Yo Anthsco, the kind of joking point I was making was that you didn't need to extend Saturnalia beyond it's normal time (17th to the 23rd IIRC) for an excuse to party on the 25th, cause you can use Dies Natalis Solis Invicti as the excuse instead.
What is is where you're from, and Saturnalia? That one I've defenetly never heard of. Who celebrates that and where?
Starforce, I'm in Essex just outside of London so it's Christmas here like it is for practically everyone else in the western world but I don't celebrate it or any Christian holiday as I'm an atheist. I do however observe some of the Roman religious festivals as I'm of phoenician/greek/roman/arabic/norman/catalan descent on my father's side. Most Romans didn't believe in the gods for real so it doesn't really conflict with my (lack of) beliefs.
No one at all really celebrates it anymore, except for a few Roman reconstructionists/enthusiasts and those neo-pagan idiots who think the witch trials were about them (mostly teenage girls with no self-esteem).