the ONLY oil company that is doing any real R&D and investing in alternative energy is BRITISH PETROLEUM? GE is not stupid either, they know the oil companies are like dying dinosaurs.
The panels cost about $25,000 for a typical family home, but government subsidies can pay for up to 50 percent of that. I love it when the govt. gives grants for saving energy! Now why can't the govt. start taxing the daylights out of gas guzzler owners?
This year, solar-energy companies are on track to rake in an estimated $12 billion in revenue worldwide, up 50 percent from 2004, according to Rogol. By 2010, he expects that figure to more than triple to $40 billion.
Wow, 40 BILLION dollar industry in just four years! I'll whip it out and let those oil and natural gas companies blow me!

This is great not only for us south and southwest folks, but think of the disposable income it could put in peoples' pockets in sunny areas like Latin America!