Howdy. Nice community here, I've browsed through a few time learning a thing or two along the way.
I've been playing SFC off and on for a long time, solo play only as my net connections generally need serious help.
Recently the bug bit me again and I reinstalled SFC:OP, and browsing around found the latest and greatest updates etc. I would like to take a moment to thank those involved in the OP Enhancement Package v3.2, very handy if long download for me.
Having been playing a week or so now, I've come across a problem. Twice now I've been nailed with the Phaser Beams of the Gods at the very beginning of a mission (the same ones that destroy the derelict ship in the Investigation mission) and once sadly as I blew the last starbase in a very hard fought nail biting Planetary Assault. Won the mission, lost the ship. Is this preventable or just an occasional hazard of the game engine?
Also, I had noted while playing the Beast Raider campaign that I was not seeing certain large ships available in the shipyards, namely DNH's, BB's or XCA's. Went digging around and found they were restricted along with a boatload of other ships I had just not noticed. (actually XCA was not restricted, I eventually saw one for sale game years after other race X-ships were giving me fits) I there some reason for the restrictions?
As an observation, something that has always disappointed me with the series has been the random seeming matchups. Medium size ships is not so bad, but when you see 3 B11K's opposing you... I'd rather see a mixed fleet built around 1 B11K that made some sense. I gather that the various race/cartels don't actually keep track of ships built or I'd see a decline it the bigger stuff after making serious inroads in their controlled space, or so I'd think.
I also wish the fleet control in OP was more like SFC 1, it seemed like I could have individual ships behave more intelligently. (You go capture that ship, you bombard this base from here etc etc)
Another question, it there a limit to the models usable? Could I for instance set every different ship to a different model if I had them, or is there a game engine limit?
Thanks for your consideration
Until just recently I was receiving a database error every time I tried to register, and there was no way to get in contact with someone to tell them, perhaps a button to send a PM from the error screen would help?