So what is your issue with leadership by committee?
Leadership comes in many forms and ones where one leader makes all the calls and decisions without consulting his or her constituents or fleetmates or peers seems doomed to failure and a little totalitarian... That style of leaderships may work for some but I perfer democratic process where we hold each other accountable.
One leader or Commanding Officer must make the ultimate decision. There should be an explanation of why the decision is being made (not always) and the lower ranking members will toe the line and support command, I see that everyday in the military.
Behind close doors I can grantee you the Commanding Officer will listen to his officers and crew, take what they say into account and then weigh the options prior to making a decision, and the CO will make the final decision if that is the definition of leadership by committee then so be it, I do not see it as a committee as much as a command triad.
As this is only a game I did not see anything over the server that was such a big deal that need an absolute decision by anyone. There are many levels of leadership that take place on a warship and if the CO had to make every decision the ship would never sail or if it did would not be a very efficient vessel. All the big decision will be made my the CO no doubt about that and it will be supported by the senior Officers, NCOs and lower deckers. Well that has been my experience during my first nineteen years of service.