Topic: Sct 8 File 123RRF5  (Read 1001 times)

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Offline Hondo_8

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Sct 8 File 123RRF5
« on: January 07, 2006, 04:43:52 pm »
Strdt ***********
Communication: Aplha*****Circus***ThilandQuaters
Subject:  Klingon Civil War

The mission has been a success Catpain ***** of the Star Ship USS ****M******  has successfully recruited what we have Dubbed the Thialand Quarter Queen. 

We have successfully Implamented the Aplha*****Circus***ThilandQuaters  in the Klingon Home world. With the help of Captain *****. his back ground with the Klingon culture, knowedge of the Martha Stewart Religion of the Home World he was able to infiltrate and plant the Quarters Queen in a shady distract of the Klingon City......With help of *'*** a former intell officer who has "establishments" throughout the galaxy.

Quarters Queen was planted in an establishment known as the Limp Batlith  a dive of a bar known to be frequented by Klingon BM members who at one point in time Held some of the highest ranks in the Klingon High Council, and were known to be unhappy with the Klingon Council, the weakness in the people and saw the need for a Cleansing to bring back the Old CW days where Federation ships fertilized the Galaxy.

Our Federation agent conspired in the back drop with those disgruntled, overweight Klingon's and other members of the BM who wished to see the Old days of Glories returned once more.

Soon the Quarter Queen found herself and her talents capturing the eyes of Council Members in power.......Lust is a powerfull tool and soon our Quarter Queen worked her magic and found her self Empress of the Klingon world and is know the center of what we hope to be the Grandest battle of all.

We have issued our Federation Captains assumed names, plastic surgery and have infiltrated certain houses to ensure that this comming civil war is one to be remembered and also because we hate Klingon's and we get to kill em.
