Topic: Unsticky Please  (Read 16578 times)

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Offline Hexx

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Unsticky Please
« on: December 21, 2005, 07:34:24 pm »
Well only a week..or two beyond when I said they'd be out..
-Also be sure to understand- all rules are still a WIP, they're pretty solid
but some especially the challenge) aren't exactly where I want them to be.

Due to the fact that your House will be competing against every other House
(either directly or indirectly) it is important that the following be followed.

1) You MAY NOT Rot Fur at any time. If you do, your account will be erased.
2) You may only have ONE account on the server. If you have more than one, they will all be erased.
    - The House Leader will have access to a created account with any special ships. They may have one
      additional account to these.

-Each House has access to ONE C7
-This ship should be flown by the House Leader, if the House Leader is unavailable/unable
 for a specific period of time the ship may be assigned to a House Champion.
 This reassignment may only occur every 5 days.

-if a PVP house's C7 is chased off the field,bad things happen.
 The House Leader is overthrown and the C7 must be assigned to a new player
 (this may circumvent the 5day rule) The losing pilot may NEVER be transferred the C7 again though.
 (The House Leader can still run the house- really a RP decision)

- G1's (and maybe Esomething if I can't get the G1's to work) may be flown in fleets
  of 3 ships Everything else is 1 ship/player

-There are some areas of the map (likely asteroids atm) that only ships with a .5 move cost
 may enter, Warp fields fluctuating with tachyons & such. Too complicated for you lot  to understand.

-The Imperial Navy controls all the Fast Cruisers/Droners/other dedicated mission ships
 They would never stoop to intervene in a Civil War and offer any of the special ships
 to a house. Ever.Honest.

-Due to the huge number of times I've been asked this Ill respond here
 *The E3Y WILL be available* ph34r teh ph0t0nz!!!!!!!!

Engagement & Disengagement

Even number battles must be fought out by the PVP houses (standard disenegagment rules for territory)
-PVP house may only disengage if they are outnumbered 2-1
-There is no disengagement under any circumstance for a Challenge, if you fly off the board
 you are considered destroyed and your cowardly ways will be brought to the attention of all

** Please note (PVP pilots) 3-2 is NOT 2-1 **
If you find yourself with a wing, fighting 3 enemy pilots, one of you is gonna have to die...

Rules apply to any fight that has a PVP pilot on their side.
A TER pilot and a PVP pilot winging together are bound by the rules as if they were 2PVP pilots.

Disengagment will be 1hour/ 1/2 hour. (or something like that)

Houses & VC's
Basic VP's
There are three types of territorial VP's
- Minor,Major, R0xx0rs (suggestions for a third name are welcome)

These VP's will be worth points to any type of hosue that holds them.

There are also PVP VP's.
** PVP VC's are awarded to the House who's pilot fires the kill shot**

PVP Houses
-will gain the majority of their VP points from winning PVP battles.
Defeating a pilot from an opposing PVP house is worth 3VP
Defeating a pilot from an opposing Ter house is worth 2VP
Chasing a pilot from a PVP house off (in even numbered battle) 2VP
Chasing a pilot from a TER house off (in an even numbered battle) 1VP

Score 1 pt for holding a Minor hex,5 Pts for a Major hex, 15pts for a R0xx0rs hex

Territorial Houses
-will gain the majority of their VP points from holding territory.
Defeating any Pilot is Worth 2VP
Chasing Off any pilot is worth 1VP

Score 5pts for holding a Minor hex, 15pts for a Major Hex,30pts for a R0xx0rs hex
-have the ability to gain additional VP points (and special bonus gifts) for holding
 sets of objectives. Some of these sets will be made known at the start of the campaign
 some will remain secret (though will have clues if I can think of anything clever enough.. anyone save those old Dr Strangelove  ones?)


Every House may place one bounty on any pilot from another house
-the pilot having the bounty placed on him has the option to decline
 if he declines, the pilot no longer may challenge any other player (see: challenges)
 if he accepts he is bound by all the challenge and disengagement rules that his house is

If the House placing the bounty claims it by having one of their pilots be the first to defeat
the player all is good.
If another House kills the player first , the House placing the bounty gets no points, the hoiuse
doing the killing gets a bonus point, The original bounty is now transferred to the pilot who killed the
original bounty

ex- The KBF puts it's bounty on DH, unsurprisingly I kill him first.
      My House receives one bonus point, the KBF receives nothing, but the KBF
      now have a bounty on me.
      If the KBF kill me they recieve the bounty, if Dizzy kills me first <snicker> then the KBF now have a bounty on

A player may have multiple bounties on themselves.
Any house that has players with unclaimed bounties on them at the end of the server
receives bonus points.

Bounties are awarded for kills in either PVP or Challenge matches.


Challenges will be fought on KCW for "honour points"
Honor points, while not *directly* determining the victor can be used
as a tie breaker, they will also be used to determine which house can accumulate the most honour over the campaign.

- The Military houses may challenge anyone, and may only decline
one challenge/week 

- The Economic & Scientific houses may not challenge their opposite
(ie Economic may not challenge Eco, Sci may not challenge Sci)
without both house leaders consent.

- Challenges are issued from individual to individual

- Challenges may be fought in mission/in GSA anywhere else

- The BPV is irrelevant, but the ships MUST be agreed upon beforehand.
The challenged player is under NO requirement to fly anything bigger
or smaller than they want. The onus is on the challenger to match the
ship type.

- Challenges are assumed to be fought with equal numbers,
WITH HOUSE LEADER PERMISSION lopsided challenges may be fought
(ie 1v2, 2v3) These will reward more points for the winner.
(Either due to a stunning win, or killing a boasting fool)

- Battles will be fought to the death, any dropping /lag etc will result
in the nullification of the challenge, unless (of course) it can be shown
that the battle was already over for all intents & purposes.

- No player (even on the PVP houses) is required to accept more than
1/day. The player is not considered to have fullfilled a challenge
until the battle is finished.

- A player may only challenge another player who has 3 or less fewer
kills than they do. ie if you have 5 kills you mau only challenge
people with at least 2 kills.

-challenges may only be fought in open space (ie not the 7 target hexes)

« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 08:09:05 pm by Hexx »
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Offline TraumaTech

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Re: KCW Rules-wow it would be cool if this got stickied
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2005, 07:45:36 pm »
i lost track of the tread about capturing another house's c7or multiple house's c7's....what was decided about that?

is this allowed?can they be then flown? it looks like  no  :)

Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: KCW Rules-wow it would be cool if this got stickied
« Reply #2 on: December 21, 2005, 07:56:56 pm »
sticky plz.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules-wow it would be cool if this got stickied
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2005, 08:00:45 pm »
Any actual capture of a ship would result in mass interior damage, wiped and locked down control
systems, plus sabotage and last ditch attempts to scuttle the ship I'm going (currently) with no.
You'd have to be almost incompetent or deliberately permitting the ship to be capped for
it to happen in any event.BCH's are capped on normal servers because people can always buy another
and they becom careless.

-Also I've been told before that occasionally there's a bug where one side doesn't have all their marines
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #4 on: December 21, 2005, 08:26:54 pm »
So no K'Tinga ?
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #5 on: December 21, 2005, 11:52:55 pm »
My bad...didnt mean to lock it...only sticky it...DER :P

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #6 on: December 21, 2005, 11:59:03 pm »
Thanks. Can you merge my other post into here?
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2005, 12:25:58 am »
sheesh...push push push.... :P

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #8 on: December 22, 2005, 12:56:56 am »
I'd suggest you allow a second account in case of being ghosted Hexx, perhaps something obvious like GhostofHexx etc.

Offline SkyFlyer

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #9 on: December 22, 2005, 01:03:51 am »
I'd suggest you allow a second account in case of being ghosted Hexx, perhaps something obvious like GhostofHexx etc.

I've never had that happen. If you are ghosted... maybe its God telling you you need a break.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #10 on: December 22, 2005, 01:15:31 am »
I'd suggest you allow a second account in case of being ghosted Hexx, perhaps something obvious like GhostofHexx etc.

I've never had that happen. If you are ghosted... maybe its God telling you you need a break.

No that is when your ISP goes down  ;)

Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #11 on: December 22, 2005, 07:53:21 am »
My bad...didnt mean to lock it...only sticky it...DER :P

It's OK.. Klingon..KBF... really we're not expcting much..

I'd suggest you allow a second account in case of being ghosted Hexx, perhaps something obvious like GhostofHexx etc.

People will be allowed to create accounts if they're ghosted , but yes (good idea)
they new names should have "ghost" in front of the old one.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #12 on: December 22, 2005, 01:28:42 pm »
Just to verify

House leaders or whoever will NOT be mandated to log on with the c7 but can if they wish to ?


Interesting options both ways...

Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #13 on: December 22, 2005, 03:20:41 pm »
The C7 account may be used, or they may use their created account to fly another ship.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #14 on: December 22, 2005, 05:27:58 pm »
So...are these rules final here?
Or are they subject to change...?
Lord Krueg
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Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2005, 05:50:57 pm »
They're pretty much final, I'm waiting to see if anyone can find
huge issues with them/if I've missed anything/ left something unclear etc.

The only thing (atm) that I can see changing are a fine tuning
of the challenge rules.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #16 on: December 22, 2005, 06:45:31 pm »
1.  Since TER fleets still gain points for PvP (1 or 2 vice 3, 2 or 1) and for territory held (5, 15, or 30)...that appears to be a heck of a mismatch.  Basically, imo, unless a PvP can hunt down a butt load of other PvP...a TER will win.  Should they be adjusted?  Either decreasing the TER territory VCs, decreasing the TER VCs for PvP, or increasing the PvP VCs for PvP.  I know you have heavily play tested the settings, just wanted to ask ;)

2.  You note that in GSA PvP, the challenged doesn't have to fly a ship larger/smaller then they wish (which I assume is in reference to BPV) and also note that the ships must be agreed to before the match.  This raises some questions for clarification:

A.  The former (BPV) rule looks pretty darn clear (the challenged chooses the BPV).  But the latter rule (actual ship selections declared before match) could end up in the classic MPig bicker session.  Can we just leave it as "challanged player declares BPV" and let that be it for matches in GSA...we can see what we get once inside?

B.  What era?  Is it all in Late?

C.  Will we be using the KCW shiplist?  (I hope you say yes)  Is there a problem w/ "restricted" Dyna ships being available while in GSA or will a simple "you can only fly ships that are avbl in the dyna to a player" rule sufficient?

D.  What map, size, speed?  Just like declaring actual ships, it can break down to a MPig bickerfest.  Recommend Open Medium Spd 7 (8 is okay too).

E.  I assume the chal;lenged has the right to select the location format for the battle?  GSA or Dyna.

F.  If Dyna, who gets to choose the hex to fight in?  You have laid out that there are some hexes that are verbotten...but like with the ships and map it can digress.  Who selects the hex in a dyna?


Offline Bonk

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2005, 07:07:01 pm »
My head hurts.... will we be allowed to just login and play?

edit: perhaps a referee could be online to let us of poor short term memory know if we are breaking any rules?

Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2005, 07:10:02 pm »
1.  Since TER fleets still gain points for PvP (1 or 2 vice 3, 2 or 1) and for territory held (5, 15, or 30)...that appears to be a heck of a mismatch.  Basically, imo, unless a PvP can hunt down a butt load of other PvP...a TER will win.  Should they be adjusted?  Either decreasing the TER territory VCs, decreasing the TER VCs for PvP, or increasing the PvP VCs for PvP.  I know you have heavily play tested the settings, just wanted to ask ;)

They are still being worked on- as I said before though, the PVP houses are at a massive disadvanatge.
It WILL be easier to win as a TER House.

2.  You note that in GSA PvP, the challenged doesn't have to fly a ship larger/smaller then they wish (which I assume is in reference to BPV) and also note that the ships must be agreed to before the match.  This raises some questions for clarification:
A.  The former (BPV) rule looks pretty darn clear (the challenged chooses the BPV).  But the latter rule (actual ship selections declared before match) could end up in the classic MPig bicker session.  Can we just leave it as "challanged player declares BPV" and let that be it for matches in GSA...we can see what we get once inside?
This is done as challenges (if the players wish) may be fought out on the map itself
~ If they fight on GSA Challenged chooses BPV
~ If they fight on the map Challenged decides what ship he will fly, Challenger must have same or smaller
   -using common sense, D7W is "bigger" than a D5L etc

B.  What era?  Is it all in Late?
Likely will take place in 77-78(ish) Once the C7 is available,before fast drones come out
Some YFA dates may be modified (PF's etc)

C.  Will we be using the KCW shiplist?  (I hope you say yes)  Is there a problem w/ "restricted" Dyna ships being available while in GSA or will a simple "you can only fly ships that are avbl in the dyna to a player" rule sufficient?
Only ships availabe in the campaign will be allowed.

D.  What map, size, speed?  Just like declaring actual ships, it can break down to a MPig bickerfest.  Recommend Open Medium Spd 7 (8 is okay too).
WTF are you tal... OH GSA stuff... uhmmm, sure I guess (don't really fly GSA).. if everyone agrees that's good setting- Think it'd be speed 8 though
as that's what the server will be. Of course if both players agree I think whatver map they want is fine.

E.  I assume the chal;lenged has the right to select the location format for the battle?  GSA or Dyna.
Hadn't thought about it honestly~ I assume the challenge would be "meet me on GSA or at hex xx,xx"
But good point- If there's a difference of opinions it would be challenged players choice.
see below
F.  If Dyna, who gets to choose the hex to fight in?  You have laid out that there are some hexes that are verbotten...but like with the ships and map it can digress.  Who selects the hex in a dyna?
Actually ~ How about- challenges are issued for a map location or GSA
ex Hexx challenges Green ,meet me in hex 15,12 or GSA
Green would then get to decide to fight on that hex or on GSA.

- NP, Thanks for finding some loopholes.
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Offline Hexx

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2005, 07:13:48 pm »
My head hurts.... will we be allowed to just login and play?

edit: perhaps a referee could be online to let us of poor short term memory know if we are breaking any rules?

<sigh> guy can crack the sourcecode given time but...  :P

Don't worry- I've had a few comments
Really it's simple
1)If you fly for a House that takes territory you need to take territory to win. (same as any server)
2)There are VP points awarded for PVP- but not alot compard to what territory is worth so it's not like anyone will
cost their side th game by losing a few battles.
3)If you fly for a TER house you can pretty much decline any challnges you feel like.
4) Hexx is always right.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2005, 11:00:58 pm »
1.  It was more of a dig then a request.  ;)  Afterall, we're saddled with DH and since the DNH isn't available, we kinda figured he'd be out of the C7 pretty quick anywho.  But if the PvP fleets are designed to be the loser fleets in the be it.  We'll try to surprise you (and me).

2A.  Understand.  We are going by "size" of the ship (heavy, light, frig) as opposed to the "bpv".  No problems, the rule is clear.  It is based on class.

2B.  77-78...and (in GSA terms) that would be...late?

2C.  Sweet!

2D.  "Open Med Spd 8" is default.  Players can adjust if they mutually agree.  Okay.

2E.  Dyna or GSA...challenged

2F.  Ok, sounds good.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2005, 11:08:01 pm »
for 2B-  In GSA it would have to be chosen as late to get the same ships that are available in KCW.  You would then choose med speed drones.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #22 on: December 23, 2005, 05:57:18 am »
Might be fun to have a side competition for the most kills or the most challenge victories or victory/loss ratio.  Wouldn't effect the server but be a nice bragging rights competition.

Offline Bonk

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #23 on: December 23, 2005, 06:04:17 am »
Really it's simple
1)If you fly for a House that takes territory you need to take territory to win. (same as any server)
2)There are VP points awarded for PVP- but not alot compard to what territory is worth so it's not like anyone will
cost their side th game by losing a few battles.
3)If you fly for a TER house you can pretty much decline any challnges you feel like.
4) Hexx is always right.

That I can handle... thanks for the précis.  :)

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2005, 06:57:11 am »
Some clarifications requested:

I'm believing that the "standard" D2 ruleset (concerning player behaviours etc.) is being appended.  Correct?

What's the rule for LoS and territory?  Is it whatever hexes you hold are yours, you need a LoS of "allied" houses tracing back to your space, or your house needs to hold an entire LoS?

I take it the folding of houses is not being done anymore, as there's no rules as to what will happen during the folds, correct?

While winging with a PvP pilot, are Territory pilots considered PvP pilots for any/all reasons?  Do Territory pilots earn the same amount of VCs for killing people, cost the same as a PvP pilot if killed, etc?  From the rules the only thing I got was that a Territory pilot is treated by the same disengagement rules as a PvP pilot if winging with one.

And instead of being Roxxors hexes, why not call them Imperial or Governmental hexes?  You know, the hexes that actually run the government we're trying to take over??? :D

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #25 on: December 23, 2005, 08:35:21 am »
Yep, players had best behave themselves as per normal rules, I'll find them from some old rule set & copy and paste.

No LOS is required ,tis all Klignon space.

House folding just added anotehr set of rules I'd have to try and balance.
I always reserve the right to change things up on the fly though.

TER pilots are treated as PVP pilots for the purposes of disengagement
VP's are awarded per the pilots house.
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Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #26 on: December 23, 2005, 02:27:32 pm »
What is the need for a disengagement rule since the shiplist are all identical anyhow Hexx, we aren't using carriers and droners, with the line ship focus a disengagement rules will just serve to limit PvP.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #27 on: December 23, 2005, 02:39:31 pm »
What is the need for a disengagement rule since the shiplist are all identical anyhow Hexx, we aren't using carriers and droners, with the line ship focus a disengagement rules will just serve to limit PvP.

Don't get me started....  :-X  (good question though)
« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 02:49:54 pm by Bonk »


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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #28 on: December 23, 2005, 03:03:19 pm »
Oh hell, why even have a server? Let's all play the single player campaign and meet on GSA once a night.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #29 on: December 23, 2005, 04:37:33 pm »
Can I login to your single player game and affect the map while you are not playing?  (Guess who'll be in a C7... ;))


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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #30 on: December 23, 2005, 07:02:35 pm »
No, only Chuut can do that.  ;D

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #31 on: December 23, 2005, 10:16:37 pm »
Oh hell, why even have a server? Let's all play the single player campaign and meet on GSA once a night.

Hexx can't capture you on GSA


Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #32 on: December 23, 2005, 10:24:12 pm »
It was my understanding that the disengagement rule was an effort to prevent hex flipping ships from running over the map.  With the exclusion of droners, carriers, escorts and marine ships, what we are left with are line ships and command variants, ie no Hexx flippers.  We have combats where challanges can be made, have limits on disengagement for PvP houses so why a need for a disengagement penalty.  If a territorial pilot disengaged from a hex, I'd think it would be in the PvP pilots intest to have them return once more and give them  another chance to earn PvP points.

I honestly just can't see any reason that a disengagement penalty would be needed, wanted, or enhancing the enjoyment factor of the server under these conditions.  I'd be more than happy to listen to any reasons other than unreasoned emotional comments.  Perhaps t00l can provide some points in favor, as he seems to implt there is a good reason to keep it on such a server setup.  Either way I'll play and be ok with any decision Hexx comes up with, its his server after all.  I just don't think a disengagement rule has anything to offer for a line ship vs line ship server when everyone is using the same line ships.  It would just encourage players to run in the largest packs they could muster and detract from the number of one on one matches.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2005, 10:44:32 pm by KAT Chuut-Ritt »

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2005, 01:40:09 am »
Oh hell, why even have a server? Let's all play the single player campaign and meet on GSA once a night.

Hexx can't capture you on GSA


Actually, this is untrue.
Captures can be done if you use "huge fleet" instead of "FFA"...unfortunately huge fleet requires there be only one pilot on team A.
Also some of the starting locations are a little close though. But if you need captures in a 1v1 or 1v2 or even 1v3 setup, you can have em on GSA.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2005, 01:48:05 am »
Droners are not the only hex flippers. Every ship can kill AI, some just do it better than others.

It's not about droners being contained as much as giving PvP a role in shaping the map.

And VC's are not a substitute for that.

Offline KAT Chuut-Ritt

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #35 on: December 24, 2005, 02:16:42 am »
Droners are not the only hex flippers. Every ship can kill AI, some just do it better than others.

The shiplist are identical for all sides thus a non factor I think.

It's not about droners being contained as much as giving PvP a role in shaping the map.

This IS a valid point  :thumbsup:, however I think the map will be so large and the territories so mixed that I'm not sure it will be a big factor, especially given the no LOS requirement and the lack of mandatory missions.  On a more normal style server I think you have a good point here, just don't think it really applies to KCW.

You run a player off a hex but he can still move around the map unimpeded to get to anyother destination, having to keep track of scattered banned hexes all over the map (no LOS and no mandatories remember).  All that is really achieved is keeping the player off that one hex and forcing alot of paperwork as pilots try to keep track of what hexes they can't hit.  If a disengagement rule was to be used I prefer the idea of players being banned from the big VC hexes as these would likely be marked by a planet or base or something.  Those hexes would be easy to spot and to remember and be those that couldn't simply be circumvented.  A disengagement applying to those might be worthwhile, having it apply to open space seems cumbersome however, and might reduce good PvP opportunities with no real benefit.

And VC's are not a substitute for that.

In many cases you are correct but it really depends on the VCs as they could be for anything.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2005, 02:27:20 am by KAT Chuut-Ritt »


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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #36 on: December 24, 2005, 10:46:27 am »
VC's, honor points, attrition points, etc, do not have the tangibility that affecting the map does. That is why they will never be a substitute.

With the current rules and no disengagment rule, there is no reason to enter PvP EVER, unless you are challenged. (And once you're done with your requisite daily fight it's right back to flipping).

Until SQL gets running and we can do multiple DV shifts, the disengagement rule is necessary.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #37 on: December 24, 2005, 11:00:25 am »
I wonder if SQL is really necessary for higher DV shifts for PvP... the Base construction mission works just fine on the flatfile and does more to the map than just shift DV... I wonder if it might be used as a model for higher PvP DV shifts in plain old flatfile missions... hmmmm..... I'm working on updating the scriting API to VC8 right now... perhaps this will be my next project... (as updating the serverkit to VC8 is going to take a while and is our current task before conitinuing SQL work...)


edit: a hack might be to force a mission split (host left) at the end of an enemy PvP mission as this is known to result in a double DV shift if the split missions report the same result...

edit 2: another hack might be to leave the base placement DV boosts enabled in the GFs and have an enemy PvP mission place and remove a base...

Gotta get Tracey's feedback on this, I might be on to something here.... gonna post in the scripters forum...
« Last Edit: December 24, 2005, 11:16:32 am by Bonk »

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #38 on: December 24, 2005, 12:52:59 pm »
With the current rules and no disengagment rule, there is no reason to enter PvP EVER, unless you are challenged. (And once you're done with your requisite daily fight it's right back to flipping).

False Statement Here is why:

PVP Houses
-will gain the majority of their VP points from winning PVP battles.
Defeating a pilot from an opposing PVP house is worth 3VP
Defeating a pilot from an opposing Ter house is worth 2VP
Chasing a pilot from a PVP house off (in even numbered battle) 2VP
Chasing a pilot from a TER house off (in an even numbered battle) 1VP

Territorial Houses

Defeating any Pilot is Worth 2VP
Chasing Off any pilot is worth 1VP

But I'll live with it if we use it not too much of a biggie, just alot of silly paperwork for some keeping up with scattered hexes all over the map.  Get stopwatches and notepads ready  ::)

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #39 on: December 24, 2005, 12:57:05 pm »
A bit OT but related a bit to the VC shift issue.

Wondering it it would be possible for DV shifts to take into account Hull class, so that losing a DN would affect the DV more than losing a smaller ship, seems like a reasonable us for multiple DV shifts in my book. 

For example 1 shift for beating ai, 3 for a PVP va a frigate, 4 for a light cruiser, 5 for a heavy, 6 for a bch, etc.   Line ships could be considered a hull class or 2 down as they are easier to replace.  Would a distinction by hull class be possible with SQL?

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2005, 07:21:27 am »
Question for Hexx, is there a limit on challenges one can offer in a day, or can Krueg challenge eveyone as they log on for the first 3 days straight (assuming he beats everyone else to the punch).
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #41 on: December 26, 2005, 09:14:04 am »
Fair warning: it takes nearly 10 minutes for gamespy to download all of its ads over dialup before you can get into a lobby, then about a further 5 minutes for all the other crap to download before you can even see any rooms. So if challenged I would prefer direct tcp/ip games or on the dynaverse server to save everyone a lot of time, thanks.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #42 on: December 26, 2005, 04:42:02 pm »
Fair warning: it takes nearly 10 minutes for gamespy to download all of its ads over dialup before you can get into a lobby, then about a further 5 minutes for all the other crap to download before you can even see any rooms. So if challenged I would prefer direct tcp/ip games or on the dynaverse server to save everyone a lot of time, thanks.

Nothing wrong w/ GSA games.  If challenged, that is probably where I'll play.  TCP/IP games can have problems platform is perfect. 

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #43 on: December 26, 2005, 07:30:16 pm »
I also think there should not be any penalty for disengage/death rule on this one due to the points system for PvP and the no disengagement on accepting a challenge.  It may be a good testing ground to try it.  A PvP can be due to a challenge but not limited only to challenges.  Any pilot could be drafted into a PvP.  I am sure it would not hurt the TER pilots feelings if they knew they were not banned from a hex for a limited time but rather could go right back to it.  I am also pretty sure the PvP pilots would not fret over being able to return to said hex. 

Only limit I think could be used is on planets and surrounding hexes?

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #44 on: December 26, 2005, 08:02:05 pm »
Fair warning: it takes nearly 10 minutes for gamespy to download all of its ads over dialup before you can get into a lobby, then about a further 5 minutes for all the other crap to download before you can even see any rooms. So if challenged I would prefer direct tcp/ip games or on the dynaverse server to save everyone a lot of time, thanks.

Nothing wrong w/ GSA games.  If challenged, that is probably where I'll play.  TCP/IP games can have problems platform is perfect. 

I'm just saying I won't play them because I'm just not willing to sit through the 15 minute wait for Gamespy to load. There are no megabytes of ads to download for a tcp/ip game. (which really is the identical game type as GSA anyway... try a StarFleetOP.exe -Host or StarFleetOP.exe -Client [IP address to connect to] to see... that is how gamespy calls SFC)

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #45 on: December 26, 2005, 08:29:13 pm »
OT:so you're saying we could connect into a GSA operated room if we knew the host's IP address?
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #46 on: December 26, 2005, 08:30:07 pm »
Yes, have done it often

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #47 on: December 26, 2005, 08:34:31 pm »
OT:so you're saying we could connect into a GSA operated room if we knew the host's IP address?

Not the GSA room, but the OP game connections setup phase once the host launches from gamespy. Gamespy simply launches a tcp/ip game as host for the host and passes the host IP to the clients for connection on launch.

Look at C:\Program Files\GameSpy Arcade\Services\full.cfg under [sfc2op] to see what I mean.

edit: you must be running the gamepsy client to chat in a gamespy room... er well almost... ;):
That page can display the IP address of the room hosts but I have disabled it for obvious security reasons.
You can see lobby chat there using the "Chat Lobby" links on that page but cannot particapate directly, but tells will work (double click a player name in the list on the lobby chat page)
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« Last Edit: December 26, 2005, 08:45:04 pm by Bonk »

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #48 on: December 26, 2005, 08:46:39 pm »
Ok Bonk...something to put on your "to do" list....

Build a chat roon here on that we can launch the game from... ;D

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #49 on: December 26, 2005, 08:53:52 pm »
Ok Bonk...something to put on your "to do" list....

Build a chat roon here on that we can launch the game from... ;D

I would need to create an exe or browser plugins for the different browsers for you to download to your machine and install so it can detect your OP installation folder and launch it when called for.

This it what the CUGS ACSIII system is all about, I was going to participate in its development but got tied up with the serverkit project and this website. I still want to check that out... (looking for the download link to post now...)

ah, here it is:

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Stupid question, I know, but...
« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2005, 12:00:58 pm »
...What does it mean to "rot fur?"  Have seen references to this in the past and was similarly clueless.  Just want to make sure I don't do anything to run afoul of the rules.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #51 on: December 27, 2005, 12:25:30 pm »
It was explained to me as meaning to loose missions intentionally in ones's own space in order to allow allies a neutral hex to set up bases or planets in. I believe it refers to one of the kitty races having done it on one of the Canada west servers or something like that. The knowers of old will show up soon enough with the truth to this though.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #52 on: December 27, 2005, 12:34:30 pm »
Actual "Rotting Fur" was the practice of cheating by logging in as an enemy and intentionally losing missions to lower the DV of a hex.

Some have used the tag (incorrectly IMHO) to include losing a mission so that an ally can take control of a hex so as to place a base or take control of a planet (or for whatever reason). This practice has been allowed on many servers, as a representation of one ally turning over an area or facility to the administration of an ally.

I think Hexx is using this term to denote both practices, since even allies in the mechanics sense of KCW aren'treally allies.


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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #53 on: December 27, 2005, 09:47:44 pm »
Don't bother Bonk. He's fixing SQL!

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #54 on: December 28, 2005, 07:11:00 am »
It's not about droners being contained as much as giving PvP a role in shaping the map.

This IS a valid point  :thumbsup:, however I think the map will be so large and the territories so mixed that I'm not sure it will be a big factor, especially given the no LOS requirement and the lack of mandatory missions. 

Lets make sure the map isnt so big that having one account as per rules doesnt constantly force us to have to spend 10 mins just to move over to where the action is. Lets also make sure there are resupply points/embassy bases all over the map. Otherwise, some houses will be left with nothing to do but fight AI. That's whyt I still say do it all on the Cartel map. Everyone gets the same interface and everyone can resupply/repair at any planet base.

If you do that, the disengagement penalty could be applied for only those hexes. In addition, mandatory missions can be reinstated as supply wont be a problem and thus front lines and PvP areas can be resestablished and defined.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #55 on: December 28, 2005, 08:28:29 am »
Yeah.. but what my admittedly limited tests have shown is that on the cartel map
you respawn at the nearest base/planet.
So if you're fighting on or in the hex beside a base/planet and die, you'll respawn on
that base or planet.

I have a feeling that might cause some issues..

Besides the idea that there is going to be one center of attention that everyone is fighting over is
based on the normal servers where you have 2 sides fighting over the same planets.
This one has eight, so I think it will spread out a bit.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #56 on: December 28, 2005, 08:55:08 am »

I have a feeling that might cause some issues..
explore that mb

Besides the idea that there is going to be one center of attention that everyone is fighting over is
based on the normal servers where you have 2 sides fighting over the same planets.
This one has eight, so I think it will spread out a bit.

Remember, only a quarter of the players signed up will be play much at all. And out of that only a fraction will be online at the same time. So if you further spread them out over 8 areas, well... Mise well play a SP game where we can all fly C7's.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #57 on: December 28, 2005, 03:34:36 pm »
... Mise well play a SP game where we can all fly C7's.

I had actually planned on this... decided I wouldn't be able to trust t00l though..
<sigh> ruining the SP game for everyone...
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #58 on: December 29, 2005, 10:48:59 pm »
VC's, honor points, attrition points, etc, do not have the tangibility that affecting the map does. That is why they will never be a substitute.

With the current rules and no disengagment rule, there is no reason to enter PvP EVER, unless you are challenged. (And once you're done with your requisite daily fight it's right back to flipping).

Until SQL gets running and we can do multiple DV shifts, the disengagement rule is necessary.

I'm just trying to get something clear, and sorry if it's been explained before, but if I am in a PvP fleet, and I do some hex flipping, is that wrong? Or is it just worth less to my fleet in the long run?
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #59 on: December 30, 2005, 08:00:21 am »
PVP houses will likley have to hex flip as well- they receive fewer points
for holding objective hexes, and more for PVP kills.
Theoretically it's possible (I suppose) to score so many PVP kills
that you wouldn't need to hold any territory, but then of course
your name would be Hexx and you'd already know the answer to the question.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #60 on: December 30, 2005, 08:44:53 am »
Which houses are PvP and which are territory? I seem to have missed it if this is listed somewhere....

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #61 on: December 30, 2005, 08:58:44 am »
Which houses are PvP and which are territory? I seem to have missed it if this is listed somewhere....

That info (tentative, as with anything Hexx has said to this point) is in this thread

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #62 on: January 02, 2006, 06:51:05 am »
do we have an official start time for this campaign as yet....if not i'd like to try and host a tourney this coming saturday(2v2 maybe 3v3)  thx in advance Hexx.sorry if i missed it in soem other thread

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #63 on: January 02, 2006, 04:05:29 pm »
been a while since I posted on these boards (Still hung over from New Years  ;D).  DO the rules makes sense yet?

Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .


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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #64 on: January 02, 2006, 04:43:08 pm »
Dude, what's with the Michael Jackson avatar?

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #65 on: January 02, 2006, 05:28:54 pm »
Dude, what's with the Michael Jackson avatar?

It's Lobo!!!!!!
Who'd thunk that Star-castling was the root of all evil . . .

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #66 on: January 02, 2006, 05:40:32 pm »
<sigh> the rules make perfect sense
To sum up:
You're a PVP house, you have to kill ALOT of people to win.

Have Fun.

and I can't believe you compared Lobo to Michael Jackson...
I think you'll have to be punished.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #67 on: January 10, 2006, 02:39:54 pm »
Dude, what's with the Michael Jackson avatar?

It's Lobo!!!!!!

Lobo.  Michael Jackson.

Hmph!  Yeah, well.... tell me that t00l is the first one to make THAT mistake!

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #68 on: January 12, 2006, 08:54:43 pm »
Hexx-- Shiplist Question.  I see the d5W on there.  Are we going to have the DWL, as well?

Thanks for the info.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #69 on: January 16, 2006, 10:38:52 pm »
Questions for Hexx.

is the House of D'Emon going to stay as Mirak?

Will the house allegeances go to what was last posted by you? (they have been changed with the new map)

Will the shiplist be adjusted? because there are droners carriers etc in it as of now.

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #70 on: January 17, 2006, 04:50:35 am »
DH posted sunday night that he would edit out the excess ships...
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #71 on: January 18, 2006, 07:25:33 pm »
A question...
From the Rules:
Challenges will be fought on KCW for "honour points"
Honor points, while not *directly* determining the victor can be used
as a tie breaker, they will also be used to determine which house can accumulate the most honour over the campaign.

- The Military houses may challenge anyone, and may only decline
one challenge/week

- The Economic & Scientific houses may not challenge their opposite
(ie Economic may not challenge Eco, Sci may not challenge Sci)
without both house leaders consent.

I thought we had 2 types of Houses, PvP and Territorial.
Now we have 3 types of Houses...?  :huh:

You have them listed as this:

Korgath is PVP
K'Hunt is PVP
Swhatvever is territory
Kinyasomething is territory
D'emons is territory
9TH is territory.

Military Houses are the PvP ones...?
What's the difference in Sci and Eco Houses?
Do they have seperate objectives?
Which Houses are Eco and Sci...?
Are you just trying to confuse us further...?  :P
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #72 on: January 18, 2006, 07:32:31 pm »
Yeah.. I was about to post a set of cohesive rules when I realized i actually don't like any
of you all that much, so why bother?

~ A new (and final) set of rules will be up before the- hey I finally figured out what blocks my keyboard sometimes
looks like glass interferes withe the signal from the board to the receiver if I put a bottle between, now where was I..
right, new set of rules for Friday nightish, I'm honestly really temepted to not post VP's for the first week, so that it's kinda chaotic
for the first bit before everyone figures out what they have to do.. hmm, I really like that idea.. might have to let it wait for LCW though..
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #73 on: January 18, 2006, 07:35:09 pm »
Ah..thanks...that clears it up.... ::) :P ;D
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #74 on: January 18, 2006, 07:39:39 pm »
Ah..thanks...that clears it up.... ::) :P ;D

It does.. every so often I'd be typing or trying to shoot someone and all of a sudden no keyboard.. confused me
Never realized glass interferes with it, I'm actually kinda psyched- now I can just keep the glass somewhere else and hopefull no worries.

It's like the Universe is revealing it's hiddden mysteries to me... I guess the powers that be finally realized I'm better than they are..
and to think it's only Wednesday.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #75 on: January 18, 2006, 09:25:26 pm »
A question...
From the Rules:
Challenges will be fought on KCW for "honour points"
Honor points, while not *directly* determining the victor can be used
as a tie breaker, they will also be used to determine which house can accumulate the most honour over the campaign.

- The Military houses may challenge anyone, and may only decline
one challenge/week

- The Economic & Scientific houses may not challenge their opposite
(ie Economic may not challenge Eco, Sci may not challenge Sci)
without both house leaders consent.

I thought we had 2 types of Houses, PvP and Territorial.
Now we have 3 types of Houses...?  :huh:

You have them listed as this:

Korgath is PVP
K'Hunt is PVP
Swhatvever is territory
Kinyasomething is territory
D'emons is territory
9TH is territory.

Military Houses are the PvP ones...?
What's the difference in Sci and Eco Houses?
Do they have seperate objectives?
Which Houses are Eco and Sci...?
Are you just trying to confuse us further...?  :P

To the best of my knowledge LK, the 3 types were changed to 2, being Territorial and PvP(military). 
Also, you have listed here D'Emon as Territory yet it is PvP.

Alas our Great HEXX has only to wave his glass wand and all will be clear as mud to all of us. :huh:

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2006, 01:33:20 pm »
Will we need to post each and every time we run off or kill somebody, or do you expect to have some sort of automatic way of accounting for that stuff?

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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #77 on: January 19, 2006, 03:43:20 pm »
You'll need to post the kills, I assume the run off stuff can be handled as normal.
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #78 on: January 19, 2006, 04:27:10 pm »
You'll need to post the kills, I assume the run off stuff can be handled as normal.

But the run offs are VP's this time, thus my question. 
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Re: KCW Rules
« Reply #79 on: January 19, 2006, 04:50:31 pm »
Sorry- yes chasing someone off will have to be reported
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