You need to define the timeframe for accepting a challange, supposing someone is about to log off, or a house leader is not available to approve.
-Timeframe would be like the immediate, so no house leader no approval,
That being said I have no objection to two players setting up a time a day/week/whatver in
advance to fight something out.
Challanges could be exploited to force deepstrikers to be recalled, unless you make a provision for this.
Challanges could also be used to draw off defenders from crucial hexes at crucial times, unless you make a provision for this.
-The way the map is set up, there aren't *really* any deepstrike hexes, I mean there's hexes all over the place, but
no 'Empire" space to fly through, still I get your point (kinda combines with the next one)
Might limit it- a house can only issue one challenge /hour?
How are challanges to be announced? I suggest both on general chat and via a tell message to the challanged.
General Chat definetely, tell if they don't respond , phone call if you have their number...
The fact that a challenge has been issued is being fought /declined should be announced in General chat
to let peeps know what's going on
Will a disengagement rule be associated with challanges, and if so how is the location/terrain for the challange match determined.
wasn't going to actually force the challenge to be abywhere..but then I remembered some of you are slightly more intelligent than others
Challenges should be fought in neutral space, not within a target hex or the 6 surrounding hexes.
(There's alot of neutral space)
I don't think a disengagement rule will apply.
You stated military houses will be only able to decline a given number of challanges, will the other houses be able to decline any?
What is the penalty for declining a challange?
Other house will be able to decline more often, other house may (I'm thinking) also be able to substitute a champion,
The penalty for declining will vary, probably a loss of honour points along a sliding scale
(PVP houses lose more for declining beyond their limit than a regular house does)
The "only able to decline X number of challenges" is basically a "free" limit, you can decline every single challenge if you want,
but it will end up costing the house points for declines beyond the free point.
Also feel free to make fun of "PVP" pilots who decline challenges on a regular basis...
Are challanges mandatory?
Your house is not forced to challengae anyone if you don't want them to.
How will the number of kills a player has be recorded for easy reference? I'm sure it will be posted on the forums, but on the server those numbers will not be readily available and they are subject to frequent change. A shipname protocol perhaps, with the number of your kills expressed behind your shipname? (for example: Bill Clinton 5).
This can either be posted as you see or be discussed, it's really not to force anyone to fight or not fight a challenge, as much as it is to keep some elite
pilot from scoring points off of new players. I don't think it would happen- but it's there if it does.
(So if DH has 20 kills <snicker> and you have 1, you cans till accpet the challenge if you want, just no penalty for not doing so)
Do all kills count for the purpose of being determined as challangable by another player, or only "challange kills"?
Any players ship YOU manage to kill in a mission counts for the total.