Over the last couple of weeks not taken up by Christmas travel, I have built an editor that should allow you to edit almost all of the map properties on an active campaign. This is part of a project I am working on to make Economic War easier to run, but I thought I'd share it with everyone in case any other server admin finds it useful.
*Did a bug mess with your game and now you need to reset the DV of a hex? Now you can!
*Want one of your races to give one of their hexs to an ally? Now they can!
*Want to remove or add a planet or base? No problem!
This is phase I. It has no GUI's, but does have a lot of error checking and will allow you to change (on the fly):
Empire Owner
Cartel Owner
Planets in the hex
Bases in the hex
Current Empire DV
Maximum Empire DV
Current Cartel DV
Maximum Cartel DV
Hex Economy
Phase II will allow you to change player prestige and terrain. Phase two will also let you halve all the DVs of your map, which is useful when you are starting a server and want to give races the ability to boost the DVs in their home territory. (This last should have been in phase I, but I forgot. In the meantime you can still do this with Evil Dave's DB editor, since no brand new DB will have yet been corrupted.)
Phase III will add GUI's to all of the above.
This editor seems to work on my sample databases. It seems to work on databases that no longer work with EvilDaves DB editor. However, software tested only by its creator tends to crash. Moreover, it tends to crash and destroy your data. (That is its job and chief pleasure in life.) SO FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR DB BEFORE YOU TRY TO USE THIS TOOL!!!!To help ensure that someone doesn't accidentally destroy ]their only copy of their database, I've made this editor a little less user friendly. It *must* be in the same directory as your database, your database *must* have the default name Sfc2Spd.sds, and the output file *will* have the name temp.sds. This prevents accidental overwriting of the database.
To use the edited database, move the Sfc2Spd.sds file to another directory (where it will be safe) and change the name of temp.sds to Sfc2Spd.sds.
Simple, eh?
Here you go. Happy Warmongering!
ftp://www.fourpower.com/pub/HBMapEditor.zipIf it give you any trouble, please let me know.
I'll add this post to the admin forum (for ease-to-find) eventually, but we all know this is the forum that server admins read first and foremost.
-Herr Burt