No, its not all the same. I am a DIE-HARD Fed player in all the SFC series, and in SFB as well. However, when you log onto a server, and there are 30 feds, and a combination of perhaps 15-20 roms,klinks, and borg (and usually far less) it is a bit lopsided.
On activision B, at least, many of us who are experienced players have switched to the klinks and roms to give them a chance against the overwhelming horde of newbies who (understandably, it IS Star Trek) flock to the Federation.
I am NOT one of those who supports player limiting along racial lines, but a limit (that they do have on some private servers) of say, 10 sovs for the fed would be nice. When there is a group of feds in a planet hex taking turns attacking it with 3 sovs each, and there are only 6 roms on PERIOD, its a bit tedious.
But, as one who plays all the races in turn, I will eventually get back to the feds, so I also am NOT one of those who want to nerf the feds to make it better for other races.
Perhaps let other races start in the smallest CL they have? Or in their FF but with 50% of the PP to move to the CL?
Some sort of balancing change does need to be made that doesnt penalize those who wish to play fed but that doesnt automatically put off those who want to play other races as well.
Anyhow, didnt mean to hijack yer thread MJ, but I had to respond to that, lol.
Its not SFC:OP, but it is still fun and addictive.
Have a nice day!