hailz all i c not a lot of names in here for players that have volunteered thier time,to help 2 communities have fun ,maybe even make friendships for the 3v3 tourney on saturday night.we need at least 6 teams of 3 players to meet our minimum requirement. there must be 12 teams in total between cugs and dyna to run this,and i would hate to think ,we would need cugs players to fill out our ranks,to play cugs.so if u are planning to play or very likely gonna play,please post in here your availability.teams can be made up either saturday night,when we play or you can post your team in here ,anytime before the start time,preferably tonight,but not limited to tonight to play in it.Please remeber,one of the entents here,is to get players from cugs,to try out dynaverse campaigns,so that we have more players to fight against,and the best way to do that,is to show interest in thier style of play ie: the tourneys thanks


--------->and be merry----->

P.S 12 teams is the minimum to play it,not the maximum