Topic: In the Beginning  (Read 1960 times)

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Offline SideSwipe9th

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In the Beginning
« on: December 18, 2005, 12:27:13 pm »
Well I guess its time I announced this. I plan on making a balanced and playable mod for Star Trek Bridge Commander. The time period for this mod goes from the Archer era to the Kirk era, though all the ships will be balanced for the Kirk era.

So, to complete this sometime before the year 2020 I am goin to need a team to help. This is where you all come in. Below are a list of the positions that are needed.

  • Ship Sourcers
  • Ship converters
  • Hardpointers
  • Bridge Creators
  • Music sourcer and editor
  • Beta Testers
  • Crewman maker
  • Texturers
  • Title sequence creator
  • Scriptors
  • Premissions asker/PR guy

Now, the beta testers for the first wee while is goin to be a pretty much dead job, obviously they cant test what doesnt exist. As so few TOS and pre TOS era ships exist for BC there will be a need of some converters. The title sequence creator will need to make a cool lookin and sounding title sequence for the mod, and finally the point of the premissions akser/PR guy is to get premission from the origonal ship creators/meshers/hardpointers/whatever so we can use their ship in game.

So If ya wanna join in with this post here and apply for membership of the ItBDev usergroup. To do this firstly go to the 9th Fleet forums and creat an account. Next once your account has been created and you are logged in, you will need to join the ItBDev usergroup, to do this up at the top of the screen there is a button called usergroups. Click this, now  under the words Join a Group there is a drop down list. Select ItBDev from this list and push the view information button (its the grey one to the right). Finally on the screen that comes up click on the Join group button, then when I next come online I will be able to add you to the team :D

Any questions you have can be answered by sending me a pm either here on or on the 9th forums (my user account is SideSwipe9th). I hope to see some of you there soon ;D

Offline Mr_Tricorder

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Re: In the Beginning
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2005, 02:07:42 pm »
I can do animations in 3ds max for the title sequence.  You can sample my work by downloading the video from my last 3D graphics project in this thread.,163363008.0.html

I can also help with making or altering ships and textures, but I know very little about modding Bridge Commander.  Most of my work has been with the SFC games.

Offline SideSwipe9th

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Re: In the Beginning
« Reply #2 on: December 19, 2005, 12:09:07 pm »
coolness. modeling in bc is like modeling in sfc, only you have some more polys to work with and you need to use a different addon to convert to the right format ;)

if ya are joinin in the ride sign up in the 9th forums, and join the ItBDev usergroup.