I know you guys will get a kick out of this. You all thought this sort of thing was just a joke. But tomorrow <looks at clock...> um... later today, for the very first time, I actually star in a ballet. That's right,
ballet. Tutus. Dancing girls. Men in tights. The whole thing.
My daughters have been starring in the Nutcracker all week, and today -- for the final performance -- their Drosselmyer is unavailable. My wife learned this last week and mentiioned that I used to do a lot of college and local theater, and suddenly I found myself drafted.

What's worse is that this ballet company has been very unorganized this week and even decided they had to close on Thursday because we'd have a couple inches of snow. So I'm going onstage with
no rehearsal except for watching a DVD of last year's performance, which had different blocking and cues.
OK, I'll give it a shot. But I'm sticking to my period costume. Anyone tries to put me in a Kroma-sized tutu and this lizard is walking!