So, any room left for me? I'll fly for any house that can afford many losses! I am still tripping over myself relearning all the shortcuts.
<Grabs Fur-ocious and pulls him through the door into House S'uhn'ih>
I didn't spend hours and hours of web surfing looking for Nuclear waste treatment plants in Canada and their documentations to see mention of your name to track you down for some other house Fur. Any losses you incurr will be rewarded 10 times over by your presence on voice coms and the House forums, consider yourself drafted

I need my old House of Gow compadre for this one. I mean if Gow was willing to take us way back then, we should at least stick together in honor of our old Klingon Patron.
Got your e-mail about your difficulties registering at so I went ahead and gave clearance to your " Fur-ocious " account there. You just gotta remeber the password. If you cant, try having the forum send you a password, if there is still trouble, we will try contacting Tracey or Capt Jeff who are forum admins there.