Hi all,
Just poking my ears in again. I'm looking for some specific data and I'm hoping the folks on here have it.
Does anyone know what the ISC fleet ranks are? The SFC ranks do seem to be Starfleet/Klingon-equivalent. I was wondering if anyone had the original SFB material, or just knows that the SFC ranks are the same as the SFB originals.
Also, what would you prefer to see in a story? ISC ship names, or as the SFB source material seems to indicate, unnamed but numbered vessels.
i.e. ISCS
Insurance Assessor 
or CCZ-12?
Also, any other data you might have on the races of the ISC and their profiles, the use of proper ISC tactics and weapons, basically any ISC data you have, please feel free to drop it in this thread.
Oh, and I already have the Memory Alpha and Wikipedia data.
P.S. Happy New Year!