Topic: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released  (Read 1915 times)

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iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« on: December 05, 2005, 10:39:48 am »
Q'naabians, in case you're curious, are one of the ISC member races.  Anyway, here's one of their War Cruisers:


Offline OlBuzzard

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2005, 03:50:10 pm »
Out of curiosity .. are there other ships, races that are connected to ISC.  I like the ship, aside from the strange cannon-like weapons.  You can definately see the ISC overtones.

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2005, 04:37:28 pm »
This is all I know about the ISC races - I've seen no material relating to race specific designs (except the Q'naabian War Cruiser on which is this was based).

ISC Member Races:

The Veltressai are an odd and powerful race. Once in twenty births, their young are born from a single fertilized egg that undergoes fission in two successive stages, yielding four identical children. These quadruplicates are empathically and telepathically linked and, for all intentes and purposes, are four extensions of a single group mind. Any information or experience known or felt by one of the four is relayed telepathically to the others and is part of their common experience within minutes. This telepathic/empathic ability. while slightly variable within the race, may never exceed a range of 25km. They have a memory buffer which allows them to function as one of four separate entities, while still mantaining peripheral contact with the other three. The Veltressai are often called the Captain's Race. This is because while one is on the bridge, the others can be sleeping, conducting inspections, etc. It is like having the same officer constantly on duty!

Pronhoulites are distanly related to both the Gorns and the Hilidarians (Klingon subject race). They are reptilian humaniods who come from the same stock that is believed to have become extinct on Earth with the passing of the dinosaurs. Pronhoulites are a land-based bipedally erect race. They are notas physically powerful as the Gorns, but are much faster. Pronhoulites are not technically advanced or numerous enough to becomae a major power in known space in the near future. They are agressive, adaptable, and very adept at military matters.

The Q'Nabbbians are an enigmatic race, having joined the ISC more out of a sense of curiositiy than from a desire to improve or protect the galaxy. It is rumored that they are the historians of the ISC, responsible for the recording the exploits of the ships they serve on. They tend to keep to themselves, giving the other ISC member races the impression that they consider themselves superior. In fact, they simply prefer the company of their own race in their environmentally controlled, oxygen/chlorine atmosphere cabins.

The Rovillians are a psionically active aquatic race that look like a cross between a turtle and a dolphin. They have vestigial exo-chitin on their backs and heads and possess crudely articulated digits on their flippers.

The Korlivilar are a feline race similar in general appearance to the Kzintis and the Lyrans.

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2005, 04:57:47 pm »

does that mean we will be seeing others as well ?

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2005, 05:09:17 pm »
that is a sweet ship.

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2005, 04:48:46 am »
Has a definate ISC ambience about it. Beautiful ship! BTW, you forgot to mention the Meskeen.  :D


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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #6 on: December 06, 2005, 07:00:57 am »
that is seriously cool  :o
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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #7 on: December 06, 2005, 11:23:42 am »
Thanks everyone.

I'm considering fleetmates for this one, but they probably won't be rapidly forthcoming as I have LOADS of other meshes on the go (no surprise there, eh?).  I'll probably release a variant version of this one - there have been a few concerns voiced over the front portion of the lateral assemblies that echo my own misgivings... but this may take me a while to work out.

Thanks for the pointer on the Meskeen - I've not heard of them before.  If anyone knows of any reference material for any of the other ISC races please let me know and give me a pointer.

MajorRacal  ;D

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #8 on: December 06, 2005, 03:26:27 pm »
Only stuff I have is basic race descriptions from the GURPS PD source books...nothing on indvidual ship types or anything...they are ISC races...You getting this info from Omega or from the ISC module for SFB?


Offline Reptor

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #9 on: December 06, 2005, 05:34:06 pm »
I believe the Meskeen is a SFC  race. It's not cannon SFB.

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Re: iSC (Q'naabian): Seer class War Cruiser Released
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2005, 09:40:02 am »
In Star Fleet Command, the Meskeen are presumably either founders or later members of the ISC, but the location of their homeworld and their date of membership is unknown. Since all of the current capital ISC worlds are established as belonging to another race, it could be postulated that the major planet in the ISC Distant Zone could have been intended to become the Meskeen homeworld, but this is merely conjecture and has no evidence in either the background of the SFU or provided in SFC.

The rest of the article can be found here..........


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