Well, the program can handle more then 500 poly, but it advises your models to be under that limit. Actually, I was thinking about dividing the model into parts and let the Paper Model program analyize each part into a Paper model. The only problem would be too keep each part in the same scale so that the program spits out the Paper model part in the correct size for each part, that way you could assemble it part by part. I don't know what your Gunstar Model is at now, but if you reduced it some amount, it would help out making a Paper model kit considerably. I tried too make a Paper Model Kit out of one of my SFB Ships, but unfortunetly it didn't turn out too well. Even a Model at 1500 Poly's, the program has a hard time making a decent Kit out of that many. The only way I can think of it working with High Poly Models is too break it up into smaller Parts.
Fallen Warrior, I was thinking about the same thing. I would use Either Wood or Plastic Styrene for the Inside of the Gunstar Model.