Quick and easy carb side dish: pierogies.
Put a few in a bowl, cover with water, nuke about 3 1/2 minutes (if frozen). Blot dry w/ paper towel.
I like em with black pepper and sour cream. YMMV.
Better tasting, but slightly more work (and fat), fry in a pan with olive oil. Better yet (and still more fat), fry with butter.
Um... I prefer home made pierogies... and yes, I know how to make them.
Can't be Polish and not know how....

I make my filling with a mashed potato and sour cream mix (btw, I add a touch of cottage cheese to my mashed potatoes, it works, trust me!), add in green onions, garlic (always!!! Garlic is good on garlic in my book!) and sometimes I will throw some meats in there... sausage, bacon (nice thick stuff, but not 'canadian' bacon)
As for steak side dishes....
Concerning bread, I prefer Italian over French. Take a head of garlic, cut off the top, add a teaspoon of olive oil and bake.
Who needs butter then? You just squeeze it out onto the bread and spread it with a knife..... succulent!!!!
I also would take mashed over bake potatoes. None of that boxed flake stuff though....
Chuut, you have reminded me that I have not had asparagus in a long time.... need to get some....
Mushrooms are definately a good side.... though some home made deep fried mushrooms make an excellent appetizer.

My personal batter receipe for fried mushrooms is aunt jemima's (or as I refer to it, Ain't Jor Mama!) pancake mix and the appropriate amount of water to be used replaced with a lager type beer and cut by 1/3 to thicken it up a bit. (IE if it calls for 3/4 cup of water, you use 1/2 cup of lager)
Of course, if you are entertaining folks... you need the
mac daddy of all deep fryers like I got!
It also does 10 pounds of wings in one basket in 15 minutes!!! I guess that is why I am invited to cook at all the big games....
Corn on the cob is best. If not whole kernal... Either way, add butter and pepper!!
Green beans (fresh if you can get them) also rock as part of a steak dinner.
Am I the only one who likes broccoli? Steamed with a bit of butter, magnificent!!!
Oh, and steamed is the only way to make veggies AFAIC, expect corn on the cob... still like it boiled...
Ah well.... but how do you marinate your steaks?
That is another question?
Dry rubs have been my favorite of recent... garlic, pepper (white pepper if I have it), and this great mesquite powder that I got from somewhere I wish I knew where b/c I am slowly running out (started with a 10# box got maybe a pound left..)
For wet marinades, A1 makes a good base as does worchestershire (though I like to use the white wine stuff even with beef)
As for wine with steak? Merlots or Pinots, they are best IMO.
Also, I'd like to thank my Aunt who started me on my cooking career.... her quote was, "Nothing drops a girl's panties faster than a man who can cook for her..."
Needless to say, I was eager to learn how to cook then... and I have been ho'ing it up ever since....