
What is your favorite Star Trek movie?

The Motion Picture
1 (2.6%)
The Wrath of Khan
27 (71.1%)
The Search for Spock
0 (0%)
The Voyage Home
2 (5.3%)
The Final Frontier
0 (0%)
The Undiscovered Country
6 (15.8%)
1 (2.6%)
First Contact
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (2.6%)

Total Members Voted: 38

Voting closed: November 01, 2006, 06:09:12 pm

Topic: Star Trek  (Read 2895 times)

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Offline ApolloMissions

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Star Trek
« on: January 05, 2006, 06:09:12 pm »
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2006, 12:32:18 am »
It's hard for me to choose a favorite.  Instead, I think of them in groups ranging from great to bad.

Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Kahn
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek:  First Contact
Star Trek:  Nemesis

Star Trek:  The Motion Picture
Star Trek III:  The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home
Star Trek:  Generations

Star Trek V:  The Final Frontier
Star Trek:  Insurrection

Offline J. Carney

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2006, 12:59:07 am »
Easily, always, and unquestionably the best to me is The Wrath of Khan.

The Search for Spock comes next, if only for the fact that everyone gets a lot of screen time individually and gets to show off their range in acting abilities. That and it focuses on DeForrest Kelley, and he's always been my favorite of the bunch.

The movies went steadily downhill after that, with the movies featuring the TNG actors sucking astronomically.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2006, 11:21:18 pm »
I have a hard time listing Nemesis among my favorites...

For one thing, they killed ..... (If you've seen it, you know; if you haven't seen it, I almost envy you.)

It almost seemed like B&B deciding that if Trek was gonna die under their reign, they might as well take a major character with them.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2006, 01:05:06 am »
IV sucks moose balls. Time travel, nuff said.

Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2006, 02:20:35 am »
Number one has to be Wrath of Khan.  You can't deny the power!  It's just too good. 

After that, I liked the Undiscovered Country next, probably, but there was something just fun about Voyage Home.  It was the humour and character interactions, that made that one.  it was almost like hanging out with the crew for a casual weekend when everyone's just dorking around (but happen to have a mission).  I enjoy it for what it is.  Country had pink Klingon blood, though.  Who's idea was that?  Probably somebody who thought it would be really funny if these warriors all had pink inside them.  Yeah, real funny.  Ugh!  It's almost as bad as Romulan forehead ridges.  Almost.  Other than that, I enjoyed the show.  Christopher Plummer was great (I almost didn't recognize him the first time) and is one of my favorite Klingons (although Christopher Lloyd has to be one of the favorites from III).   And you cannot deny Kim Cattrall as Valeris.  Hot! ;) 

I guess of the TNG movies I liked First Contact the most.  The first one didn't do it for me, and the saggy faced guys didn't work that well.  It just seemed like really long episodes.  I will say that Nemesis, if it were not a Trek movie, might not have been so bad.  But, as a Trek movie it stunk rocks and did it's best to make the Trek universe suck just a little bit more than B&B had been able to push it up until that point (Vampire looking Remans, yeah!  That's awesome and makes total sense!  I know that folks looking to colonize after leaving a volcanic planet are definitely going to settle on a barren planet and on the side that never, ever gets any sunlight.  Yeah, because that's so like the habitat that they are used to.  Really, great thinking there! :rolleyes:)  Plus, it once again takes an enemy and weakens them.  Why?  I'm sorry we need to have weak enemy of the episode rather than an ominous ongoing danger.  Good call!  Let's just have peace between everyone.  yeah, that will be fun to watch (which has me worried about the outline for the StarTrek Online game too)

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2006, 04:18:42 pm »
For one thing, they killed ..... (If you've seen it, you know; if you haven't seen it, I almost envy you.)

It almost seemed like B&B deciding that if Trek was gonna die under their reign, they might as well take a major character with them.

Thats one thing we cannot lay on B&B. He decided to leave on his own. His reason was that he was getting too old to play a character that doesnt.

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2006, 08:22:43 am »
It's hard for me to choose a favorite.  Instead, I think of them in groups ranging from great to bad.

Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Kahn
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
Star Trek:  First Contact
Star Trek:  Nemesis

Star Trek:  The Motion Picture
Star Trek III:  The Search for Spock
Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home
Star Trek:  Generations

Star Trek V:  The Final Frontier
Star Trek:  Insurrection

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2006, 03:02:49 pm »
The Wrath of Khan - without a doubt the best of them, followed by the Search for Spock.

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2006, 09:32:21 pm »
Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Kahn             -simply the best
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country   -a great way for the old guard to bow out
Star Trek:  First Contact                         -best of the 3 only TNG cast movies

Star Trek:  The Motion Picture                -slow paced retelling of where Nomad has gone before
Star Trek III:  The Search for Spock        -goofy plot to bring Spock back after killing him. Nimoy wanted out again and Harve Bennet killed Spock to make him happy and then Nimoy changes his mind forcing this story line.
Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home            -fun little romp
Star Trek: Insurection                            -so it wasn't first contact, it was still solid trek values

Star Trek V:  The Final Frontier              -Sybok crap, Shatner had his hands on this one and 50 plus decks going up the turbo shaft?
Star Trek:  Generations                         -Berman wants to kill off Kirk. The launch of unprepared Enterprise B (torpedoes and tractors will arrive on tuesday) makes starfleet look stupid and they did this crap in final frontier with enterprise A having not much more than the engines in shape. Continuity errors suggest this story could not have happenned. Remember TNG episode "Relics" with Scotty? When Ryker says he's from the enterprise, Scotty thinks Kirk got the enterprise A out of mothballs. So Kirk isn't dead and there's no Enterprise B that Scotty knows about, but Berman thumbs his nose even at TNG continuity 

Star Trek:  Nemesis                             -bad on every level with a sloppy rip-off of wrath of Khan with Data doing the Spock bit and even coming back sort of with Data having downloaded himself into B-4. I'm sorry I payed to see it.
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Offline ApolloMissions

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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2006, 06:45:06 pm »
Star Trek II:  The Wrath of Kahn             -simply the best
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country   -a great way for the old guard to bow out
Star Trek:  First Contact                         -best of the 3 only TNG cast movies

Star Trek:  The Motion Picture                -slow paced retelling of where Nomad has gone before
Star Trek III:  The Search for Spock        -goofy plot to bring Spock back after killing him. Nimoy wanted out again and Harve Bennet killed Spock to make him happy and then Nimoy changes his mind forcing this story line.
Star Trek IV:  The Voyage Home            -fun little romp
Star Trek: Insurection                            -so it wasn't first contact, it was still solid trek values

Star Trek V:  The Final Frontier              -Sybok crap, Shatner had his hands on this one and 50 plus decks going up the turbo shaft?
Star Trek:  Generations                         -Berman wants to kill off Kirk. The launch of unprepared Enterprise B (torpedoes and tractors will arrive on tuesday) makes starfleet look stupid and they did this crap in final frontier with enterprise A having not much more than the engines in shape. Continuity errors suggest this story could not have happenned. Remember TNG episode "Relics" with Scotty? When Ryker says he's from the enterprise, Scotty thinks Kirk got the enterprise A out of mothballs. So Kirk isn't dead and there's no Enterprise B that Scotty knows about, but Berman thumbs his nose even at TNG continuity 

Star Trek:  Nemesis                             -bad on every level with a sloppy rip-off of wrath of Khan with Data doing the Spock bit and even coming back sort of with Data having downloaded himself into B-4. I'm sorry I payed to see it.

I concur with you about Generations because , torpedoes, tractors, and medical staff will arive on Tuesday.  Is kind of lame.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #11 on: January 14, 2006, 11:36:05 am »
The kids must be voting alot over at www.trektoday.com as first contact is out in front over wrath of khan as fasvorite movie to have on your ipod. go ahead and vote there.
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Re: Star Trek
« Reply #12 on: February 01, 2006, 10:54:16 pm »
I was under the impression that it was all Herriman's idea to launch on schedule just because he didn't want to reschedule the press junket.  After all, what can happen so close to home?

As for Nemesis, that's my 3rd favorite, with Undiscovered Country and Wrath of Khan taking 2nd and 1st respectively.

Why would it be dumb for Data to download his brain into his brother's mind?  I mean, apart from the whole "he could turn into Lore and kill us all" thing.  If I was an adroid I'd make regular backups of my mind into a box in my quarters just in case I didn't come back from an away mission.  Of course, it would kinda suck to be wheeled around or constantly carry around a holoemitter.
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