Topic: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers  (Read 1767 times)

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OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« on: December 05, 2005, 12:08:24 pm »
Hey all-bit of a change of topic for a sec
-Since this is largely the only forum I frequent & since I (think?) some of you have served in the
US military..

What would be the organization of a US Ranger company?
ie How many Squads are in a platoon, who leads what (Sgt leads platoon?)
how many guys in a squad , how may "heavy" weapons in a squad..

Trying with a buddy to set up a company of troops to
resemble a Ranger company for 40K.. unfortunately we know nothing..
and I must be using the wrong key words.. I can google the 75th regiment, and
what each company does..but I can't find a breakdown for the companies themselves..

Any info or direction you can provide would be appreciated..

Now going back to KCW stuff..
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Offline KHH_Jakle

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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 01:26:50 pm »
Here is some generic T/O for a Rifle Co. (Modeled on USMC)

One Rfile Company is made up of 4 Platoons and a HQ section.  It is commanded by a Captain, supported by a Company Gunnery Sergeant.

3 Platoons are Rifle Platoons, 1 Platoon is a Heavy Weapons Platoon.

The Rifle Platoons consist of 3 squads.  It is lead by a Platoon Commander (Lieutenant) and a Platoon Sergeant (Staff Sgt)

Each Squad consists of 3 Fire Teams (notice a pattern here?).  The squads are lead by a Squad Leader (Sgt/Cpl).

Each Fire Team is a 4 man team, consisting of a Team Leader (Cpl, LCpl), a Light Machine Gunner (M249 SAW) and 2 Riflemen (one serving as the Assistant to the machine gunner.)

If you do the math, that works out to be 3, 12 man squads.

The Weapons Platoon Organization I am a little hazy on - it is wrapped more around the weapon systems supported: you'll have light Mortars (60mm) and some Medium Machine Guns (M240 - .30 cal).  Don't think they have any .50 cal though

Is your 40K Ranger Co.  supposed to be Imperial Guard or Space Marine?  I am not too versed on the 40K universe - just play the Dawn of War PC series...

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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 02:23:49 pm »
You might try to see if you can find a TO & E for the Rangers.

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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 03:09:50 pm »
Here is some generic T/O for a Rifle Co. (Modeled on USMC)

One Rfile Company is made up of 4 Platoons and a HQ section. It is commanded by a Captain, supported by a Company Gunnery Sergeant.

3 Platoons are Rifle Platoons, 1 Platoon is a Heavy Weapons Platoon.

The Rifle Platoons consist of 3 squads. It is lead by a Platoon Commander (Lieutenant) and a Platoon Sergeant (Staff Sgt)

Each Squad consists of 3 Fire Teams (notice a pattern here?). The squads are lead by a Squad Leader (Sgt/Cpl).

Each Fire Team is a 4 man team, consisting of a Team Leader (Cpl, LCpl), a Light Machine Gunner (M249 SAW) and 2 Riflemen (one serving as the Assistant to the machine gunner.)

If you do the math, that works out to be 3, 12 man squads.

The Weapons Platoon Organization I am a little hazy on - it is wrapped more around the weapon systems supported: you'll have light Mortars (60mm) and some Medium Machine Guns (M240 - .30 cal). Don't think they have any .50 cal though

This is bascly right.

A Rifle Company will consist of 3 Platoons of Riflemen, one platoon of 'Heavy Weapons and a HQ Platoon (consists of admin, MotorT, comms, etc) .

Only mistake was on the heavy weapons (at least for the Corps), that would also consist of M2 .50 cals and MK 19 40mm automatic grenade launchers in addtion to the 60mm mortars & M240G's.

The HW platoon usually is one squad of mortars (3 or 4 'fireteams') & the other 3 squads would be armed with the aforementioned 50 cal's, M240's, and MK 19's.
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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2005, 06:31:04 pm »
Army infantry companies consist of three platoons, about 30-35 men in each, platoons are divided into three squads of about 10 men divided into regular grunts, a sniper, a guy with a SAW or M-60, and a grenadier or two. The heavy weapons assortment is usually delegated to a seperate company or overstrength platoon at battalion level. That's Regular Army, Reserve, and National Guard setup.

But the Rangers are entirely different animals. I don't know exactly how they set up a squad or platoon, but it would likely be similar to this or the Marine makeup.

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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2005, 06:33:21 pm »
Thanks all
(sigh) Remind me never to be watching Black Hawk Down when designing a new 40K army.
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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2005, 03:35:25 pm »

FatherTed is pretty close. Follow this link, and go to appendix A...I only recall squad and platoon organization being in there...go here for company level stuff look at "organization". Hope this helps...IG sux, death to the false emperor!

Offline Hexx

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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2005, 03:38:07 pm »

FatherTed is pretty close. Follow this link, and go to appendix A...I only recall squad and platoon organization being in there...go here for company level stuff look at "organization". Hope this helps...IG sux, death to the false emperor!

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Thanks Krotz, I'll take a look

Yeah I used to run forces of chaos, but got a little easy.
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Re: OTIsh.. US Military Guys..Rangers
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2005, 11:51:16 am »
If you download the game that the us army has out call America's Army here
it will give you a complet run down on how the Rangers are set up. It give you a lot of info.