I have no idea on how to set up for dynaverse. I've read how to do it but I don't know how to change ports how to modify and so one .Is there somebody that I could call and walk me through the process.I have a new Dell and am using cable connection.I'm dying to play. Please help my friends. Tom Sawyer 
actually another thing you need to do if you time out on the directhost test thing is you need to find your outside IP address the easiest way is to google: "whats my ip address" and click on the first link and copy that IP down
Next you need to open your activision folder in program files and go to the SFC3 Configuration file and open it
There will be tabs in it with [ example ] around it, look for the one that says [META]
At the end of the list add IPAddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <-------- your IP address and that will help on the time outs