Topic: The Awakening of the Dead  (Read 1056 times)

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Offline K'Hexx

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The Awakening of the Dead
« on: January 20, 2006, 06:33:41 am »
K'rh'rt was a bit perplexed.  The death of the Emperor and the attempted coup' of the House of House of wIysuh had lead to sides being drawn for control of the empire.  Great military Houses had called in their banners while the core units of the Imperial fleets had withdrawn.  Soon the entire empire would become one giant arena.  T'rahy'ih had also called in the banners of House S'uhn'ih but the House was far from a great power.  The quality of its pilots could match up equal to any of the empire, yet their numbers were so few.

Stroking his fine head of hair K'rh'rt looked at himself in the mirror.  He was relatively handsom for a Klingon. definately of the old race before the Tribble infection had struck and rendered many with the incurable ridgehead deformity that Klingons didn't speak of, yet there were some unusual features as well.  His violet eyes were unheard of for a Klingon and not as hidden a sign of his "differences" like "The Breath" was.  He stood exactly 2 meters tall and was of a slim yet muscular build, his hands a bit large with long delicate fingers better suited for a straight blade than for a batlef, which he considered a bit crude for a weapon, altthough the excepted norn for most Klingon warriors.  Kerehent had always though of himself as a progressive.

The progressive movement would certainly die if House wIysuh was sucessful in their attempt to usurp the throne. House K'hnshy'a would be nearly as bad with their desired system of total central control subjudgating the ancient houses to a central power.  House HutDIch would also seek to diminish the Houses as they felt they had been slighted by their counterparts too often and would exact retributuion if in power.  House D'emonss seemed likely to institute a joining with the Lyran Star Empire into one giant Empire rather than as a loose alliance and their supporters amongst the Lyran nobility placed on equal footing with the Klingon Houses if they had their way. 

Amongst the houses loyal to the Empress, the others also troubled K'rh'rt.  If House K'hunt gained control the Empire would degenerate into a sleeze den that would put the infamouse Star's End Bar to shame.  House Hy'kull might not be so bad on internal affairs, but if in power the Empire would embark on a series of costly wars of conquest and even if initially sucessful they would undoubtably spread themselves too thin too fast and be driven back although maybe not until they reached the Gorn Hegemony K'rh'rt thought thinking of just how tenacious his friend "Duck" was.   

House Korgath in power would just be plain scary.  Rumors abounded about strange regulations the head of that house was drawing up for his rise to power.  Doorways lowered half a meter on government buildings to promote humility, the replacement of bloodwine replaced with an Earth drink called "White Zinfindel" at official ceremonies, the words "United Federation of Planets" being replaced with the phrase "those Hosers" in the official histories, etc.. 

 Surely only House S'uhn'ih could lead the Empire to greatness as in the golden age. 

"Mirror, Mirror....", he began remebering an old Earth legend he had read about a great Empress who had stopped a rebellion from a pretender supported by 7 short Demon Warriors of great Evil, "...where will we get the forces to fight with?"  For a long moment no answer came, then K'rh'rt realised the only aid he could recieve was from his own House's determination and resolve and talent. 

He suddenly left his quaters and strode out into the graveyard filled with resolve.  Stopping a moment before the tomb of S'uhn'ih the House founder he proclaimed aloud, "We are few, and our foes many but we shall prevai!  We shall give them a taste of Armageddon!". After a moments silence he added "The Devil take us if we don't!"

"A wise Klingon wouldn't talk about the Devil in the Dark", came a sinister voice apparently from nowhere.

K'rh'rt, who was no stranger to talking with the spirits, was chilled by the voice.  The ghosts in the cemetary that talked to him had never taken that tone before and he didn't recognize any familiar ancestoral spirit here. 

"Who are you?" he qustioned with as much defiance as he could muster.

"Who are we?" would be the proper question came another voice with a mocking yet humorous tone, not the least bit less intimidating than the first. 

"Where are you?  Come out and face me" challanged K'rh'rt gathering his courage, but having no easy time of it.

"We are anywhere"  came a third voice

"We are everywhere" came a fourth

"We are nowhere" came a fifth

"Night has fallen it is our time" came a chorus of voices, "We are the dead of the Black fleet" and we declare for House S'uhn'ih!

Suddenly the spirits appeared out of nowhere each face known to K'rh'rt from the legends and great monuments of the empire.  He knew the one with only one boot, he knew the one carving his initials on S'uhn'ih's tomb, he knew the one with a human skull mounted on his head, he knew the one with the great drooping moustache, he knew the silent one who had not spoken, he knew the one with sand blowing around him like a personal vortex, he knew the one with the burnt flesh, he knew the one with the red arrows upon his battle armor, he knew them all.

Falling to his knees in shock K'rh'rt was at a loss how to respond.

"You must pay our price, however" came the voices in chorus.

"I'll pay any price", K'rh'rt declared immediately

"When victory is ours you must come with us if you prove youself worthy in our eyes, and let that be your last battlefield among the living"

The wind picked up suddenly and the spirits faded out the wild whispering ......



« Last Edit: January 20, 2006, 07:16:27 am by Kerehent »

Alliances are formed in bedrooms as well as on paper