The vipers may be more worn out now in the new BSG, but they are different. They altered it just enough that I like the older models better. The turbine intakes on the new BSG vipers are kind of bean shaped, vs. the older round ones (how a bean shaped turbine works, I'm not sure

) and a few other things. It's kind of like the difference between an old and a new car. They are similar, and sure maybe sometimes the new ones are cool, but sometimes the old one is just too classic, and you miss the basic rugged lines.
DM, is there something wrong with good guys? Especially when they represent us? I'm not opposed to problems, but as much of the new BSG, a lot of the personal issues just seemed rather trumped up (poor acting helps this along) for the sake of having problems in a character. Plus there is too much lame, corny, cliche sci-fi stuff in the new one for my taste. Now, I can hear you saying "but, the old one was way more..." yeah, but it was a product of it's time. I can excuse things in the viewing because of it. I expect higher things of programs produced now, and I fully believe that a complex challenging sci-fi show could easily have been built around the structure of the old BSG and it's mythology. Not only that, sometimes you need heroes. Sometimes you just want to watch some "big damn heroes" kick some butt. That's why I liked firefly. They were heroes in the end, but they also had problems and issues.
I would also hardly say that the original BSG didn't have anything to discuss. For it's time, it had a prostitute as a sympathetic main character. There was the struggle between the more militaristic leaders and the career politicians, there was the whole angel thing. Now, it had to be presented in a package that was broadcast material in 1978, but I just don't think you can say that there was nothing that could have been done with it and they had to just take the names and start from scratch. (btw, I think the cg cylons look rediculous)
I really wanted to like the new bsg, and I do give it a try every once in a while, but everytime I watch an episode I end up rolling my eyes at some lame plot point, or bad acting (although there are a couple of folks on there who are great actors), cheese ball effects, etc. I sometimes wonder what show everyone else is watching. But it's a personal taste thing I guess. I'll probably go in trying it from time to time, just because I loved the original so much that I want more. Such is life.