At the end of the episode, was the teaser for next season:
"We are going to take care of the humans now".
And Starbucks comment:
"We are going to fight them until we cant"
I think next season will be more commentary on the state of events in Iraq today, where the good guy human insurgents are attacking the evil cylon occupiers, who are just trying to fix what they broke.
On the whole, I didnt really like the episde. I thought it was a little boring. And also thought that they pretty much resolved the EPISODE, but set up the whole next season.
Didnt really care for the Atlantis cliffhanger either.
The Stargate cliffhanger had some neat elements:
- I liked the future version of "Ensign Gay" watching the big battle from her space suit. Did that at the beginning of the season of galactica, and thought it was neat then.
- I liked the clue searching they were doing with Merlins library, but then it got cut off into the predictable hopeless space battle.
I am kind of bummed that I was disappointed with all three.
Oh yeah... Stockwells character was great. The quote when he got caught... right on.