speaking of possibly fudging some bpv numbers of ships so they dont cause issues with drafting the C7, why not just put the C7 classified as a Dread and give it the 300 bpv range. This should fix the dread issue and the drafting of the C7 issue instead of looking at all the ships in the shiplist and testing them to see which ones draft the C7.
its not so easy. Serverkit is particular about what classes are available for build. There needs to be ships available to be built in every class... I dont know what hexx thinks he's doing, but he will find out, muhahahaha... hopefully not at our expense.
It may be impractical, but why not take the finalized list of playable ships, and spread/price them out across the whole selection of ship classes, so that say, a C7 would be classed a BB, a D7W a DN, a D7L a BC, on down the line all the way to frigates...that might allow some finer tweaking of ship availability and pricing, especially for the C7, but also for the D5/7 command variants, otherwise I doubt you'd see any D5/7Ks, just D7Ws and D5Ls...well, maybe the odd person flying a 3-PF flotilla or a FWK/L for kicks and small bpv drafts.