Topic: Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3  (Read 1315 times)

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Offline Khalee1

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Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3
« on: December 17, 2005, 03:20:07 am »
Party, Big Boss coming to it, and meeting. Last time they had one of these, the company layed off a bunch of people. They kinda gave them a last meal and said hit the road.

I survived the first round of layoffs back in October, got my hours cut tho hope I survive this round, but I haven't been there that long and I'm the last one left, of the ones that got hired at the same time I did so I don't know.

Getting to the point I cant really afford to stay at the company, if I got to worry week to week if I still have a job,but with GM closing their plant here next year I can't really afford to quit either.

Car starting to fall apart on me  was going to trade it in but that fell thru, so now I gotta try and finish fixing it up so it will last a bit longer.

But if I get layed off That check and the next weeks check will go for rent  and utilities just so I have a place to stay.

Offline Dracho

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Offline Alidar Jarok

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Re: Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 02:14:12 pm »
Wow, that sucks.

My store has some kind of "party" Christmas Eve where they force everyone to work, while they pretend its fun.  But, at least, no one is getting fired.

Good luck, hopefully you'll make it this time too :)
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Offline kmelew

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Re: Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3
« Reply #3 on: December 19, 2005, 02:33:12 pm »
One time the company I was working for was acquired.  The new company invited the tech employees to a cocktail reception to "meet the new management."  After everyone was good and liquored up, they told us that 80% of us would be let go.
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Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3
« Reply #4 on: December 19, 2005, 07:36:55 pm »
sh*t K! That's criminal.

gotta love our new world order and economy.

Offline Jack Morris

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Re: Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3
« Reply #5 on: December 19, 2005, 07:40:15 pm »
Meanwhile, if you are an "average worker" at Gold Sachs, guess what your Christmas bonus is?  ;) I'll let ya'll do your research, I already have the numbers.

Offline kmelew

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Re: Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2005, 11:06:28 am »
Kahlee, I notice from your other posts that you like to cook.  Have you considered looking for a job as a cook?  Not at a fast-food joint but, say, a diner or a small mom-and-pop restaurant?  Just a thought...  :)
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Offline Khalee1

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Re: Three word that don't go together where I work and I heard all 3
« Reply #7 on: December 22, 2005, 11:34:29 am »
Kahlee, I notice from your other posts that you like to cook.  Have you considered looking for a job as a cook?  Not at a fast-food joint but, say, a diner or a small mom-and-pop restaurant?  Just a thought...  :)
If I could stand standing for long periods, which I can't I would. Im trying to get back into being a security guard, but I need more than just part time work, and they do things a lot differant here in Oklahoma than in Kansas.