Topic: An opinion on 'Hulk'  (Read 1874 times)

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Offline Commander La'ra

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An opinion on 'Hulk'
« on: December 03, 2005, 01:03:38 pm »
Of the recent rebirth of super hero movies, there's been a couple of dogs.  Daredevil wasn't that great.  Fantastic Four was only so-so.  The one I always hear badmouthed the most viciously is 'Hulk', though.

I'll admit, the movie was slow, and had many bad points, but I also left the theater feeling satisfied at parts of the movie if not all.

I got to thinking about this today, after a rewatch, and I've come to the conclusion that Nick Nolte and his silly-ass character brought the whole movie down.  The sequences where it's just Hulk fighting the army, or the early character development...those rocked...but when it was Nolte's Absorbing Man rip-off, things went downhill fast.

I makes me wish I could edit my own version of the movie and just have it concentrate on Bruce Banner's 'condition', the mayhem that ensues, and his taking on the entire United States Army.
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Offline Sirgod

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Re: An opinion on 'Hulk'
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2005, 01:11:25 pm »
No arguement from me, as I think I'm the only person who liked the Hulk Movie. It touched Briefly on the whole Bruce Banner having a mental Defect, which causes the Hulk to come out.

Hell I think the Hulk: Engine of destruction Video game, was one of this years best.

Then again, I'm just a huge Hulk fan to be honest.

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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: An opinion on 'Hulk'
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2005, 04:49:55 pm »
I think the Hulk was definitely better than Daredevil.  I didn't care for DD at all.  That said, I don't think it was as good as it could have been (I kind of disliked the ever changing scale of the Hulk.  Some shots he was just too huge, imo).  I just cringe when I think about Daredevil.  Could have been so good, but they didn't even try.  At least the Hulk touched on some deeper elements, and had decent actors.

Offline Dash Jones

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Re: An opinion on 'Hulk'
« Reply #3 on: December 03, 2005, 08:19:13 pm »
I was bored during the Hulk.  It took me twice to even get through it.  My aunt STILL hasn't seen it all the way through without falling asleep in the middle of it and she's seen it several times...or attempted too.

At least she was able to get through DD and say she didn't like it!!!

I actually liked DD...though I liked it even better after watching Elektra.
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Offline EmeraldEdge

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Re: An opinion on 'Hulk'
« Reply #4 on: December 04, 2005, 03:53:47 pm »
I couldn't bring myself to watch Electra after seeing DD.  I just felt DD missed on too many things, the editing was very poor, and some shots were far to dark to even see what was going on.  It seemed almost like a student film at times, to me.  Just a quick slapdash thing.  What's with him dropping like fourty stories and landing safely, too?

I love the concept of comic movies, but I dont' think they take them seriously enough when making them.  They seem to just think of them as a cash cow to be mined.  There is a reason that the original was so popular, it's because the concept worked, but 9 times out of 10 they always seem to think they have a better way, and end up ruining it.  I don't mind a little change.  I didn't mind that Spiderman had organic webbing, rather than building web shooters.  Most films just don't do their source material justice at all, however.  They lose all of the magic and feel.  I was a little put off by Dr. Doom in the FF movie, but I thought that it wasn't the worst comic movie ever.  Did any of you see that FF movie that was done a number of years ago?  WOW!  Now, that was bad.

 I actually own the Captain America movie from the 90's.  I thought it was rediculous to have a really cool Red Skull character, and then have him go through reconstructive surgery and look all normalish (not red anymore).  What's with that?  I also own some of the old Spidey TV shows.  I don't know, there was just something fun about them.

I will admit that the Hulk had some slow parts, but I didn't mind that as much.  What I really hate is when they go all off farm and start inventing stuff that doesn't fit in any way (or casting Arnie as Mr. Freeze.  Sure Arnold could be a Bat Villain, but Mr. Freeze?).