Topic: LOD models still being made?  (Read 1128 times)

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Offline exadvent

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LOD models still being made?
« on: January 09, 2006, 12:43:19 pm »
Is anyone still using LOD models? :huh: If so, is there a tutorial available on using 3DS Max 5 to create them? :huh:  I can make Break (single level) models with no problems, but do not know how to use the standred plug-in to make LOD models.  I checked the tutorial thread, and have looked On-line for a tutorial but have not found one.  So I thought that I would ask the model pro's if they are still being made for new releases.

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Re: LOD models still being made?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2006, 01:47:51 pm »
i don't use them personally, but you can use multires in max to decrease the poly counts.  i think lod work by order of creation, so the oldest one (ie the original) will be the close in, the second oldest will be mid range, and the newest will be far out.  my suggestion when you use multires it to cut your model in half right down the center, and delete onside, then apply multi res and duplicate it so that the mesh is the same on both sides.  to get the order it would be easier to save into multiple files and merge them into the file that has the original in the order they should be, though i could be wrong and it might do it by names...

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