I've been rather quiet throughout this whole ordeal, for a number of reasons. Let's just say we're kinda in a holding pattern at the moment, it makes it hard for me because I've been in my own personal holding pattern for the last few months.
Ryker and Braxton have been doing very well in watching the flock the last few days. I haven't been able to express this properly, but I now take the opportunity to publicly say so. These two gentlemen have played a big part in what 9th Fleet is today. There aren't many of us old farts left, and it hasn't been easy evolving into who we are. There are several issues which have contributed to our momentary status, I think it a good opportunity to address some of these issues head on once we get settled in again. I won't go into any details, but let's just say I think it's time to get a few things in the open, and try to improve relations.
Shadowlord, aka Ducky (you know, I still don't know how he got that nickname!) actually brings up something which has been a concern. There's only 3 of us left who were around at that time- Clarky, Reprisal, and myself (back then I went by the handle "Dorrant"). I barely count myself in there, I was just a greenhorn Ensign then LOL. Oh, how the times have changed since then! Even so, I've tried to help maintain our standards since our old M-Player days.
The mindset within the D2 & D3 communities is very different, but then the circumstances are different. Each has evolved into a unique 'society', and knowing what is expected of you helps things to run a little easier. Obviously, there are going to be some hard feelings along the way- each can relay many occasions of that happening. But it's harder when you're involved on both sides of the coin. We're lucky to say we've been succesful in doing so, but it hasn't been easy. As long as the respect is there, it can be done. Despite that, there are still some misgivings, and that's one thing I see we need to work on. I have no doubt some of these misunderstandings can be corrected.
It has been my mission over the last year to oversee that we can not only work both sides, but even expand our horizons. I think that may be the biggest challenge, but as long as there's respect, and an open approach, we can succeed. It's a simple fact that some people are open to new ideas, and some people aren't. Or, just have a hard time trying. On the other hand, there's the fact that some people just can't let go, and when they finally do, it's either a smooth transition, very disruptive, or at worst, a destructive one. It all depends on how many pieces there are and who's left to pick them up and put Humpty together again.
As has been stated, we're doing pretty good

I want you all to know I've missed taking part in the activities in the last few months- I've just been so busy with personal problems for the most part, plus a number of logistical issues within the fleet, namely building a new website, and a side project that's part of the makeover. As all you old farts know, it seems to be getting harder to find time to do so much LOL
I look forward to continuing to be a part of all this for some time to come!
BTW- Thrain & Ted, on behalf of the fleet, thank you for your support. I still consider you 'family'

Long days & pleasant nights!