I concurr with your combat comments. I was glad to have this one on tape, so I could just watch it straight through the first time for the story, then go back and replay bits to see the battle unfold.
As for the cylon bodies, that brought up another question in my mind that I should have already thought of. All the bodies were human.
When humanoid Cylons are killed, their minds upload to the resurrection center and they get reborn in a new body. (If they are in range.) What happens to the toaster Cylons when they die? I must assume that they are as intelligent and as self-aware as the humanoid Cylons, since the toasters built the humanoids. Do they not care about death?
Interesting Point. I see the humanoids as the "evolved" higher order Cylong, hence = more valuable. Since their goal seems to be to find an alternate means of "reproduction" by crossing w/humans they're more precious to the cylon community in the long run...
As emotions/love seem to be the missing link in achieving this the higher cognitive abilities -- the self awarenes may be limited to the humanoid versions? Imagine how love can screw with your programming

No doubt the toasters retreated and evolved. We know cylon computer programs are heuristic and advanced along a path in their isolation. Perhaps the self awareness is a byproduct of early repeated replications?? A la, Heinleins Starship Troopers. "A colony gets to a certain size and it makes the brain bug" so to speak.
In a semi "Trek" way they may likely have some components which are "borglike" I'm anticipating that (if more comes out of it) the raider craft (250+ on a basestar!!!) will be considered just another type of cylon. Not having 3 pilots as in the original cheeze version. To be sure, they have craft which carry the toasters, but when there's a need to do so, troop deployment, commando raids etc.
Just chiming in