Topic: Folding@Home Team  (Read 1440 times)

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Offline KBF-maQmIgh

  • Lt. Junior Grade
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  • Posts: 19
Folding@Home Team
« on: November 29, 2005, 07:24:10 pm »
I started today a Folding@Home team called The Order of the Bat'leth. I invite all members of the SFC community to join me in this cause.

If you would like information about this you can visit

I suggest downloading the Text Only console. I run it full tilt and am still bale to play OP with no slowdown. Now this is running on a P4 2.8 and Hyper-Threading does help. You can, when you run the program the first time select a level of CPU usage. at 100% my CPU thanks to hyper-threading only used 50% of it's power, stiling leaving plenty for OP. If you do not have a hyper threaed CPU then I would reduce that to a lower percentage. The Link for the interface is:

When you run the interface give it your  name for your user name, for the team number, the Order of the Bat'leth is team number 47796. If you have more than one PC you CAN run this on each of them with the same username. This will help us generate points faster.

To help with some interested I am prepared to start an interal const for our team. On March 1st 2006, the Warrior with the highest point total will recieve a full packaged copy of Acronis Privacy Experrt Suite and Acronis True Image.

On December 1st of 2006, the Warrior with the highest score will recieve a Bat'leth. (Yes a real one for proper mounting and display.)

However this is not just about individual glory, but glory for the Order as well. We are currently one of the lowest ranking teams in the Folding@Home system. We must strive to show the others that we have arrived.

I originally offered this idea to the members of KBF, they have state there is no interest so I now offer it to the SFC community at large. I have the first prize already and will get the second prize closer to next December. Be sure to post what name you will use on Folding@Home so I can know who to contact about delivery a prize.