain the majority of their VP points from winning PVP battles.
Defeating a pilot from an opposing PVP house is worth 5VP
Defeating a pilot from an opposing Ter house is worth 2VP
Chasing a pilot from a TER house off (in an even numbered battle) 1VP


What about when a PVP house chases off a PVP pilot? It is not in the list.

also, I think for the C7 issue, A house leader being challenged and answers should have his rightfull use of the C7.  The person challenging him has no right to a C7 unless that person is the house leader or current Champion with use of that house C7.  Afterall, what good is a leader with a C7 advantage if it is not an advantage when challenged?  If the C7 dies, IT IS GONE> is that not cost enough?  

I dont beleive any pilot can issue a challenge or answer a challenge with a C7 unless that person is the rightfull Pilot of an acutal C7 for the campaign.  Please comment on these last 2 statements Hexx.


I put this here only because I did this up the other day, and thought if Hexx wishes to use it, he can, as can anyone else.  if any errors or comments need to be added please feel free to do so everyone.

You all must:

1-write down all pilot's names and their ship designation(ex: DemonFly in D5L and Rushka in D5C vs DH in D7C and Dizzy in D5L).

2- Announce who fired killing shots, and who survived at the end.(ex: DemonFly killed DH, Dizzy killed DemonFly, Rushka killed Dizzy, Rushka survived) write it down.

3- Report it: It needs to be reported in the Kill Thread in the Dynaverse II experiences forums

Hope this helps.

Oh god this was a mistake..
OK - I can't qactually think straight atm- uhmm I think I've banned PVP pilots from running, so I can't really have them give up VP's for running, unless they're outnumbered- but that would be unfair to one plaey.. let me think about it.
Yeah- I like your idea about aC7's.. but I really don't want people to not ba eblae to fly them on GSA.. C7 does let you push people away from target hexes..

I'm thinking for the battles you must survive to  claim the vp points, ie DH and Dizzy kill Kreug and Elf, if both DH and Dizzy survive whoever fired the kill shot(s)
gets the VP, if DH diesin the fight then Dizzy's house gets it all.
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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #9 on: January 19, 2006, 06:43:38 pm »

Oh god this was a mistake..
OK - I can't qactually think straight atm- uhmm I think I've banned PVP pilots from running, so I can't really have them give up VP's for running, unless they're outnumbered- but that would be unfair to one plaey.. let me think about it.
Yeah- I like your idea about aC7's.. but I really don't want people to not ba eblae to fly them on GSA.. C7 does let you push people away from target hexes..

I'm thinking for the battles you must survive to  claim the vp points, ie DH and Dizzy kill Kreug and Elf, if both DH and Dizzy survive whoever fired the kill shot(s)
gets the VP, if DH diesin the fight then Dizzy's house gets it all.

You cant push people away from a target hex if you fly it on GSA, so what good does the C7 do there? 

Perhaps for GSA battles, if NONE Of the pilots are legal pilots of the C7 in campaign, then it can be used by all.  would that do?

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2006, 08:14:18 pm »
- Disengagment will be 1hour

Please clarify?  Does this mean if I fly off a map, I have to log out for an hour?  Does this apply to all houses, or only a certain house type?

If you fly off the map you're not allowed in that hex (for any reason) for 1 hour

Are there going to be Roms and Gorns playing after all? ;)  :P

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2006, 04:47:29 am »
- No player (even on the PVP houses) is required to accept more than
1/day. The player is not considered to have fullfilled a challenge
until the battle is finished.

Is any player required to not accept at least 1/day?  I know you say the PvP house get one exemption per week does this mean that the territorial house can ignore challanges if they so wish?

Can a player who doesn't wish to be bothered by a challange at a particular time as hes got better things to do ignore it?  fight it later when he isn't so occupied?  If not can he just simply forfeit, judging his current activities as more important than the challange?

I'd also suggest limiting challanges to player who have achieved at least the rank of captain so everyone can have some prestige in the bank before being called out.  If the enemy pilot hasn't achieved at least Captain status, where is the honor in challanging them?

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #12 on: January 20, 2006, 04:49:06 am »
- A player may only challenge another player who has 3 or less fewer
kills than they do. ie if you have 5 kills you mau only challenge
people with at least 2 kills.

will be kinda hard to keep a running talley on this.

I suggest one of the following.

1) a shipname protocal be used where all pilots list their kills in the shipname

for example Dh has 4 kills and his shipname is the "Bill Clinton 4"  he kills another and neext time at the base he changes the name to the "Bill Clinton 5"

2)  a list is kept on Dnet and updated once per day at a given time.  All pilots are treated as being at that total for the entire day (until the next update) for challange purposes.  Reputations take time to build after all.

Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2006, 06:18:59 am »
- No player (even on the PVP houses) is required to accept more than
1/day. The player is not considered to have fullfilled a challenge
until the battle is finished.

Is any player required to not accept at least 1/day?  I know you say the PvP house get one exemption per week does this mean that the territorial house can ignore challanges if they so wish?

Can a player who doesn't wish to be bothered by a challange at a particular time as hes got better things to do ignore it?  fight it later when he isn't so occupied?  If not can he just simply forfeit, judging his current activities as more important than the challange?

I'd also suggest limiting challanges to player who have achieved at least the rank of captain so everyone can have some prestige in the bank before being called out.  If the enemy pilot hasn't achieved at least Captain status, where is the honor in challanging them?

>Territorial pilots don't have to accept challenges if they don't want to. I may put a bit in where if you decline challenges you can't offer them either though
> Of course he doesn't have to fight if he's got better things to do -provided it's not on the game,
   If someone lgs in for 2 minutes to check the map/say Hi I don't expect them to have to fight a challenge, if they're playing the
   game thouhg, then yeah, they're bound by the challenge rules.
> Right now a D7 costs like 800 prestige, While I'd like to see that go up, ships will be cheap..
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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2006, 04:29:20 pm »
In the event that a kill is contested between two pilots, cause I have seen when shots have been close together, how will kill points be determined? Dice, duel between contestors, slow-motion replay(do we have slow-mo?), rock, paper,scisssors?
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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2006, 10:12:44 pm »
what about mandatory rematches for crashes/drops? i would rather see a rematch than forcing the stranded player to flee and be forced off the map for and hour..

do sg5 rules apply here?
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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2006, 10:44:02 pm »
OK, meant to post this earlier somewhere but forgot.

I have noticed that many do not put the name of the guy who fired the killing shot in a multi match.  Maybe we should adopt a different point system for that part?

I suggest possibly: 

each player on the winning team gets kill points totalling the enemy pilot count whether or not he fired that last shot, reguardless of if any winning pilot died or not.  The losing end, they get a kill point each for each pilot they killed, whether the losing pilot(s) died or not.

This is only for the kill points to be added to your shipname for challenges etc.  it does not reflect the VP.

Also a question but I think the answer is yes.  Do challenge kills count for this too?

Is it up to the house leaders to tally up the kill points for their own team and try to assign them to the proper pilots?

Offline Kougar_XC

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #17 on: January 22, 2006, 05:40:55 am »
I'm sorry if this was brought up elsewhere and I missed it:

When disengaging, does an AI count as a second player to create a 2v1? I assume if this is the case, that if a mission was a 1v1 each side with 1 AI and it became a 2v1, the above answer would still apply. Thanks for any clarification!

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #18 on: January 22, 2006, 12:53:15 pm »
Sorry if this has been clarified... I read, but am unclear.

If a PvP player runs off the map in a 1v1, does the winner gain 5 VP? Or is the fleeing pilot only worth 2 VP? My assumption would be a PvP player in a fair 1v1 should be worth the full 5 VP, but not sure.

thnx in advance, Looks like you got your hands full.  :)

Offline Kougar_XC

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Re: KCW Rules Questions
« Reply #19 on: January 22, 2006, 05:08:34 pm »
From the rules, a 1v1 must be fought out. Only for 3v1 or 2v1s can the single player leave was how I understood this.

Regardless, Hexx is changing the rules so check the revised thread. Looks like even numbered battles must be fought, until when someone is destroyed and then the team with the disadvantage may leave, I think.

My question still stands though. Do AI count as "players" to allow opponents to disengage?? I would side against this, but I need clarification as players are already using this rule in fair 2v2s and don't give a darn about their AI wings. Or they just use it as a means to cop out since they were caught without their two human wings  :P

Cougar=SoV= | KOTHCougar | KOTHMegafortress