I'll testify that
Dfly states in his above post:
Because House of Demons is losing key hexes to my "allies" when there is no possible way for the enemy to get there and take them.
ROTFLMAO! "no possible way for the enemy to get there" You Sir, underestimate the creativity of your foes.
Here is a look at that section of the map at one point of our Operation

I think this shows indisputably that there was no "rotting fur" and that Dfly joined Josh in placing his foot in his mouth.
I was involved in flippeing those hexes personally, I did it when players from your own house were online. I left them at a low DV because I wanted another house to take them that I saw as less of a threat because those hexes were in a map position I could not defend with my own houses map position and poor player turnout. It is called
STRATEGY. I an not "allied" to the House of Demons on the map. I am an enemy. I took the hexes.
THERE WAS NO ROTTING FUR. I simply used my brain to devise a strategy to achieve what mindless PvP battling on the front with inferior numbers could not do. Why not consider that your enemy's might have been clever rather than your allies dishonorable. I would think that by this time the obvious response would have been "Chuut you Bastard!" rather than any accusations about the honor of others.
ACCUSATIONS LIKE THIS AGAINST HONORABLE PLAYERS IS DISGUSTING. If you look at the membership of House Kinshaya you will see some of the players most reknown for honor in their ranks. Use your common sense and not your emotions on these things. If you look at their player list it should be a no brainer that they did not "rot fur". I expected better from the House of Demons, I am disappointed at this behavior.
I did the same thing to KBF holdings earlier in the server, deepstriking much further and I tip my hat to them for having the sense not to make any such public accusations.
I suggest Dfly on behalf of the House of Demons issue a public apology to House Kinshaya for his implied "rotting fur" accusation.
Things like this BS make me consider leaving the game. I don't need to be playing a game where such accusations are made. I can understand temporary frustration and forgive an emotional response provided an apology is issued, and hope that a lesson is learned. I have high regard of Dfly and the pilots in his house so I reasonably certain that the apology will be made and do not wish my statements to be taken as an accusation against their honor, but rather as an expression of my intense dislike of making such implications without knowledge of the facts. This could have been handled better by PMs to the house leaders of our side asking if we had been involved in taking those hexes rahter than a public statement that questioned the honor of House Kinshaya and its pilots.
P.S. only 5 of the 6 were flipped by me, the sixth (32, 7) was already neutral and I believe it had never been taken by any house since the server start. If you have any screenshots depicting otherwise please post them, but I do know it was neutral at the time of my flipping the others.