Topic: Something from one of my FASA egroups  (Read 1113 times)

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Something from one of my FASA egroups
« on: January 07, 2006, 05:13:31 pm »
Hello all you TOS junkies out there....

Anyone interested in tackling this?

And this post....some ideas for TMP Feds...I will make a post asking permission to model them..

In this post there is something for you Gorn junkies out there..TOS era I think..

And this post...more FASA Feddies, some of which have been modeled...

Semper Fi, Carry On
« Last Edit: January 07, 2006, 05:27:56 pm by anthsco »
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Re: Something from one of my FASA egroups
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 10:39:57 pm »
The Taurus looks nice, a proper original TOS Fed ship that looks vaguelly different from the Connie but doesn't involve nonsensical re-arrangement of components like a bizzarre mix'n'match. Some elements remind me uncomfortably of the New-Orleans, or Bernd Schneider's Sirius class from EAS. But it's carried off very well, the ship looks convincingly like something that might have actually been on TOS.

The other links require a login for the forums. Sorry, can't comment on those./
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Re: Something from one of my FASA egroups
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 10:55:23 pm »
That one pic I can see looks like Azel/Atolms TOS Excelsior design. Can't see the others due to having to join another forum.


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