Topic: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?  (Read 5315 times)

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anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« on: December 12, 2005, 02:21:04 pm »
Speakin of the tmp one,  like what antivirus just released.

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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #1 on: December 12, 2005, 05:30:54 pm »

Under ship info: Federation you will find the following on the Yamato:

E X P E R I M E N T A L B A T T L E S H I P ( F B B )


Armed with two massive Assault phasers, each capable of cracking the shields of a Starbase or Battlestation, this is the most heavily armed, and powered, Federation ship ever constructed. During initial testing of the assault phasers, it was reccomended that the Yamato class recieve a second warp core to power the assault phasers only. This reccomendatation was put into effect and, as of June 2391, the Yamato class Experimental battleships have two warp cores. The Yamato class is also one of the more interesting designs present in the Federation fleet. She has a titanic saucer and two (comparitively) diminutive secondary hulls which are attached to the underside of the saucer. Suspeneded between these two secondary hulls is the assault phaser mount. One of the breakthroughs concerning this assault phaser design is that it is connected to both warp cores, allowing the single phaser to act like two and fire a second time using the second core's power output. The assault phaser is cooled by exposing some of the critical parts to the vacuum of space. Thus, while allowing for extremely fast cooling of the phaser after firing, the assault phaser is easily damaged once her shields have been breached. But, with shields comparable to small bases, most captains have nothing really to worry about. This design does have its share of failings though. The few captains lucky enough to command these ships have complained how, during simulations, marauding Klingon ships have easily dodged the main fore weapons arrays and concentrated their fire on the port and starboard arcs, rarely straying into the aft arc, and never passing in front of this formidable behemoth’s main weapons systems, thus making her assault phaser nearly useless against smaller ships. Larger ships, however, should be warned not to stray into this formidible battleship's forward arc because of that very phaser. While it is very inaccurate, it still can hit a target of cruiser size or above if it has a good shot. To remedy this problem, Starfleet's design bureau has petitioned for a QCB projector to be added to her standard weaponry. Unfortunately, this petition has not met with results and is still being considered.
Length: 854 meters
Mass: 1,870,000 metric tonnes
Crew: 1,200
Marines: 90
Maximum Impulse: 1,230 kellicams per second
Hull Rating: 9.4
Shield Rating: 198.3
Maneuverability Rating: .25/.07 1,300

Fore: 6 Phasers, 4 Photons, 2 Assault Phasers
Aft: 6 Phasers, 2 Photons
Port/Starboard: 4 Phasers each

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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #2 on: December 12, 2005, 09:58:59 pm »
thanks, I only needed the length, but the rest is  cool too.

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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2005, 01:13:25 am »
Where exactly are these "Assault Phasers"  ? I never saw them on the original model (obviously) and I haven't seen anything that represents them on the new model. AV, Buzz ....did you guys address this weapon ? Just curious.


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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2005, 08:05:01 am »
They're on the Klingon Academy version of the Yamato.  I think these specs were taken from the Klingon Academy game manual.

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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2005, 08:30:13 am »
Where exactly are these "Assault Phasers"  ? I never saw them on the original model (obviously) and I haven't seen anything that represents them on the new model. AV, Buzz ....did you guys address this weapon ? Just curious.


no ..  sorry ..  i was unaware of their necessity...  sorry ..  we just flat missed that one.
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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2005, 09:36:13 am »
Where exactly are these "Assault Phasers"  ? I never saw them on the original model (obviously) and I haven't seen anything that represents them on the new model. AV, Buzz ....did you guys address this weapon ? Just curious.


...Here're my collages of screenshots (that I displayed in this thread) from in-game Klingon Academy:

Yamato Collage 01
Yamato Collage 02
Yamato Collage 03

Check out the third picture; The Assault Phasers are used there.  Now, in KA, assault phasers were mainly used on the only Battlestations and Starbases built for the game; Klingon and Federation bases.  They were also used on Klingon and Federation Battleships (except for the Missouri-class).  Basically, they're the equivalent of Ph4s.

For KA, as far as her specs go, they are this:

U.S.S. Yamato - NX-5628
Yamato-class (experimental) Battleship Specs:

    Length: 854 meters
    Mass: 1,870,000 metric tonnes
    Crew: 1,200
    Marines: 90
    Maximum Impulse: 1,230 kellicams per second
    Hull Rating: 9.4
    Shield Rating: 198.3
    Maneuverability Rating: .25/.07 1,300

    Fore: 6 Phasers, 4 Photons, 2 Ph4-equivalent Phasers ("Assault Phasers")
    Aft: 6 Phasers, 2 Photons
    Port/Starboard: 4 Phasers each

These two quotes come from two different posts in the Yamato-class WIP thread.  The stock SFC version did not contain the Assault Phaser cannons, and the customized model was more-so based on the SFC version.  There's also an SFC1 port of the KA Yamato-class.

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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2005, 11:33:15 am »
AH thanks for the heads up Chris

ModelsPlease, resident "Model Junkie" recovering from a tragic crayon sharpener accident.

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Re: anyone have a size chart or specs on the yamato?
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2005, 04:41:12 pm »
Will there be an update? ;D