I've logged on and flown 2 missions. I lost the second one, but the dv shift still went in my favor 
DV goes down in neutral hexes whether you win or lose.
I know you can change the "empire names" in the gf files from the stock to custom ones. I'm not sure how this affects artifex (would it list the house name when you right clicked on a hex?) but was there any plan to rename the empires/houses/sides to customize?
If this does carry through the the map, I think it'd be a swell idea (sorry i don't know the answer offhand).
It changes the empire names in the news and whatnot, but to change the empire names on the map a custom definitions file must be used when creating the map. (thoug I do not recall actually tesing this) I have never been able to change the chat channel names... must look at that in the code sometime.