Yeah Scip (at least I think you'd have to, no?)
The Lyran UI is not going to AI.. I mean let's consider
Hexx is
A) Benign and only concerned about what's best for the lot of you
B) Self Centered, Duplicitous, and is only running this thing to beat down some people
while they're not allowed to use plasma...
The pirate UI would (afaik) let you refuel on target hexes, say what you will now- if the server is close
I will be hearing about how stupid it is that someone is allowed to resupply on someone else's base.
-Wouldn't you also respawn at an enemy territory? You do in SP, so I'd assume it'd be the same..
If worse comes to worse I'll simply bribe someone to take the Kzin UI with something or other
Maybe an extra C7. Have to think about it.