Topic: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE  (Read 23545 times)

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Offline TheJudge

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New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« on: January 06, 2006, 09:57:12 pm »
And they are fracking awesome...the closing shots are sooooooooo perfect for this episode.  :)
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2006, 06:07:44 am »
Man I feel Bad, I feel asleep during SG, and completly missed Everything untill amazing stories started playing at 4. Hopefully, I can find the episodes online.

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Offline The_Joker

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2006, 10:33:07 am »
Available at itunes right now, if you have a subscription.
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Offline TheJudge

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2006, 01:14:57 pm »
Don't worry Stephen, the Tivo is burning a copy for you right now, and of course we'll burn copies for SG1 and Atlantis (they were both good episodes as well).
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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2006, 04:40:41 pm »
Who makes a 3 part episode? I'll tell you who, people who want to make me SUFFER! I can't wait until this all comes to a sharp concentrated 30 seconds of pure televised goodness.
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2006, 05:25:19 pm »
Don't worry Stephen, the Tivo is burning a copy for you right now, and of course we'll burn copies for SG1 and Atlantis (they were both good episodes as well).

Thanks Dan, My wife said you called me back, for the Address. Looing forward to seeing them.

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Offline Father Ted

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2006, 07:26:02 pm »
I wish Sci-Fi would do one of those marathons with "BSG" because it's simply a brilliant show. But more than than that, it would help me keep track of who's good and who's bad, Cylonwise and Colonial. If I can't have that, then give me two hours every Friday night. ;)

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Offline Death_Merchant

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2006, 08:20:21 pm »
You can buy an individual episode off iTunes for $1.99

That's cheaper than the DVD you'd be burning it to.....
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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2006, 09:16:20 pm »
I find it quite humorous how hypocritical everyone on Galactica is concerning their behavior towards Pegasus.  The two guys from Galactica (hardly ever watch the show, so I don't know their names) murder the officer from Pegasus for attempting to torture the Boomer Cylon, but way back in season 1, the president ordered a male Cylon to be blown out an airlock.  In last night's episode, the president called what was about to happen to Boomer to be "disgusting," even though she ordered the summary execution of another Cylon.  Then there's the matter of the assassinations being ordered by both Cain and Adama.  The Galactica people had no moral grounding to claim that they are somehow better or more right than the Pegasus.  I sincerely hope Cain or someone else points this out to their counterparts in the next episode, or else Lloyd Bridges and Lorne Greene will be making a few more spins in their respective graves.

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Offline Commander La'ra

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2006, 12:23:39 am »
I sincerely hope Cain or someone else points this out to their counterparts in the next episode, or else Lloyd Bridges and Lorne Greene will be making a few more spins in their respective graves.

They've been spinning in their graves since the new BSG came out...

...simply because it's real drama with real characters and theirs was an attempt to cash in on the Star Wars frenzy with bad '70's outfits.

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Offline TheJudge

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2006, 01:39:18 am »
Fascape is famous for three-part episodes. 

As for Rat Boy's comments:

1.  Galactica, unlike Pegasus, did not strip a civilian fleet of ships of FTL drives, weapons, parts, food, fuel, and then attempt to split apart families when one of them had skills the Pegasus needed. Neither did the Galactica order those families shot when they refused. 

2.  The Caprica Boomer (who is the pregnant boomer we saw) betrayed the cylons by helping Starbuck and Helo escape Caprica.  She then led the Galactica crew across Kobol to the Tomb of Athena and the roadmap to Earth.  Following that, she was imprisoned in the improvised cell and not trusted much.  Even after that, she served the crew of the Galactica by disabling a computer virus before it killed the crew of the ship, and then she turned the virus on approaching cylon raiders, making them helpless while the Galactica's vipers blew them apart.  How you compare a traitor cylon who has repeatedly helped crew members of that ship, and saved the ship itself at least twice to cylons loyal to their cause and intent on destroying the colonials is beyond me.  They are apples and oranges.  Besides, she's pregnant.  Most people tend to be protective of pregnant women, whatever their race. 

Obviously you don't watch the show much otherwise you'd have known that...What still gets me are those people who hold up the original show on a pedestal and try to pretend the new show can't be nearly as good when the truth is that the new show is far better than the original could have ever dreamed of being.
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Offline Sarek

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2006, 02:34:17 am »
2.  The Caprica Boomer (who is the pregnant boomer we saw) betrayed the cylons by helping Starbuck and Helo escape Caprica.  She then led the Galactica crew across Kobol to the Tomb of Athena and the roadmap to Earth.  Following that, she was imprisoned in the improvised cell and not trusted much.  Even after that, she served the crew of the Galactica by disabling a computer virus before it killed the crew of the ship, and then she turned the virus on approaching cylon raiders, making them helpless while the Galactica's vipers blew them apart.  How you compare a traitor cylon who has repeatedly helped crew members of that ship, and saved the ship itself at least twice to cylons loyal to their cause and intent on destroying the colonials is beyond me.  They are apples and oranges.  Besides, she's pregnant.  Most people tend to be protective of pregnant women, whatever their race. 

Not to mention that they're both in love with her.
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Offline Father Ted

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2006, 07:23:13 am »
Well said, Judge. Having seen the original and the new series, I can say that the new one is far and away the better show.

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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2006, 12:24:14 pm »
1.  Galactica, unlike Pegasus, did not strip a civilian fleet of ships of FTL drives, weapons, parts, food, fuel, and then attempt to split apart families when one of them had skills the Pegasus needed. Neither did the Galactica order those families shot when they refused.

And you trust Fisk's word completely?  You can't even completely believe the story he told about the last XO of Pegasus.  And isn't the plan that Kara presented to attack that Cylon ship essentially sacrificing several civilian ships, and didn't they already do that in another attack on the Cylons?  How do you think the people aboard them feel about giving up their "FTL drives, weapons, parts, food, fuel," to the military?  What happens if they refuse?

The only thing about Cain you can trust is that she's trying to "terminate" Adama's command, and considering how Adama's trying to do the same thing, I don't really blame her.  This is a complete breakdown in both the chain of command and the rule of law brought on by three people who've all been sipping the same insanity beer.

2.  The Caprica Boomer (who is the pregnant boomer we saw) betrayed the cylons by helping Starbuck and Helo escape Caprica.  She then led the Galactica crew across Kobol to the Tomb of Athena and the roadmap to Earth.  Following that, she was imprisoned in the improvised cell and not trusted much.  Even after that, she served the crew of the Galactica by disabling a computer virus before it killed the crew of the ship, and then she turned the virus on approaching cylon raiders, making them helpless while the Galactica's vipers blew them apart.  How you compare a traitor cylon who has repeatedly helped crew members of that ship, and saved the ship itself at least twice to cylons loyal to their cause and intent on destroying the colonials is beyond me.  They are apples and oranges.  Besides, she's pregnant.  Most people tend to be protective of pregnant women, whatever their race.

The other Boomer (the Galactica one) also helped out the Colonials, even (if I remember right) blew up a basestar before trying to kill Adama.  She even said that her breeding with what's his name was all part of an elaborate set-up, one that could be continuing.  Treating her as a partner or as something other than an enemy agent is laughable and dangerous.

And again, how does the summary execution of one Cylon make the Galactica group better than the Pegasus crew for torturing a Cylon?  Is it because there's some kind of doublestandard that because the main characters are doing it, it's one thing, but if the guest stars are doing it, then it must be wrong?

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2006, 01:35:24 pm »

And again, how does the summary execution of one Cylon make the Galactica group better than the Pegasus crew for torturing a Cylon? Is it because there's some kind of doublestandard that because the main characters are doing it, it's one thing, but if the guest stars are doing it, then it must be wrong?

Torture is totally acceptable in my eyes, even killing them if fine.... but letting the crew take turns pulling a rape train on Pegasus Six is not.

What moral standing does anyone have for that?
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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #15 on: January 08, 2006, 03:28:00 pm »
Torture is totally acceptable in my eyes, even killing them if fine.... but letting the crew take turns pulling a rape train on Pegasus Six is not.

Alright, let me put it to you another way: is there a doublestandard in regards to physical torture vs. sexual torture, let alone execution?  Shouldn't both the Galactica and the Pegasus crews be held to the same standard of contemptability?

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Offline TheJudge

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2006, 03:43:53 pm »
Summary execution of a known enemy isn't nice and fluffy, but it is a far cry from torture.  Many people don't have a problem shooting a spy on discovery during a time of war, but torture and rape the same person and they begin to have major problems with the concept. 

Galactica Boomer and Caprica Boomer are two totally different animals.  The Galactica Boomer, because she didn't know she was a cylon to begin with had a very big handicap...conditioning that allowed the 'cylon' in her to wake up and take control.  She had no control over it at all.  Caprica Boomer has no such 'sleeper' programing and is there able to make a conscious choice about her loyalties.  Plus, Caprica Boomer isn't given the free run of the ship.  She's in a specially designed cell, constantly under guard, and the scene in the med bay is the first time she doesn't have the dog-catcher pole around her neck, and heavy shackles on whenever she's let out of that cell. 

She's being allowed to live for two reasons:  1)  She's pregnant with a colonial's baby and 2) She provides some use against the cylons.  If either one ends, so does her life. 

Starbuck's plan doesn't actually sacrifice those ships...they are just the bait.  They are pretending to have ftl problems, not actually having them.  The ability to get the hell out of dodge is still there for them.  Cain would screw up their FTL drives just to make sure they didn't get jumpy...
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Offline Rat Boy

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2006, 08:35:39 pm »
Summary execution of a known enemy isn't nice and fluffy, but it is a far cry from torture.  Many people don't have a problem shooting a spy on discovery during a time of war, but torture and rape the same person and they begin to have major problems with the concept.

Funny it'd be you of all people who'd come to that conclusion.  How is it that murder without a fair hearing of a prisoner of war somehow is better than abuse?

Galactica Boomer and Caprica Boomer are two totally different animals.

You're making an assumption.  How do you know that Boomer #2 won't turn on the Galacticacrats?  How do you know that once that hybrid thing is born she won't turn on everyone?  If memory serves, she only started to be "helpful" after she was found out as a Cylon.

Starbuck's plan doesn't actually sacrifice those ships...they are just the bait...

They're being conscripted for a military operation where there's no gurantee that they'll survive.  How much better is that than what the Pegasusans have allegedly done?

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Offline Sarek

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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2006, 01:37:43 am »
What makes this show interesting is that it examines the moral abiguities and contradictions that appear when fighting for survival.  It's an allegory for our real world War on Terror where many of us find ourselves supporting measures which would have been abhorrent pre-9/11. 
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Re: New Battlestar Galactica Episodes are HERE
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2006, 03:21:13 am »
What makes this show interesting is that it examines the moral abiguities and contradictions that appear when fighting for survival.  It's an allegory for our real world War on Terror where many of us find ourselves supporting measures which would have been abhorrent pre-9/11. 

I'd have to differ a little on that one...9/11 was nothing like what the characters of Galactica have been through. Around 3,000 people died on 9/11 (and when you really think about that number, you start to realize just how over-hyped this 'war on terror' really must be).  Out of nearly 300 million, that number is less than 1% of the population.  In Galactica, the civilations went from over 12 billion to less than 50,000 people in a matter of days. 

That would the same as the entire Planet of Earth going to about 30,000 in a matter of a week.  Given that level of death, and an enemy who not only desires your entire race dead, but has the means to carry it out as well, and things become a little different.  This is one of the reasons why I very rarely criticize Israel's dealings with the Arab states.  Their neighbors, and countries like Iran, will have little compuction about doing to Israel what the Cylons did to the Colonies.  (also, remember, I said 'rarely criticize' Israel, not 'never'.)

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