Repossessed... that just pathetic.
Why did they take out the boilers for her? Ya, I know she's just a museum, but wouldn't it be a wise idea to give her propulsion incase a hurricane or something directly hit her location?
I think that they intended to re-use the boilers...
Or, of course, I guess they might have been afraid that George Wallace might get REALLY pissed off, seceed again, and use her to bombard D.C.

Besides, you couldn't get the old girl out away form her moorings with anything short of Divine Intervention these days. The silt has filled in the channel they dredged to bring her in by (it's been almost 50 years) and she's practically sitting on the ground now. Her screws would be so mired that you'd never even get them to turn.
Add to that the fact that she's been practically beached for the last 25 years, and you' wind up with some nasty hull & screw damage...
Alabama hasn't been seaworthy enough for even a trip to Pensacola in my lifetime! That's the biggest part of what's wrong with her now... so many hull seems popped when Katrina hit her that she suffered pretty bad flooding and loss of hull integrity. They have been thinking about draging her the 5 miles to the shipyards and patching her hull for a decade or more... perhaps now they'll do it for real- either that or build a cofferdam, drain the water from around her, pour concrete around her hull, and seal things off so the decay will stop.
The latter idea is probably the wisest and cheapest.