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« on: December 24, 2005, 09:13:40 pm »

Captain of the Klingon Heavy Cruiser C7 IKV-D'Ktagh
Last of the Klingon Dark Slayers
KDS Sword of Honor recipient
Commander KDS Vengeance Squadron
Field Marshal GW4

Surrender is NOT an option!

Offline KBF-WillWeasel

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« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2005, 10:25:37 pm »
Hondo, who has recently returned with more strange and odd stories.
Somewhere north of the Azores.
KBF always

Offline C-Los

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« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2005, 02:11:38 am »
Be careful around that crazy fleetmate.....    :mischief: :rofl: :mischief:
C-Los, Commanding Officer U.S.S. Scorpion

"Life is short, have fun and enjoy !"

Offline Dizzy

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« Reply #3 on: December 25, 2005, 02:28:27 am »
He had one in his ready room and one in his cabin. dont forget those...

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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« Reply #4 on: December 25, 2005, 03:35:35 am »
Don't forget the Nurses either or the Rubber Ducky!

Offline Father Ted

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« Reply #5 on: December 25, 2005, 07:19:53 am »
Nothing matches the story about lawyers, guns, money, a tatoo and a kewpie doll.

Captain: USS Majestik Moose NCC-1712

"Live as brave men; and if fortune is adverse, front its blows with brave hearts." -Cicero
"Superman wears Jack Bauer jammies."-Anonymous
"Better to fight for something than live for nothing." -George S. Patton

Offline Dizzy

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« Reply #6 on: December 25, 2005, 01:19:20 pm »
Nothing matches the story about lawyers, guns, money, a tatoo and a kewpie doll.

Er, except this one:

The Federation invasion of Klingon space had hardly begun when an Alliance surveilance listening post intercepted Coalition subspace chatter...

 Stardate 2282.3, Sector 30,21. Federation Listening Post: Bravo Charlie 6.

The listening post was crammed full of electronics and explosives. Squeezed in between the electronics used to monitor Coalition transmissions and the explosives designed to safeguard that information in case of enemy capture, two Federation technicians busily went about their duties... er at least one of them did...

"Stew! GET OVER HERE! Fast!", Kell yelled sounding alarmed.

Stew spit his gum into the toilet. It had lost its flavor. "Damnit Kell", Stew complained, "I can't take a crap without you bugging me for something! Just give me a minute or so and I'll be right there..." Stew thought more about how he despised Kell. He was an over-achiever. Always a do-gooder. Seven years it took Stew to gain his seniority for this post and the way it looked now, Kell was looking so good to Starfleet brass he would end up taking his job before the year was out. It made his stomach turn. Stew flushed the toilet and smiled at how he was gonna get Kell before that happened, one way or the other... "I'm gonna flush you down the toilet with all the other sh*t some day, Kell. You just wait", he whispered softly to the toilet as it swirled down the drain.

Kell looked over the communique once again just to be sure he wasn't missing anything. The transmission was verified and triangulated. The data confirmed it. He checked it again anyway and glanced over his shoulder to see if Stew had made it yet before pressing a transmit key.

"Ok, Kell, what the hell is it now, another gamma wave burst you mistook for a secret Coalition code or the annual Pirate spacefest concert?" Stew pulled up his pants a little higher and adjusted his belt while swaggering down the short narrow hall of the cramped two person Listening Post. A piece of toilet paper was stuck to his shoe. " If so, I hope they are playing some of that Molly Hatchet or this isnt worth getting up from the can again for you. I'm on page thirty-two of that new Federation thriller book, '101 ways to kill Dizzy' by John Vaughn, and I don't like being intterupted by your rookie enthusiasm whenever you manage to hear a space mouse fart! You know, John personally signed this book when I met him on Starbase 6  

Kell wasn't even listening to him. He was busy pecking away on the computer terminal. He did, however manage a nodding gesture  pointing over at auxiliary display screen 7.

Stew walked over to the screen reaching into his pocket and put the last stick of chewing gum he could find in his mouth. Stew always leaves gum lying around. Stew needs his gum. Kell was always picking it up. Kell was a clean freak and Stew hated him for it.

"Ok, lets see what we have here, Mr. 'I will save the day' techie geek..." Stew studied the screen and frowned. "Are you sure station 7 picked this up?"

Kell didn't answer. He was now working on triangulating the data from the transmission to pinpoint the source.

"Ok, Kell", Stew went along, "We have this Klingon code scrambled in Romulan encryption being transmitted from Klingon Starbase 14. It was received by an unknown undetected vessel about somewhere in this vicinity and a reply was sent back to Klingon Starbase 14. But there is no Romulan ship in this vicinity. There are no Rom ships anywhere on this side of Federation space... And we intercepted this here? That doesn't make any sense." Stew thought for a moment... "Did you run the algorithm debugger?"

"Yes", said Kell.

"Did you run the database decryption sequencer?"

"Yes", again said Kell.

"Well, did you verify the subset mask with the decrypt..."

Kell looked over at Stew and interrupted, "Stew, observe that book over there." Kell watched as the sloppy fat and undisciplined Stew turned his neck toward the  'Technicians encrypt/decrypt handbook and procedures guide' . "Yes that one", Kell confirmed mockingly, "All the procedures and steps in this current set have been followed to the letter." Kell glanced down at his terminal. "I am punching up the triangulation coordinates now along with the decrypted Romulan information."

On the main view screen, a map appeared.

Using the advanced Stellar Cartography ship tracking sensor array, Kell punched up the fleet tracking list to determine the locations of all ship in the area.

Stew's gum nearly dropped out of his mouth. Displayed on the screen was the triangulated coordinates of a Romulan Nova Hawk Cruiser and the decryption showed it to be the RIS Raptor, commanded by Tal Prae'ex Dizzy.

"Oh my god! Holy [censored]!" Stew started smacking his gum. "Kell! That is the RAPTOR! What the hell is she doing way over here?" Stew stared at the screen with both excitement and confusion. "Operation 'Bomb the Rom' destroyed the Romulan supply depot in Klink space and she is supposed to have been cut off from this area, yet there she is!"

Kell calmly watched Stew's excited reaction.

"Kell, we gotta contact The Assault Fleets Flagship, FPF-Father Ted. His DNH is maneuvering for the Klingon assault near Kirell. Kroma BaSyl is escorting in his G-BCHD. Dizzy stands no chance. We are gonna get that SoB now! Finally, we have him tightly encircled! Look at that! The Raptor has no friendly backup in the area! That is one dead Rom. What else we gotta do? Oh yeah, also relay a copy to Starbase 12. Oh I can't believe this." Stew ran back to the bathroom and picked up John Vaughn's copy of '101 Ways to Kill Dizzy'. He flipped to page thirty-two and ran back to the control room.

Kell half smiled at Stew's excited demeanor and turned toward the communication console. He began tracking the whereabouts of Father Ted's DNH.

Kell composed the priority one action alert and sent it via wide beam subspace to all vessels in the immediate vicinity. Now everyone in the sector knew the general whereabouts of Dizzy's [i[Raptor[/i].  Unfortunately, what no one knew was that this suited Dizzy's purpose just fine...

Stew kept pacing back and forth flipping hurriedly through the pages of his book when the comm light blinked.

Kell turned toward Stew and said, "Fleet acknowledges message and requires on the minute update tracking on the [i[RIS Raptor[/i[. Sir?" Kell waited for a reply from his supervisor. Stew was the ranking officer, but Kell thought he would be better suited for a carnival sideshow attendant.

"Oh, right, make it so, Kell", Stew said, not even glancing up. He was too lazy to handle his part of the responsibilities on the station. The more he got Kell to do for him the better. Life was easier. Besides, he didn’t want to do it. He was on the 41st way of '101 Ways to Kill a Dizzy' by John Vaughn and wouldn't, just couldn't notice anything else especially Kell's transmission of tracking info he was sending to the Fleet. Stew was oblivious to everything save the book, including a tale tell secret encrypted signal embedded into the tracking info... He didn't have to worry about supervising Kell. Kell never made a mistake. He was good. Too good...

About an hour later...

"Stew, Comms traffic reports that Father Ted's DNH, the Red Dwarf has been intercepted by the Raptor in sector 29,21, an asteroid field." Kell pecked away at his console and brought up the remote monitoring menu. "We have a listening post in that area. I have LP 419 streaming in stills now. Kroma's G-BCHD is escorting..."

Stew turned around and watched the main viewer. He saw the Winged Defender, the new Romulan Nova Hawk class maneuver into an asteroid field. "WOW! I cant believe it!!! What luck... OMG. You have the data record and backups rolling?" He asked Kell.

"Affirmative", responded Kell, who now tightened the subspace beam for better camera detail. "This will be interesting..." Kell watched on in admiration as the sleek angled Winged Defender took up a parallel course to Kroma's BCHD. Very interesting indeed he thought...

"Ok Kell, swing that camera angle downward a little... "Stew watched on as the pics streamed in. "Yeah... oh wow! Look at that! Now there is the pride of the Federation... Look at that beautiful F-DNH!. Kell, that is one dead Dizzy", Stew smirked to himself as he admired the beautiful geometry of Father Ted's Federation Dreadnought. Dizzy has hurt us, Stew thought angrily. Now we are gonna hurt him, and hurt him bad...

They both watched on as the battle unfolded through LP 419's still camera stream.

"Now look at that", Stew hollered! The pics showed the Raptor had turned to starboard reversing away from the parallel course with Kroma's BCHD and headed perpendicular to the DNH on an intercept trajectory. Fire shot from the Raptor nearly obscuring the PF's it dropped at the same time... Plasma streaked straight toward the DNH now 10k away. Close behind a similar plasma stream came from the GCS Ballerina targeting one of the PF's. "Oh wow!" Exclaimed Stew! A front row seat to the fireworks show", not even sounding concerned that the DNH has just been alpha'ed at less than range 10 with overloaded plasma.

The pics streamed in one after the other. They both were glued to the screen, Kell watching now looking concerned and Stew smacking his gum waiting for the explosion that would send Dizzy and his horrid, sneaky little ship to hell.

They watched on as the DNH fired a spread pf phasers and torpedoes before managing to bank hard to starboard to avoid the worst of the plasma hit putting some range between it and Dizzy's ship and leaving Kroma to deal with the PF's. The hit was hard, but the shields still stood if not less than 50%.

As the DNH disengaged temporarily to recharge and reinforce its shields, the GCS Ballerina had destroyed the second of Dizzy's deadly new Centurion class PF's.

The Raptor had now banked off to port and ran around a few asteroids firing an F torp at the Ballerina which took it on the nose undeterred and continued full speed pursuit unwilling to allow the Raptor to recharge for a second strike.

The raptor now turned back in toward the DNH and flew around yet another rock trying to shake the BCHD off its tail.

The DNH re-engaged now fully armed and was maneuvering to the right of a small asteroid jockeying into position for a good firing solution that would hopefully slow the Raptor down enough to allow Kroma's Battlecruiser time to catch and destroy it.

Dizzy's Raptor began a slow turn to the right about 7k off the Red Dwarfs bow. The Red Dwarf readied its weapons...

"Here it comes" yelled  Stew, excitedly! And he watched as the Raptor keeled hard over spinning on its axis coming back 180` straight into the DNH. "Oh the lil [censored] is dead! Look at that, he's commiting suicide!"'sDNH1.jpg

Offline Dizzy

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« Reply #7 on: December 25, 2005, 01:19:40 pm »
The image kinda stuck in Stews head much like the gum that had just dropped out of his mouth that was now stuck to his shoe, than did the next, because the next few were so incredible that they were nearly unbelieveable.'sDNH2.jpg

The following explosion was so close and so bright that the GCS's sensors were temporarily blinded by the explosion that she lost her lock on the Raptor and overflew her target. The GCS dropped PF's and circled slowly around trying to either find debris of the Raptor or her cloak signature... But there was nothing but space, rocks and The debris of the Red Dwarf, all hands lost...

Noone said anything for quite a while. They just stared on and watched as the debris cloud drifted across the asteroid field. Finally Stew threw his book, '101 Ways to Kill Dizzy', by John Vaughn across the room, stomped up and down and stormed off into the bathroom quickly followed by torrents of slurs.

A few minutes later, stew emerged from hiding... "OH MY GOD NOOOOOOO!" Stew hollered and wailed! "This can't be happening! OH MY GOD, someone do something... oh no!" Stew paced back and forth through the control room, pops coming from his shoe with the gum stuck to the bottom. "This is not happening, I'm dreaming... The Federation Flagship... GONE@#$$%!!!"

"No", Kell stated matter of factly, "You are not dreaming. The Ballerina is still in search mode now and the Raptor is nowhere to be found. The Federation flagship Red Dwarf has been destroyed."

"Thank you very DAMN much for pointing out the OBVIOUS!" Stew shouted as he nearly leapt over to where Kell was seated, quite an accomplishment for someone so overweight as Stew, and hovered menacingly over Kell. "You ought to be smart enough not to push my buttons", he warned the taller yet thinner tech. "I don't really have any like of you and I never did. You are a nerdy goody-to-shoes momma's boy and you are a neat freak on top of it. I hate neat freaks. You remind me of my mother!"

"Furthermore", the irrate and infuriated Stew went on, "You clean up everything I leave out and I can't ever find em. Where is my gum I leave everywhere? Where are my science fiction journals I had in the bathroom, and where is my donut box," He yelled the top of his lungs?

Had it not been for the beep of the comms alarm distracting the two, a fight almost assuredly would have errupted.

"Well, what are you sitting there for, boy!" Yelled Stew. "Check it out. Now."
Kell may have been thinner and look weaker that Stew, but had Stew known any better, he would have recognized how perilously close to death he was from the murderous look in Kell's eyes. Kell just stared him down, not relaxing his posture one bit. And Stew began to notice this by the 9th or 10th alarm beep. 

"Fine, sit there, I'll do it myself then", Stew stammered, quite disgusted as he slowly regained what little composure he had left and backed away from the younger tech. "Communiqué incoming. Non-standard transmission on a carrier feedback loop. Wait a second, Kell. What in the hell is this [censored]?" Stew moved over to Kell's comms console and pressed the recall key. He brought up the data tracking info Kell had put together. Something wasnt right...

"What have you done, Kelll? What the [censored] is this? What in the [censored] have you been doing sitting there?" Stew punched a key and the signal of the streaming still pics of the Red Dwarf's debris field was replaced with the carrier wave signal piggybacked on the tracking info Kell had used to send to the Fleet. Look at this crap! You created a hole in our security transmission and then opened the backdoor to allow whomever this is to track us and send a signals back? Are you mad?"

"You are gonna be court marshaled for this. Maybe even imprisoned." Stew looked at the transmission log once more in detail. "OH MY GOD. You dumbass rookie cadet! You used FLEET WIDEBAND subspace. You just let the Raptor know from the beginning where everyone was, didn't you?" Stew threw a disbelieving glance over in Kell's direction. "This is  unreal. I don't get you. You never make mistakes. You are 'by the book'. What the hell is all this then? I don't get it!"

Kell just stared back at him. His menacing cruel eyes narrowed to slits

Stew looked back at the comms alarm. It beeped again."I'll tell you one thing, Kell, I may be responsible for this station, but your [censored] up isnt gonna take me down with it. I'm gonna make sure you burn at the stake for this screw up. I have been waiting a looooong time for this moment, haha! You have nearly broken in that one transmission 20 or so Starfleet code regulations... What the hell is the matter with you? Doesn't matter. You are through, finished done, gone goodbye baby!

Wait a minute! Why are we getting a comms message on a carrier feedback loop..." Stew triangulated the transmission and discovered, quite to his shock,  that it wasn't sent from very far away at all... In fact, he almost mistook the sender for his own station. But...

Just then the stations space proximity alarm suddenly blared right next to Kell's finger for just an instant before he switched it off. It seemed very much to Stew like he was sitting there expecting it to go off.

Had Stew been chewing gum, he'd have another piece of it stuck under his shoe from the way his mouth dropped open. The transmission was Romulan. And it wasnt sent from the station, and it wasn't on subspace. Which meant that it was close, which meant that... Stew spun around to where Kell was his eyes momentarily fixating on an empty console chair. Kell wasn't sitting down anymore. He had walked over to comms terminal two and pressed a hailing frequency key.

"Message received, and all is prepared, commander." Kell spoke into the open channel.

A strange voice replied back in Romulan, "Very good agent Kell. Standby for transport."

Stew, for the 1st time in his life felt genuinely afraid. He felt cold, unsafe and alone. He would trade anything for the old Kell he knew and hated rather than this new stranger that stood before him now. The thought of his mortality was forced upon him in his sudden realization of current events. He felt like icewater had poured all over him seeping in his pores stabbing like little pins all over his skin freezing him solid from the outside in.

"You amaze me", said Kell, his eyes stll possesing their murderous intent.

Stew barely regained composure and shrunk back to the corner of the control room and glanced around for a weapon trying not to take his eyes off Kell. He picked up a coffee mug and held it up threateningly.

"All this time, I am stuck here with you in this disgusting pig stye and not once have you shown me any reason the Federation will prevail in anything. I am surprised your species are as successful as they are if they are anything like you." Kell strode over to the transmission control pad and pressed the 'send' key. Data from the core began being compressed and transmitted.

Kell walked a bit closer to Stew. Stew drew up his arm holding the coffe mug in anticipation of attack. But Kell simply squatted down to the floor and picked up Stew's copy of '101 Ways to Kill Dizzy' by John Vaughn.

"Mind if I borrow this?" Kell said, twisting a wry smile. He walked back over to comms terminal two and pressed the hailing frequency key again. "This is agent Kell, commander. All is complete. Ready for transport in thrity seconds."

Stew could only watch on in disbelief as the main viewer showed the RIS Raptor decloak so close to the listen station that he could see people walking by the windows in its hull. Despite being terrified, he couldn't help noticing the Nova Hawk class ship is so gracefully beautiful.

"Sorry about your donuts, Kell said. I ate them. All of them. And I want you to also know that I didn't enjoy them. Not one. Farewell, Stew. I'm sure Starfleet will lock you up for good. Maybe I will have you released from captivity when we conquer Earth. It will be the only reward you shall reap from the information this station provides the Romulan intelligence agancy. For your benefit, you should hope it helps us. It's the only way you will ever see the outside of a prison cell again. See you soon", Kell smirked as his pattern dematerialized.

The coffee mug was too late and smashed against the far wall. Stew jumped out of the corner and greedily eyed the emergency warp pod, his only escape route. He had nearly climbed into it when he glanced back at the viewer and saw the Raptor begin to cloak. Stew paused. Halfway in and out of the warp pod hatch. Thoughts raced through his head. He didn't even notice the stick of chewing gum resting on the warp pod escape control console.

If I use the pod, it only goes warp one for 60 seconds... then I'm dead in space till I'm rescued. Kell knows this. What if they find me... But the Raptor cloaked. It can't fire when cloaked. Maybe it won't destroy the station after all. Other thoughts raced though his head each sumarily being dismissed in turn.

Stew didn't like how tight and cramped the pod was. The listening station was alredy too small and cramped. He made a decision to stay.

"Ok, I'm staying", he said out loud. "What do I need to do, think damnit." He walked over to the data terminal to stop the transmission of core files, but the transmission had already been completed and the databases and records of all recent events had been erased. "Damn. That little bastard. Ok. What next... What do I do now", he thought talking to himself aloud.

"Ok, I need to contact Starfleet. I need to tell them what happened." He walked over to the comms terminal. "Will you look at that! A stick of gum. I don't believe it. He sat down at Kell's console and picked up the gum, unwrapped it and stuck it into his mouth. He then keyed up the location to Starbase 12, pointed the array and typed a short communique.

Suddenly he sprang up to his feet his eyes wide as saucers. He lurched up backwards and clutched his mouth and  throat. His tongue! He couldn't feel his tongue! His throat began to swell and his cheecks got puffy and red. His eyes started to water. He couldn't breathe!

Stew may have been a sloppy fat and lazy technician, but he was courageous. You had to be working on such a tiny station out in the middle of space alone.

Stew finally did something that he felt mattered. Something that possibly could make whatever life he leaves behind to be remembered, whatever precious few seconds remained to make his life count for something. Stew staggered forward clutching the chair and leaned over the console... desperately looking for the send key. He found it.

The last thing Stew hoped to see, the last thing that would give him the satisfaction of dying like this was doing his duty. In his cold realization of this last act in his life, he felt it was the only thing that would give him meaning and closure in dying this way, was to warn Starfleet everything had been compromised. All the codes, locations transmissions, relays, sensors and listening posts. Starfleet had to be warned.

He felt his life ebbing away as he took one of his last gulping breaths and managed one last heroic effort and pressed the 'send' key. He looked up at the viewscreen. And to his horror it read on screen and on audio speakers:

   Hello Stew. You didn't think I'd be stupid enough to let you warn Starfleet did you? Hehe. You know I never make a mistake. I liked you Stew. You made me laugh, Looks like I get the last one my friend. It was either this or the warp pod. Had you taken the warp pod, there is a message there that tells you the antidote for the poison stick of gum is in the coffee mug in the control room.

As wide as Stew's eyes were you wouldn't think they could get any bigger but they did as he jerked his eyes around to the floor where the broken pieces of that Coffee mug were. The antidote was all over the wall and floor. He moved toward it.

Or maybe you are in the control room and got the other poison gum stick and pressed the send key. Double trouble for poor Stew. Oh, by the way, I lied. There is one donut box left on top the fridge. Better hurry up and get one though... you only have about 30 seconds before the self destruct sequence completes. Enjoy!

And crumpled to the floor with a gurgling scream. Hanging out of his mouth, his toungue touched the spilt antidote serum and almost immediately sensation came rushing back. It tastes like Strawberry he thought. Then he died.


On board the bridge of the Raptor...

"Tal Prae'ex Dizzy, sir, I have the data you asked for." Kell handed to his commander a datapad debriefing summary.

"Excellent work Agent Kell. Your services go beyond the call of duty. Your future is bright indeed and a promising career in espionage assured. I am pleased. And what is to become of this Stew? Do I need to clean up anything for you Agent Kell?" Dizzy challenged.

"No sir, I do not believe so. Let us just say I gave Stew something to chew on that will keep him occupied for eternity." Kell smirked with a smile.

"Commander!" The Romulan sensor specialist alerted. "The Listening station has self destructed."

"Was there any transmission sent from the station after Agent Kell beamed aboard?" Dizzy asked not taking his eyes off Kells'.

"No sir. No transmission detected."

"Very well. Standby Warp Engines," he ordered and then rose from his command chair.

"I am pleased, Agent Kell, very pleased. Feel free to enjoy yourself aboard the Raptor as we continue home for repairs. I have a present waiting for you in the cargo bay. Just a bit of the Red Dwarfs debris we managed to salvage while sneaking away from the battle. Feel free to go now and find yourself some token of value. What you find wouldn't be here had you not been there. Pick a fitting trophy for yourself to remember this glorious day!"

"Very gracious of you commander, Dizzy. It would be an honor. Before I take my leave of you, I too have a gift." Kell pulled from his pocket Stew's copy of '101 Ways to Kill Dizzy' personally signed by John Vaughn. "This is for you, Commander." He said proudly handing it to him. "You may find it entertaining. Also take pleasure in that it is signed by the author."

"Excellent Agent Kell. Thank you! I shall indeed savor this gift!"

As Agent Kell exited the bridge a very proud Romulan, Dizzy sat back in his command chair. "Navigator, best speed to waypoint 1. Engage."

The Raptor moved off toward home, mission accomplished.

Dizzy thought to himself, The Federation flagship destroyed on the eve of their Klingon invasion. Not a good start for them at all, he smirked. Dizzy opened the book to the contents page and took notice of chapter 14: "How to kill Dizzy in an Asteroid Field". Ahh, a book of fiction I see...'

Offline Dizzy

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« Reply #8 on: December 25, 2005, 01:20:26 pm »
Well, that last sentence isnt quite so up to date, by why edit a good ole story?

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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« Reply #9 on: December 25, 2005, 06:03:23 pm »
Nothing matches the story about lawyers, guns, money, a tatoo and a kewpie doll.

Agreed, with the possible exception of J'inn's squirrel story.

Offline SkyFlyer

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« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2005, 11:24:48 am »
you took down the screenshots :(
Life is short... running makes it seem longer.

"A god who let us prove his existence would be an idol" - Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Offline Hondo_8

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« Reply #11 on: December 27, 2005, 08:58:35 am »
Ohhhhhh Yeh......The Federation Pimp Daddy is back in da the Universe....

KYTARH nice to see you around!   And Ill be trading in my Federation Ride for a Klingoin Hull with some spinners and Fuzzy Dice and partaking in this Klingoin Civil War....Some one has got lay down the Pimp hand and get Kroma Back to work!


"Pimpen anint easy"


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« Reply #12 on: December 28, 2005, 10:33:49 pm »
Hondo my old friend! Damn good to see you again. I miss the stories we used to create together.

You will be glad to hear I still have your hot tubs and liquor supply stashed in a cargo container in the hold of my ship. Nurse bubbles and your rubber duck are on Risa in the apartment you arranged before you dissapeared.

But i am keeping Nurse Leather, she always liked me better anyway.

Captain of the Klingon Heavy Cruiser C7 IKV-D'Ktagh
Last of the Klingon Dark Slayers
KDS Sword of Honor recipient
Commander KDS Vengeance Squadron
Field Marshal GW4

Surrender is NOT an option!

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« Reply #13 on: January 03, 2006, 05:32:14 pm »
i was going to say it was Nail,


Offline TheJudge

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« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2006, 07:51:46 pm »
Well I usually fly the USS Bois Town, but I think this time around it is the Slave Boi. 
He who can master the data controls the world.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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« Reply #15 on: January 04, 2006, 11:55:51 pm »
Well I usually fly the USS Bois Town, but I think this time around it is the Slave Boi. 

Might I suggest "Ridged for his Pleasure" Judge?