Topic: KCW Beta "Stuff"  (Read 14403 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #60 on: January 16, 2006, 06:45:43 pm »
Hey let's not be too hasty pointing fingers here..
Excel is a complicated program to use...

<sigh> In any event thnaks to both DH & Bonk for finding the errors... (some of them)
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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #61 on: January 16, 2006, 06:56:48 pm »
Excel is somewhat complicated but very powerful tool (though limited by 256 columns and 65256 rows).

The autofilter is your friend for shiplists. (select row 2 and Data..Filter..Autofilter) Excel macros can be handy for editing text versions of maps too.

Once you get the LINEST workseet array function mastered you're well on yer way to excel wizardry! (though not really applicable to SFC)

Once you've maxed out Excel, then its time to move up to SYSTAT!  ;D

Gawd, I'm such a geek...

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #62 on: January 16, 2006, 08:09:06 pm »
Make sure planets 2 and 7 are deleted.... I think those are the ringed ones. Bad planets. Either that or OP+4.0 should resize them permanently in the modelsize file. This is a must do.

Are you using all the base and Defsats from SG5?

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #63 on: January 16, 2006, 09:46:09 pm »

As a Mirak, I had a klingon interface and flipped hexes Lyran(original map out on Sunday), why?

TT as a Mirak, had mirak interface, and flipped hexes Hydran(original map out on Sunday), why?

or has this been fixed?

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #64 on: January 16, 2006, 11:32:44 pm »
Had a mission with Mazeppa. Crashed during load. Dunno what he had but I was in an F-D6k and F-FD7EK or something fast with 2 dizzies.

Anyhows.... Hexx, you need to put a double layer of 100 econ empire controlled hexes around the border. A single layer doesnt yield enough economy imo for the yards... although if you stick with the basic classes, finding a ship despite the totally anemic yards wont be that bad... DEPENDING on how often the shipyard cycles...

Also... The core 7 hexes of each empire are DV 5. I hope you change this because during the 1st night Chuut and company are gonna flip them all so when their oppositon logs in, they wont have a base to resupply at.

EDIT: YOU MUST DELETE PLANETS 2 AND 6 from every race!

Also, replace all the pirate cartels in your list with those from the stock list. This must be done.

And you also need to delete all the excess KDP and X tech bases from each empire.

Offline Mazeppa

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2006, 04:47:49 am »
Had a mission with Mazeppa. Crashed during load. Dunno what he had but I was in an F-D6k and F-FD7EK or something fast with 2 dizzies.

Anyhows.... Hexx, you need to put a double layer of 100 econ empire controlled hexes around the border. A single layer doesnt yield enough economy imo for the yards... although if you stick with the basic classes, finding a ship despite the totally anemic yards wont be that bad... DEPENDING on how often the shipyard cycles...

Also... The core 7 hexes of each empire are DV 5. I hope you change this because during the 1st night Chuut and company are gonna flip them all so when their oppositon logs in, they wont have a base to resupply at.

EDIT: YOU MUST DELETE PLANETS 2 AND 6 from every race!

Also, replace all the pirate cartels in your list with those from the stock list. This must be done.

And you also need to delete all the excess KDP and X tech bases from each empire.

Damm.  I was in a D7T.  I mighta phaser boated your ass to death. 

I saw a "host left" message, and you and all yer AI blowed up.  Oddest thing.  The mission would not end, so I hitailed it for the border, and the instant I left the border, I heard the "Hand of Bethke" sound, and the mission ended, and my ship was destroyed. 

I looked at the film, and it clearly shows Dizzy's ship and an AI just sitting there while I did the Taco Bell, which does not make sense, but I've never really checked out a film of a bugged mission before. 
Son of K'otv
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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2006, 04:50:25 am »
We need to get people on this server and try and break it.  And, we all need to have a pad of paper at hand, documenting our time and date, hex location, mission, allies and opponents, and any odd things that happen.  The smart guys need this info to figure out what is up. 
Son of K'otv
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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #67 on: January 17, 2006, 09:20:36 pm »
I notice the Econ Reports spamming the news...
Doesn't that cause or is the cause of "issues"?
Lord Krueg
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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #68 on: January 17, 2006, 09:28:57 pm »
And, IMPO, Having the DVs of every single hex on the map at a mere 5 DV is...ridiculous.
At LEAST the Individual House HW and surrounding bases should be higher, especially the HW.

Just my thoughts on it... ;D

Lord Krueg
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Offline Dfly

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #69 on: January 17, 2006, 10:04:03 pm »
I agree, and wonder is there any way to make it so that NO HOUSE can LOOSE their homeworld?  Reason for this is as quoted earlier about that one good night or shift from a team and they could wipe out a whole team spawning points.  It could become a real problem for that team to retake a planet anywhere with NO SUPPLIES at all.

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #70 on: January 18, 2006, 07:43:17 am »
nag nag nag....

As mentioned in the brilliant(albeit unofficial) rules Homeworlds and the
6 surrounding hexes aren't allowed to be attacked.

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #71 on: January 18, 2006, 08:31:37 am »
Know how to cut back on dumb rules? DV = 100. They wont get attacked.

Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #72 on: January 18, 2006, 08:55:09 am »
Until someone figures out the perfect AI ship draw combo
and someone wakes up the next morning without a homeworld.
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Offline Mazeppa

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #73 on: January 18, 2006, 09:48:40 pm »
Until someone figures out the perfect AI ship draw combo
and someone wakes up the next morning without a homeworld.

Already figured it out.
Son of K'otv
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Offline Bartok

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2006, 10:15:00 pm »
Greetings All

I dl'd the missions .msi but get an error for the spec.msi?  Not a 404 mind u, but the site is down/underconstruction?  I haven't tried the missions.msi dl again but maybe it would also yield these results?  :-[

Are there other links to get the KCW dl's so I can warm up in advance for Friday?  -- btw -- I won't be on till after BattleStarGalactica, or, if i'm on i'll be breaking for it... any chance of the backstory, rules, player lists and dl's being cross-posted, copied to a single thread... just wanna make sure I'm looking at the most accurate/relevant info.


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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #75 on: January 18, 2006, 10:43:03 pm »
Until someone figures out the perfect AI ship draw combo
and someone wakes up the next morning without a homeworld.

Already figured it out.

So you'd do 200 missions just to wipe out a HW? That'd prove for some interesting PvP. Be nice to see what AI draws you'd get there. ;) If you can over power and take away a HW from a race running 200 missions then you deserve it. I mean, there'd have to be PvP defense to stop you. Besides, there are still the base hexes around it at 100... But if PvP was so concentrated, I'd say go for it!

Personally, I dont know what base setup hexx is using, if the bases around the HW are starbases, whether they are destructible or not and why he didnt also place a base in the planet hex beats me, but doing so prevents you from getting a patrol and easy DV flip...............

Its all about mission time. Planet Assaults, at least those on SG5 took between 4 and 10 mins. As the defender, you can run patrols in 3-5. The advantage favors the defender.

Offline Mazeppa

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2006, 01:25:33 pm »
Until someone figures out the perfect AI ship draw combo
and someone wakes up the next morning without a homeworld.

Already figured it out.

So you'd do 200 missions just to wipe out a HW? That'd prove for some interesting PvP. Be nice to see what AI draws you'd get there. ;) If you can over power and take away a HW from a race running 200 missions then you deserve it. I mean, there'd have to be PvP defense to stop you. Besides, there are still the base hexes around it at 100... But if PvP was so concentrated, I'd say go for it!

Personally, I dont know what base setup hexx is using, if the bases around the HW are starbases, whether they are destructible or not and why he didnt also place a base in the planet hex beats me, but doing so prevents you from getting a patrol and easy DV flip...............

Its all about mission time. Planet Assaults, at least those on SG5 took between 4 and 10 mins. As the defender, you can run patrols in 3-5. The advantage favors the defender.

Dizzy, I am not inclined to do this thing.  Currently, the rules do not allow homeworld attacks.  I'm looking for PvP.  However, if it works out that the rules allow it, and we observe nine players logging on at 3 AM on a Thursday morning, attacking our homeworld, I've done some hard thinking on how to mobilize forces, counter the threat, and how to effectively go on the offense quickly.

I'm not in a leadership position in this campaign.  I'm just a warrior who has had some time to do some "what if" thinking.  If I need to, I'll submit my ideas up the chain. 
Son of K'otv
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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #77 on: January 19, 2006, 01:27:31 pm »
You forget the lack of mandatory missions on the server...

AKA: Koloth Kinshaya - Lord of the House Kinshaya in the Klingon Empire
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Offline Bartok

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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #78 on: January 19, 2006, 01:44:10 pm »
Okeedokee -

I've logged on and flown 2 missions.  I lost the second one, but the dv shift still went in my favor  ;D

It sounds like the map is still "beta" ?  if not that's cool, just wanted to pass the above along.  I know you can change the "empire names" in the gf files from the stock to custom ones.  I'm not sure how this affects artifex (would it list the house name when you right clicked on a hex?) but was there any plan to rename the empires/houses/sides to customize?

If this does carry through the the map, I think it'd be a swell idea (sorry i don't know the answer offhand).


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Re: KCW Beta "Stuff"
« Reply #79 on: January 19, 2006, 02:57:23 pm »
You forget the lack of mandatory missions on the server...

Doh!!! Thank you  ;D
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .