Just so everyone knows --
Rank Structure
-- Everyone is equal and all officers will be shot
-- KHH_ShadowLord is the official leader of the house as a Gunnery SGT
-- Any problems with KHH during the KCW are to be sent to
KHH_MiniMe@hotmail.com(please allow 3 weeks for a response because I think he learned how to ignore issues from me)
I don't deal with politics and thats what he gets for putting me in charge --
- My job is to fly and have fun -- MINIMe' job is to deal with all the crap so everyone else can fly and have fun too..
(that's why were allowing the 3 week response to the issue so mini can ignore you as well)
Email me -- and get ignored..
Official rules for joining KHH
1) have fun
2) don't bug duck about crap talk to mini..
3) any and all newfie jokes will be allowed
thats all..
God it feels good to be in charge!
--PS just a guess here but it will probably help if when you email mini you provide proof that your a republican and not a Demoncrat,,,(oops look at the typo)
All that being said KHH_Minime has my offical stamp of approval to make jakle and Devil deal with the crap the rest of us create...
(some things never change!!)
OMG Finally -- I just dont want to hear what kraven said or did to ya ok -- tell it to someone who cares.