Well, I just moved back into my dorm room for the spring semester at Texas A&M. I got my computer set up and booted up Windows, planning on updating Windows and AVG since my computer has been disconnected from the internet for about a month, and I found out that I had to go through TAMUSCAN again. TAMUSCAN is a program that the A&M computer services developed about a year and a half ago to help with campus network security. At the beginning of each semester before your computer is allowed to access the internet, or even most of the TAMU network, you have to download and run TAMUSCAN, which is basically a virus scan and removal tool. However, it takes forever to complete. Last semester, it took nearly twelve hours to finish

! Then it automatically sets your computer to automatically download and install updates, which irks me a little that it goes and changes settings like that, but I already have it set for that, and since service pack 2 makes that the default setting, it's not that big of a deal. Here's the big deal (apart from taking up the whole day running a virus scan); It then installs McAfee sofware on your computer. There's nothing you can do about it. If you want to use the internet on campus, you have to let it install McAfee

. I decided to restart my computer and boot up in SUSE Linux instead. Apparently, they're only focusing on Windows users as potential security threats, because I'm not having a single problem with using the internet right now. I think I'm going to let TAMUSCAN to run over night and then update everything and uninstall McAfee in the morning.